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have you heard about phage therapy?

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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have you heard about phage therapy?

Post by Ana »

searching on google about antibiotic resistance, i came across phage therapy.
phage therapy is a treatment used in eastern europe, in cases where an infection cannot get treated by antibiotics anymore, bacuse the bacteria have become very resistent.
i thought that for people with type 1 halitosis ,this could be used.
there are centers of phage therapy in russia, georgia and poland.
you can also contact them and maybe they can send you the treatment home. but i think they first need a culture test from our mouth.
unfortunately its 2000euros, si im still accumulating money before i contact them.

i also was searching about antibiotic resistance in research gate, and i came across a dentist in america, who used calcium materials to treat peridontic bacteria, and he said that calcium materials are better than antibiotic.
here is the debate, where i found this info, the last doctors talks about calcium materials ... _or_caries

what do you think?

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Re: have you heard about phage therapy?

Post by gotshot26 »

Wow, no replies on this? People don't want to discuss this at all?

Sorry that I've bumped a year-old thread but I have just learned about Phage therapy myself. I have been collecting information before I do my fecal matter transplant (FMT) and I have met a lovely woman online who has passed on all her knowledge to me. The whole IBS/digestive disorder group are looking at phage therapy to complete their treatment. She told me fecal transplants are not enough to eradicate the problem, only to improve some of the issues because FMT cannot pierce the biofilms to combat the bad bacteria.

This woman I was talking to runs a 300-person facebook group, one of their members travelled from Australia to Georgia to have phage therapy done. He came back permanently cured.
For type 1 sufferers, bad breath is mostly caused by overgrowths of sulphur-reducing bacteria within your microbiome. You should spend more time focusing your attention on these overgrowths if you want to find your permanent cure.
Jimi Stein
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Re: have you heard about phage therapy?

Post by Jimi Stein »

thank you for this.....just watched a video....can you ask that woman to come here to talk to us? Did she had bb?
You see that is why I build this get rare info like this....I am sure we have a better chance to find a cure than all the halitomafia experts
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Re: have you heard about phage therapy?

Post by gotshot26 »

Jimi Stein wrote:thank you for this.....just watched a video....can you ask that woman to come here to talk to us? Did she had bb?
You see that is why I build this get rare info like this....I am sure we have a better chance to find a cure than all the halitomafia experts
Your forum is a gem. When I find the member I will ask some questions, perhaps I will invite them to the forum but I will probably just post back what he told me. Not sure if BB was one of their symptoms. The fact that he neutralized an antibiotic resistant bug is incredible. We need to do it too. Once we find the specific strain doing it.

I wish this forum would make more of an effort to examine their microbiome and rule out the bad bacterial strains that are affecting us. All the IBS forums I've visited are very aware of the different strains found in the microbiome, and we have limited knowledge here.

I guess type 1 sufferers don't want to treat their condition as a symptom of digestive issues, which it is. I will continue in this direction and report back as I go. I'm excited for the future.
For type 1 sufferers, bad breath is mostly caused by overgrowths of sulphur-reducing bacteria within your microbiome. You should spend more time focusing your attention on these overgrowths if you want to find your permanent cure.
Jimi Stein
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Re: have you heard about phage therapy?

Post by Jimi Stein »

I got reply from them and they told me this
Dear Jimi,

We do not normally treat this condition and whether or not phages can help depends on what bacteria are present. It would be necessary to receive a sample of the saliva and swabs from inside the mouth in order to determine what is the particular mix of bacteria.

If you would like to proceed, please register as a patient at our clinic web site, Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

With kind regards,
Giorgi Namgaladze, Patient Coordinator
Phage Therapy Center
Well I cant spend that kind of money....but if we would collect together money I could write a it went, if it works, or not....etc....
probably it is quite expensive...You see money is always obstacle....
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
Posts: 208
Joined: Sun Sep 03, 2017 12:37 pm

Re: have you heard about phage therapy?

Post by gotshot26 »

Jimi Stein wrote:I got reply from them and they told me this
Dear Jimi,

We do not normally treat this condition and whether or not phages can help depends on what bacteria are present. It would be necessary to receive a sample of the saliva and swabs from inside the mouth in order to determine what is the particular mix of bacteria.

If you would like to proceed, please register as a patient at our clinic web site, Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

With kind regards,
Giorgi Namgaladze, Patient Coordinator
Phage Therapy Center
Well I cant spend that kind of money....but if we would collect together money I could write a it went, if it works, or not....etc....
probably it is quite expensive...You see money is always obstacle....
Thank you for contacting them. Yes I read on one of the YouTube comments a price of 2000 euros.

Anyway, I did some more searching last night to find the bad strains of bacteria we have and I came across these two articles. Please read and let me know if you've heard of these strains. I will be doing the bioscreen stool test next month which will tell me every positive and negative bacteria in my body. It will cost $200 but it's a start.

What is the oral source of halitosis?
Malodour that arises from the mouth is the consequence of microbial putrefaction of food debris, cells, saliva, and blood. The oral microbes most likely to cause the oral malodour are Gram negative bacteria and include Prevotella (Bacteroides) melaninogenica, Treponema denticola, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Porphyromonas endodontalis, Prevotella intermedia, Bacteroides loescheii, Enterobacteriaceae, Tannerella forsythensis (Bacteroides forsythus), Centipeda periodontii, Eikenella corrodens, Fusobacterium nucleatum vincentii, Fusobacterium nucleatum nucleatum, Fusobacterium nucleatum polymorphum, and Fusobacterium periodonticum.2,7 However, no obvious association exists between oral malodour and any specific bacterial infection, suggesting that halitosis reflects complex interactions between several oral bacterial species. The agents that give rise to oral malodour include especially the volatile sulphur compounds, diamines, and short chain fatty acids (box 4).

These bacterial interactions are most likely to occur in the gingival crevices and periodontal pockets, but oral malodour can also arise from the posterior dorsal tongue (and this explains why oral malodour may sometimes occur in people with good oral hygiene). As a consequence of its large and papillary surface area, the dorsum of the tongue can retainlarge amounts of desquamated cells, leucocytes, and micro-organisms (and presumably salivary constituents). The microbial content on the tongue may be greater,8,9 but not necessarily different,w5 in people with periodontal disease than in others.

and this one:

Gram-negative Anaerobic Bacteria
Most bacteria that are "gram-negative" are pathogens that cause diseases due to cell walls containing LPS (lipopolysaccharide) endotoxins. Some of these diseases include salmonella, Legionnaire's disease, cholera and severe halitosis. Specifically, the gram-negative bacteria species associated with bad breath are:

Treponema denticola
Porphyromonas gingivalis
Tannerella forsythensis
Porphyromonas endodontalis
Prevotella intermedia
All of these bacteria voraciously consume mouth debris containing proteins that, once digested, produces volatile sulfur compounds. These compounds are comprised of:

Methyl mercaptan
Dimethyl sulfide
Hydrogen sulfide
Isovaleric acid

I assume the reason some people have worse bad breath than others is because they have more negative bacteria species than others. Look forward to hearing your reply on this. The NIH have listed almost double the amount of strains that Dr. Katz has. The NIH have also cited a couple dozen articles related to halitosis, so I assume they are on the money.
For type 1 sufferers, bad breath is mostly caused by overgrowths of sulphur-reducing bacteria within your microbiome. You should spend more time focusing your attention on these overgrowths if you want to find your permanent cure.
Posts: 208
Joined: Sun Sep 03, 2017 12:37 pm

Re: have you heard about phage therapy?

Post by gotshot26 »

and has anyone here done a diagnosis from an oral bacterial swab? Do regular doctors do this?
For type 1 sufferers, bad breath is mostly caused by overgrowths of sulphur-reducing bacteria within your microbiome. You should spend more time focusing your attention on these overgrowths if you want to find your permanent cure.
Jimi Stein
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United States of America

Re: have you heard about phage therapy?

Post by Jimi Stein »

they say there are millions of bacterias in our it is probably very hard to pinpoint which one is the cause....
but who knows...maybe it can help....or they should target the bacteria in our digestive tract....
I am sure docs in Georgia are expert in pinpointing who knows if it would help or not....
but why the high price like that I wonder?
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
Posts: 208
Joined: Sun Sep 03, 2017 12:37 pm

Re: have you heard about phage therapy?

Post by gotshot26 »

Jimi Stein wrote:they say there are millions of bacterias in our it is probably very hard to pinpoint which one is the cause....
but who knows...maybe it can help....or they should target the bacteria in our digestive tract....
I am sure docs in Georgia are expert in pinpointing who knows if it would help or not....
but why the high price like that I wonder?
Well that's the price for non-georgian citizens. Anyway, the admin of the 300-person group I joined has found a clinic here in Australia and is getting it done next month. Will see how that goes.

Any no there aren't millions of bacteria, most people have only a few thousand different strains of bacteria in their entire body. But there are millions of cells of bacteria in the body. Even if u took a toothpick and touch your tongue or tooth with it there would be about 10 million cells on the end of the toothpick alone.
For type 1 sufferers, bad breath is mostly caused by overgrowths of sulphur-reducing bacteria within your microbiome. You should spend more time focusing your attention on these overgrowths if you want to find your permanent cure.
Posts: 208
Joined: Sun Sep 03, 2017 12:37 pm

Re: have you heard about phage therapy?

Post by gotshot26 »

500 strains of bacteria in the mouth:

I'll search through the archives. Surely some users on here have done a diagnosis and have posted the strains they found. I'm sure the doctor could do this for me or send me somewhere.
For type 1 sufferers, bad breath is mostly caused by overgrowths of sulphur-reducing bacteria within your microbiome. You should spend more time focusing your attention on these overgrowths if you want to find your permanent cure.
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