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had enough !!!!!!

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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had enough !!!!!!

Post by depdog »

hi everbody,

all this chat is fine ,but im so ------ off with having bb has any body in the uk actually rang the bloody nhs and said i have bb what can be done about it where can i go ,what tests are availible it is ruining my life ,work social life ,love life and so on.
im sorry to sound so aggresive but ive had enough please respond to this as i want everybody in the uk to back me on this as im going to get something done about this .i can be e mailed through this site i really want everybody to support me im going to make something happen ,whos behind me and what or who have they contacted ? let me know please im going to be on here everyday checking.i cant stand it anymore =; i want to find out what is giving me bb and what i can do to stop or control it.

Posts: 75
Joined: Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:31 pm
Location: Texas, USA

Post by Hank »


Well, I hate to say it but welcome to the club that no one wants to join. Many of us have suffered greatly for many years because of this problem. On the plus side, this is a great resource to get ideas. There's probably two good ways to get started. (1) Read as many past posts as you can stand. There will be a lot of information and even some conflicting information, but you will get a good feel for what people are going though and what may be helpful to you. (2) Send another post to the group and be very specific about your symptoms - not just bb - such as film on tongue, digestion issues, post nasal drip, swallowing problems, whether or not you had your tonsils or wisdom teeth out, how long you've had this problem, aspects of its onset, diet, drug history (like if you've ever taken meds for acne, STDs, etc) which may have affected your flora balance, and what you've tried to combat this problem so far. Feel free to vent too about how you're treated and what social problems you've had. I can tell you that most of us will automatically tell you that you're not alone.

With all that said, personally my current theory is that I'm eating too many carbs and have subsequent yeast infection/candidia overgrowth. Some on this forum have the same theory and are adjusting their diet accordingly.

Well, there's so much more to say, so let's keep talking...

Posts: 256
Joined: Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:30 am

Post by wnaysha »


I totally understand u, that is how i reacted when i found out about this site and how many of us are suffering from this disease.

I also want to do something, I do accept that I have bb, but this truely is not who I am, I want to be me again.

I don't know if anyone else other than ourselves would want to do anything about it and find a cure, so I decided to do a research on it myself, from what i have seen it is mostly related to digestive problems or an imbalance in body.

let me know what you think, and if ur ideas were a little too weird to others, don't hesitate to pm me, I think we can find a cure if we work together.

keep in touch.

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