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Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by micca4455 »

I noticed, my bb gets worse day by day. I remember when iam in high school i do BB problem already bat not worse as today. I also noticed only fresh fruits at water can lessen my BB somehow. Just hoping for the permanent cure for this problem.

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Post by space »

In my case, having suffered long enough, about 15 years already and Im not even in my 30s yet, though it really hurts sometimes or most of the time to accept such condition, Im not expecting for any overnight cure or magic pill anymore, as long as I can make my life better, Im good with it. I do what I can, learn more about it and share it here as long as I can, and really to sum it up, I’ll just grit my teeth and life goes on.

Fruits can be tricky to me as I have the clear mucus, some like citruses (orange, lemon, lime), pineapple and mangoes can give more bb, sometimes green apple is okay or the tasteless pear. Same with veg, cabbage, radish (daikon), asparagus, some beans can cause more bb, while carrots and potatoes to give examples are fine. It really is case to case basis, so its important to have your own little notebook to write your observations. I started mine dating from 2013. Knowing that I might have to live with it, I try to learn as much as possible. In easy words, its like mastering your “defect” in order to survive. I do still hope a cure will be created in the future for all of us. Thinking of you all.
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Post by micca4455 »

U have also nose bb or just mouth? Having suffered for 2 decades now. Iam afraid of communicating people every day because of their reactions. I have tried everything, like endoscopy, h. Pylori test. had been consulted with gastroenterologist, internist, dentist and ENT but its nothing bb still there. I almost lose hope. Thinking of resigning from work. I really don't know what do. So much depressed with this problem 😭😭
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Post by KL123 »

space wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 7:42 am
KL123 wrote: Sun Dec 29, 2019 11:15 pm
space wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 9:57 am Log November 10, 2019

A FEEDBACK! So I told you I got to work at home, but also a part of the job is to talk to a person at certain hour of the day. Today is the first the other person commented about the "fart" smell.

I have been interacting with the person but today is the first time I got that comment. Last night, I ate a "moderately" smelly junk food, today at breakfast I ate crackers and bread with a small block of cheese in it. Before that comment, I was also eating the same bread with that cheese (I'm not really sure what kind of cheese was it, but its similar to when you cut a piece of queso de bola).

And so this is like a eureka moment, that I was right, what I eat really affects the smell or level of smell I give off (even when I get to remove my impacted wisdom teeth). This happens because of the mucus in my throat. I had a theory in the past that, comparing when a "normal" person eats a smelly food, he/she will have "normal" temporary bb. But when it is I who will eat that smelly food, the mucus in my throat will kind of trap the smell of that food, or maybe microscopic particles of the food, thus magnifying that "supposed to be normal and temporary" bb to a "fart" like level bb.

What's interesting is that, when I was about one and half meters away, it seemed okay. I only got the comment when I came near (side by side) the other person.

Whenever I go out, I avoid eating smelly foods. Do my normal routine: 1. flavor-free toothpaste, 2.floss, 3. gentle tongue cleaning with a toothbrush not tongue scraper, 4. optional, sometimes I finish it off with a rinse (baking soda diluted in water), 5. clean nostrils. And as expected, I don't get the "fart" comments. I can sit in peace side by side with the others.

When I say smelly foods, I'm pertaining to high tryptophan, high thiol, and high
methionine foods. Tryptophan will produce indole or skatole (not sure, but its the feces smell). Methionine produces methyl mercaptan which is one of the "smelliest" smell there is. The SELENBP1 sufferers should avoid methanethiol. I mainly avoid these smelly foods cause of throat mucus issue.
That's a good read.
Can you name a few common food items that are high tryptophan, high thiol, and high on producing methionine.
Hello KL123, heres the list of tryptophan and methionine from my old notes, I searched for charts to estimate the tryptophan content thats why there are numbers beside them, heres the ranking (a very rough estimation) maybe some of them are wrong, pictures and info from the net can be confusing


1. egg whites -1
2. spirulina - 0.93
3. Cod fish - 0.70
4. mozzarella cheese - 0.603
5. soybeans - 0.575~0.59
6. pumpkin seeds - 0.569
7. parmesan cheese - 0.56
8. gluten flour - 0.510
9. bacon - 0.464
10. sesame seeds - 0.37
11. oat bran - 0.335/ oats - 0.23
12. cheddar cheese - 0.32
13. almonds - 0.322
14. sunflower seeds - 0.30
15. pork - 0. 25
16. turkey/chicken breast - 0.24 (*choose dark meat parts like thighs)
17. beef - 0.23 (*this is one of the most bb smell aggravator in my case)
18. salmon - 0.22

-yellow mustard seed
- chicken light meat
- tuna
- cashews

space wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 8:06 am METHIONINE

1. egg white - 3.2
2. sesame seeds - 1.656
3. egg (whole esp. hard boiled) - 1.477
4. parmesan cheese - 1.114
5. brazil nuts - 1.008
6. soybeans/ soy protein concentrate - 0.814
7. chicken (light meat esp. breast part) - 0.801
8. tuna - 0.755
9. lean beef/beef - 0.749
10. bacon - 0.593
11. ground beef - 0.565
12. ground pork - 0.564
13. wheat germ/wheat - 0.456
14. oats - 0.312
15. peanuts - 0.309
16. chickpea - 0.253
17. yellow corn - 0.197
18. almonds - 0.151
19. white beans/pinto beans - 0.117
20. lentils - 0.077
21. brown rice - 0.052

- seaweeds
- spirulina
- sunflower butter
- yogurt
- salmon

(*my personal list is more categorized and sorted out, editing it every now and then, but I wont put it here for privacy reasons, cause it is the very list I will only tell to people I know/ who are close to me, when they ask what I avoid to eat. Although Im writing a log here, im still careful in protecting my identity, many people from our country are here, we have our own thread with lots of replies, so please understand the discretion)

I am thinking, (besides eating in moderation and being cautious of these foods), take a couple of pills like Beano that "supposedly" suppress the food in our stomach from creating gas?
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Post by micca4455 »

Hi KL123

Where can we buy Beano?
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Post by KL123 »

micca4455 wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 6:46 am Hi KL123

Where can we buy Beano?
Walmart. ... thena=true

Amazon should have it too.
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Post by micca4455 »

KL123 wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:33 pm
micca4455 wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 6:46 am Hi KL123

Where can we buy Beano?
Walmart. ... thena=true

Amazon should have it too.
Thanks 😊
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Post by space »

Hello guys, I just want to leave a note here. I’ve been busy and my surgery is nearing. I have this little anxiety about something I’ve watched that wisdom teeth surgery can cause TMJ. And I DONT want any more problem than this. I will push through though. Once, Ive decided to extract all four in one day, but then I changed my mind and just extract 2 molars each visit, weeks a part. That’s all, I’m really hoping 50-70% of my problem will be permanently cured after this. Even better if its 100%. I’m claiming it! (though I also know there’s a high possibility that I will be disappointed again) But I’ve reached this far and I need to bet my luck on this.This will be my last post here on my thread for now, next Log Entry here will be an update after the surgery. Until then.
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Post by Badluck01 »

I'm new in this forum and have chosen this place to explain my symptoms and my history.

I'm 21 years old and just before summer I noticed people started to react to my breath when I was eating (sitting face to face) and would sometimes cough when I spoke. Back then I didn't think off the worst because I was in school and thought I just needed some dental hygiene appointment as I hadn't been there in a while.

Fast forward 2 months and I started working full-time and noticed the reactions where getting stronger and now the smell could be felt 1m/2m away if I spoke or if I was eating. Also started to get some comments about my breath which smelled like feces. (Note that at this point I couldn't smell it).

Then got progressively worse and I started having these "moments" usually 1h after lunch and into the rest of the afternoon as I started to emit a foul odor that seemed to come from my mouth even if it was closed and people started reacting several meters away saying it smelled like death. I was using all kinds of mouthwashes including Therabreath and Cb12 to no avail, although one thing that I remember is one time I drank yogurt the smell changed from fecal to acidic momentarilly.

In November I noticed I had heartburn and doctor prescribed omeoprazole which didn't seem to affect smell. Then in late December all turned for the worst. The breath I had was toxic, room filling almost instantly and people could smell it far away.

At this time GERD got worst (almost always feel something slightly burning in throat or that there is something there) and also bloating even thought I can't pass gas easily.

So here's what I've tried/done without result, by order:

Dental appointment (cleaning and checking)
Therabreath and tongue scrapping
Sinus irrigation (salts or grapeseed extract)
Breathing techniques
Cleaning tonsils
K12 mouth supplements
B12 vitamin
Natural yogurt with probiotics


White tongue
Post nasal drop (constant and gets worse with reflux)
Bloating, even though I go to toilet 2/3 times a day now

I always thought it was due to the tonsils stones because I've always had them but after deep cleaning the cripts and finding some my breath stayed the same. However when I press my right tonsil in a certain place a yellow fish/fecal smell liquid comes out but I don't think it can cause breath like this.

My worst moments seem to be during morning, when lay down or sometimes after eating or even fasting. I think there's a correlation with GERD because sometimes at the same time I have bowel movements i feel something passing my throat and reactions from people get worse.

Could gas from intestines go up my stomach and cause the smell. Stressful situations seem to affect it as well, and maybe even cold weather ??

This has become a nightmare, don't wish this on anyone, don't go out anymore but I live with other people and it's problematic.

Could it be TMAU ?? (One of my worst episodes I was sweating a lot. But maybe I can't smell it)
I'm cutting on red meat and don't drink alcohol or smoke.
I will try some vitamin B2 and see if does something

Don't know what to do anymore, doctors don't seem to know anything about this and treat me just for the other symptoms trying to rush me out
It's getting worse every day now. Didn't even know this was possible.
Have found some people with extreme cases like this reaching out for help but no solution.

Anyone like this
Long post but had to write it
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Post by Stevian »

@ Badluck01

I read so often that people are attributing their bb to dietary factors, digestive issues, and/or nasal/sinus issues, like post-nasal drip.

Any or all may be factors in a particular case, but a none of these contribute a fecal odor. A fecal breath odor is caused by anaerobic bacteria in the oral cavity. No, a fecal odor does not, cannot waft upward from the lower digestive tract.
How is it that oral bacteria can have a fecal odor? Because some strains of oral bacteria give off metabolic gases similar to bacteria in the lower digestive tract.
Yes, tonsil stones can be the cause of significant odor, but it won’t smell fecal.
Digestive burping and/or regurgitation may smell unpleasantly sour/bitter, but not fecal, nope.
Nasal and sinus? Post-nasal drip is almost always odorless according to reliable medical sources. Draw your own conclusions.

There’s one case, rare, that can yield a fecal breath odor, and that’s SELENBP1. As I said, rare, but not impossible. Estimates so far are about 3% of severe chronic cases.

My advice? Check out the back of the tongue, especially the very back under the epiglottis. Yeah, that.
Carefully swab with a piece of folded gauze or paper towel, being careful not to accidentally swallow the damn thing! Wait about a minute for it to dry.
Is it discolored? Does it smell funky? If it does, that’s likely the cause, the source. The rest is management, unless you can locate a dentist who can provide a prescription antibiotic oral rinse, no not chlorhexadine, an actual antibiotic particulate suspension.
Oral swallowed antibiotic pills don’t work. I did that a decade ago, and it didn’t work.
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Post by spyr »

I 100% agree with @Stevian
Most of people attribute their bb to digestive issue or pnd.
I know some people with extreme cases of GERD, or extreme SIBO, but they don't have any room filling fart breath like some of us.
In almost every cases it's about bacterial environment in mouth and throat.

I've had bad breath all my life, but never had fart breath until I had to take an antibiotic called amoxicillin. I just created a big imbalance of bacteria on my mouth with this antibiotic and now I have a fart breath with mouth and nose...

But digestive issues or PND can actually contribute to the development of the bacteria causing fart breath. Gerd creates an acidic environment in your throat for example.
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Post by Badluck01 »

Firstly thank you both for your replies.

I did the swab test first thing in the morning. Didn't have any color. It had a slight musty/cheesy smell, similar to when someone sneezes hard.
But I can only smell my breath sometimes, like when moving my head or clearing my throat from mucus and it's only for a brief moment.
Maybe I'm just to accostumed to it. The tonsils can be smelt with finger though, but different thing.

Don't think I can get those oral antibiotics though. You seemed to dismiss chlorhexadin. Does it affect the bacteria or just the antibiotics do that?

Now that you mentioned antibiotics in your case. I removed a wisdom tooth in October (it was tilting to my tongue). Went to check what I was prescribed and it was amoxicillin indeed (3 times a day), along with some pain meds and a red chlorhexadin mouthwash (can't find the paper with the name).
My breath before removal was already pretty bad but not in a room filling, making people cough meters away, kind of way. That started to happen maybe 3 or 4 weeks later and got worse until now. Probably something was already making it bad and amoxicillin was the final strike ??

Failed to mention:
My saliva is very thin, almost like water. Even when chewing gum.
However when brushing my teeth/tongue I sometimes gag. The gag reflex causes more consistent/thicker saliva but it then dissolves or gets swallowed.

Also when gagging, slightly yellow mucus comes with saliva and ocasionaly a tiny strip of blood with it (maybe dried sinuses or because of GERD) ?
Every other time the PND is clear or whitish.

Any way to reverse the anaerobic bacteria to good bateria ratio?
Currently taking K12 lozengues but don't seem to work much
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Post by telpar »

Badluck01 wrote: Thu Jan 20, 2022 11:45 am Firstly thank you both for your replies.

I did the swab test first thing in the morning. Didn't have any color. It had a slight musty/cheesy smell, similar to when someone sneezes hard.
But I can only smell my breath sometimes, like when moving my head or clearing my throat from mucus and it's only for a brief moment.
Maybe I'm just to accostumed to it. The tonsils can be smelt with finger though, but different thing.

Don't think I can get those oral antibiotics though. You seemed to dismiss chlorhexadin. Does it affect the bacteria or just the antibiotics do that?

Now that you mentioned antibiotics in your case. I removed a wisdom tooth in October (it was tilting to my tongue). Went to check what I was prescribed and it was amoxicillin indeed (3 times a day), along with some pain meds and a red chlorhexadin mouthwash (can't find the paper with the name).
My breath before removal was already pretty bad but not in a room filling, making people cough meters away, kind of way. That started to happen maybe 3 or 4 weeks later and got worse until now. Probably something was already making it bad and amoxicillin was the final strike ??

Failed to mention:
My saliva is very thin, almost like water. Even when chewing gum.
However when brushing my teeth/tongue I sometimes gag. The gag reflex causes more consistent/thicker saliva but it then dissolves or gets swallowed.

Also when gagging, slightly yellow mucus comes with saliva and ocasionaly a tiny strip of blood with it (maybe dried sinuses or because of GERD) ?
Every other time the PND is clear or whitish.

Any way to reverse the anaerobic bacteria to good bateria ratio?
Currently taking K12 lozengues but don't seem to work much

We make a lot of guesswork about our breath getting better or worse because of this or that. We see the projection of our fears in the reactions of others.
We see people touching their noses, coughing ....
We're wrong, these gestures mean nothing.
People react to bad breath just like we do when we talk to someone with bad breath. They take a few steps back when they talk to us, or maybe some stupid joke.
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Post by Badluck01 »

@ telpar

Appreciate the feedback.
True that it's easy to get carried away and obsess with people's reactions. However, with severe breath or any smell for that matter, the reactions are proportional. I've had them before too when extremely strong smells saturate the air making me want to gag/cough/puke.

In my case, in the beggining, people would step back/recoil as you said. As it got worse and more nauseous, reactions got different.
I've had some people telling me personally that I smell in different circunstances. Lately I've had people leave rooms in anger as they couldn't tolerate it and then saying impolite things to me. So I don't think I'm exagerating, maybe i would if I had said this 5 or 6 months ago.

It's like one of those depressive stories borderline comical, depending how you see it. Wish it was just regular "soft" bad breath.
But yes, guessing was a real pain at start, before confirming it was really me.
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Post by Tee »

Badluck01 wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 7:55 pm Hello,
I'm new in this forum and have chosen this place to explain my symptoms and my history.

I'm 21 years old and just before summer I noticed people started to react to my breath when I was eating (sitting face to face) and would sometimes cough when I spoke. Back then I didn't think off the worst because I was in school and thought I just needed some dental hygiene appointment as I hadn't been there in a while.

Fast forward 2 months and I started working full-time and noticed the reactions where getting stronger and now the smell could be felt 1m/2m away if I spoke or if I was eating. Also started to get some comments about my breath which smelled like feces. (Note that at this point I couldn't smell it).

Then got progressively worse and I started having these "moments" usually 1h after lunch and into the rest of the afternoon as I started to emit a foul odor that seemed to come from my mouth even if it was closed and people started reacting several meters away saying it smelled like death. I was using all kinds of mouthwashes including Therabreath and Cb12 to no avail, although one thing that I remember is one time I drank yogurt the smell changed from fecal to acidic momentarilly.

In November I noticed I had heartburn and doctor prescribed omeoprazole which didn't seem to affect smell. Then in late December all turned for the worst. The breath I had was toxic, room filling almost instantly and people could smell it far away.

At this time GERD got worst (almost always feel something slightly burning in throat or that there is something there) and also bloating even thought I can't pass gas easily.

So here's what I've tried/done without result, by order:

Dental appointment (cleaning and checking)
Therabreath and tongue scrapping
Sinus irrigation (salts or grapeseed extract)
Breathing techniques
Cleaning tonsils
K12 mouth supplements
B12 vitamin
Natural yogurt with probiotics


White tongue
Post nasal drop (constant and gets worse with reflux)
Bloating, even though I go to toilet 2/3 times a day now

I always thought it was due to the tonsils stones because I've always had them but after deep cleaning the cripts and finding some my breath stayed the same. However when I press my right tonsil in a certain place a yellow fish/fecal smell liquid comes out but I don't think it can cause breath like this.

My worst moments seem to be during morning, when lay down or sometimes after eating or even fasting. I think there's a correlation with GERD because sometimes at the same time I have bowel movements i feel something passing my throat and reactions from people get worse.

Could gas from intestines go up my stomach and cause the smell. Stressful situations seem to affect it as well, and maybe even cold weather ??

This has become a nightmare, don't wish this on anyone, don't go out anymore but I live with other people and it's problematic.

Could it be TMAU ?? (One of my worst episodes I was sweating a lot. But maybe I can't smell it)
I'm cutting on red meat and don't drink alcohol or smoke.
I will try some vitamin B2 and see if does something

Don't know what to do anymore, doctors don't seem to know anything about this and treat me just for the other symptoms trying to rush me out
It's getting worse every day now. Didn't even know this was possible.
Have found some people with extreme cases like this reaching out for help but no solution.

Anyone like this
Long post but had to write it
I read through your long post. You case is 100% as mine. It's not ur tonsils..matter of fact they're helping. I had a tonsillectomy in hopes of a cure. Worse decision 10x worse.

It only gets worse.. nothing reduces the smell for me. Exact symptoms with urs . Just sad.
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