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I know what is the cause of bb

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Jimi Stein
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I know what is the cause of bb

Post by Jimi Stein »

acid reflux

I have tested this twice and it seems to be the cause.
Btw I always get burps all the time, and weal feeling in the stomach. It seems that sphincter is not closed and it is letting digested food out all thetime.

But here is the relevation.

I was sleeping in a car where the body was not totally in horizontal position, it was a little bit raised so it seems that acid did nto travl so much up the oesophagos.

When I put a finger in the back of my throat it does not stink liek it use to, also the tongue is not coated so much.

It only hase a very thinf white layer.

It seems that acid reflux is the cause of our thing. THat is why it is always present, and nothing works really.

But there is not cure that I know. trying to sleep standing up like horses woul probably help us but who can do this.

It is fucked up situatuin.

I think people are looking inthe wrong direction, sinuses and tongue and stuff.

I a, positive that acid reflux is the cause, it might even contain some stuff from the intestines, who knows, or even shit.

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Post by thanatos »

Last edited by thanatos on Fri Jan 17, 2014 5:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Larc400 »

I have this thing @ night when sleeping on left side or on my back,,, where I wake up feeling like I'm gonna be sick. I sit up in bed, and it goes away straight away. It's never felt acidic though. But it's probably reflux anyway. Maybe lack of acid plus reflux.

What I don't get is that if the problem was a non-tight opening between the stomach and esophagus, I guess the bb would smell more like vomit ... or 'burpy' ... acidic kind of...? Cause the stomach don't normally smell like 'shit' (I think) ... only the lower intestines (colon etc) do...

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Post by Gabriel »

Acid reflux can produce BB but it will create an acidic bilious taste. Reflux means stomach contents are coming back up the esophagus. This happens because the muscle at the bottom end of the esophagus doesn't close off properly.

Larc is right, you should have a taste that is acidic or like bile or vomit, very unpleasant. I think you can't miss it.

It is also possible to have multiple causes, with reflux being one of them. If you think you have this, google up some dietary remedies and/or see your MD about medications.

Putrid or fecal breath odour is a very strong indication of anaerobic bacterial infection.
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Post by elliott »

thanatos wrote:Personally, I don't hae acid reflux or any stomch issues tha I can feel. No burning, no pain, nothing.
You don't have to "feel" acid reflux. Most people have "silent reflux"?
Gabriel wrote:Putrid or fecal breath odour is a very strong indication of anaerobic bacterial infection
Would you agree that all this anaerobic bacteria exists simply because it is consistently fed with protein rich mucous?

If one has a weak sphincter, then either digestive acid or food particles are constantly coming up from the esophagus, generating additional mucous production, which function is to absorb the acid to protect the throat and oral area. Or one with poor nasal air and fluid passage flow (or sinus infection), will also have a buildup of rich mucous that this anaerobic bacteria will feed on.

... so with these "leaks", we are feeding the bacteria over and over again. Do we worry about the cause (stomach/sinus) or do we focus on the effect (bacteria feast in oral/nasal area)? You suggest a individually formulated mouthwash to keep the bacteria levels 'respectable', but not as a complete cure to the original problem (which is fine imo). Is that about right?
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Post by lastone69 »

I feel that this silent reflux is the cause too. Contributed by a poor diet and other instances that may have affected our body's potential to digest food properly like most people. I dont get the burning sensation, but I feel like something is coming from below to cause the bad breath. I think its an over-toxic condition in my body and possibly the toxins are escaping through the lungs.
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Post by Gabriel »

elliott wrote:
Gabriel wrote:Putrid or fecal breath odour is a very strong indication of anaerobic bacterial infection
Would you agree that all this anaerobic bacteria exists simply because it is consistently fed with protein rich mucous?

If one has a weak sphincter, then either digestive acid or food particles are constantly coming up from the esophagus, generating additional mucous production, which function is to absorb the acid to protect the throat and oral area. Or one with poor nasal air and fluid passage flow (or sinus infection), will also have a buildup of rich mucous that this anaerobic bacteria will feed on.

... so with these "leaks", we are feeding the bacteria over and over again. Do we worry about the cause (stomach/sinus) or do we focus on the effect (bacteria feast in oral/nasal area)? You suggest a individually formulated mouthwash to keep the bacteria levels 'respectable', but not as a complete cure to the original problem (which is fine imo). Is that about right?
The bacteria multiply because of the available proteins etc. They exist because of a predisposition (probably genetic) to overpopulated anaerobes.

I'm not sure what you mean by mucous though. I would prefer to say "biofilm", which is sticky enough to anchor the microbial population to teeth, tongue, and other oral tissues. If they weren't anchored they would easily wash away.

You are right elliott, we don't like to say "cure" because (1) that sounds like the original condition is changed by the process, and it generally isn't, and (2) all the "entrepreneurs" claiming cures have made it almost a dirty word.

"Treatment" is more accurate, analogous to diabetic insulin. The diabetic can live a more or less normal life, but in order to do so must take insulin every day.

The treatment also includes counselling about changes in diet, nutrition and lifestyle. A healthier body can resist infection better and heal faster, so those clients who do follow recommendations have a better chance of success.
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Post by VICKSTER »

There is a doctor in NYC, Staropli, at St. Vincents he does surgery for this type of reflux- valve thing. I went to him. I had all the tests for the " open valve " , including a tube down my throat for 24 hours with a monitor. Both he and his associate told me that it was not he problem for my BB. They also said I was searching for the wholy grail. He has a web site, I think its Check it out or call him. He has an office in Washington Square.
Sorry, but I think we have a pathogen in our body that is causing the BB. Candida and when we taken in acid type foods we feed it and allow it to reproduce. Thats why many of us have reflux, our bods trying to fight the yeast. Just my opinion based on years of research and many $$$$$$$ spent . PS I have an MS in Nutriton ... if that makes you feel better. I used to be a believer in your theroy, sorry... Good try !
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Post by lastone69 »

Yea I feel that it is with our diet and in my case maybe Candida which is a fungus in our body caused by using medications and antibiotics and the poor diet which helps it grow. I feel this may be the cause with me because ive had this condition since the time where my body had a great deal of stress and weakened my body's immunity. I move to a different part of the country around the same time as puberity, I had pneumonia for a week then strep throat in the same year and following year 4times in which i used many antibiotics. I just think this overload on my body and the loss of good bacteria in my body caused it to go haywire. What does everyone else think?

There is a good site called which has really good information about detoxifying and nutrition in which has a good plan for a candida cleanse. It calls for a strict diet, juicing, and certain herbs (like oregano of oil, caprylic acid, garlic, etc.) exercise, and certain internal cleansing. This is what I have started a few days ago.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Thank you Vickster

love ya
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

But when I dont sleep in horizontal position I dont get such thich coating on my tongue

One more thing

I get this thick smell ypieces from the back of my nose dropping to my throat and they smell like so strange, not like shit but like mold maybe I can not figure out the smell

It is kind of of encrusted smelly pieces
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Re: I know what is the cause of bb

Post by xoxo »

Jimi wrote:acid reflux

It seems that sphincter is not closed and it is letting digested food out all thetime.
Can't remember the name but there's a test for it. See your gastrologist. I did mine some years back.. U will need to swallow liquid for about an hour or so (if i remember correctly) and they take readings to check if the sphincter is working properly... HTH.
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Post by Gabriel »

Jimi wrote:But when I dont sleep in horizontal position I dont get such thich coating on my tongue
It's normal for saliva production to slow down while sleeping. Maybe while sleeping more upright the slow saliva works better on your tongue. Try keeping a bottle of water close by and if you wake up at night, have a good drink and swish it around to wash out the mouth. Dry mouth is the devil's playground (if the devil was a bunch of bacteria)
Jimi wrote:One more thing

I get this thick smell ypieces from the back of my nose dropping to my throat and they smell like so strange, not like shit but like mold maybe I can not figure out the smell

It is kind of of encrusted smelly pieces
This sounds a lot like tonsilloliths:

"These cauliflower-like lumps are a combination of bacteria, food debris, dead cells and mucus. This material accumulates in small pockets in the tonsils and eventually the action of the throat muscles forces some of it out. The odour from the tonsilloliths is unpleasant. " [from FAQ]

What do you think Jimi?
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

they are not coming from throat but from the back of the nose, and my tonsils are out for over 25 years
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Post by Gabriel »

OK not tonsilloliths. Have you been to ENT doctor?
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