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Metronidazole & Fluconazole (Combination therapy for BB)

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Metronidazole & Fluconazole (Combination therapy for BB)

Post by KeepTrying09 »

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Last edited by KeepTrying09 on Thu Nov 25, 2010 6:51 am, edited 9 times in total.

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Post by Larc400 »


Is this a cut&paste from another forum, or your own post? I'm willing to try it, but need someone who can get hold of antibiotics so would be grateful if deliveries from Thailand can be arranged 8)

Metronidazole is one of the antibiotics used to treat SIBO, which we are discussing in another thread:

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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Hey Larc400,

This is my own post. If I were going to cut and paste anything from another source, I would use the quote function as I have done in some of my other threads. It's not my habit to take other people's work and pass it off as my own. :)

With that being said, *(editied by author)* Just e-mail me if you are interested.
Last edited by KeepTrying09 on Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by halitosisux »

Hi KeepTrying,
Is there any reason why metronidazole and the antifungals cant be taken at the same time? Everything you say makes perfect sense, which isnt usually the case when people talk about candida.

A lot on this has been discussed before, as you've pointed out. When you think that a baby's microflora starts from the moment it picks up germs while it passes through the birth canal and from the moment it enters into the world, and then what it's microbial flora ends up being composed OF is determined by what its been exposed TO since the start of its life, along with body chemistry and other genetic factors, this whole "resetting" approach you've described has to be worth trying. If illness or antibiotics have at some point in time messed up the body's microflora then its surely never going to go back to what it spent years developing into unless its reset.

The fact that metronidazole tends to have such a massive effect on most people's BB, this HAS to be explored and exploited. It gives clues and opens doors to new ideas and suggestions, just as you've described.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said Halitosisux.

I love the word you used "resetting" when talking about the intestinal flora. In essence that's what this method is doing, resetting your intestinal flora to the way it should be. :)

About taking Metronidazole and Fluconazole at the same time, I checked two websites for possible drug interactions between the two medicines , and found that there were no reported interactions between them. So, I guess it's safe to say that you are able to take Metronidazole and Fluconazole at the same time. See the pics below:


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Post by KeepTrying09 »

I found this on the internet that further shows it's wise to take both Metronidazole along with Fluconazole and probiotics. wrote:Metronidazole appears to be the drug of choice for treating most cases of SIBO judging by reports from physicians and the scientific literature. There have been a number of studies showing metronidazole to be effective in treating SIBO. Mitronidazole is extremely effective against anerobic bacteria but has little effect on aerobes. The most common side-effects of use involve the gastrointestinal tract with nausea being the most common and diarrhea and abdominal discomfort frequently occuring. Another side-effect listed is the subsequent growth of candida in the vagina, so it is safe to say candida growth in the intestines may present as well. When using metronidazole or any other antibacterial it is important to use probiotics and possibly anti-fungal agents concurrantly to avoid candida overgrowth.
Last edited by KeepTrying09 on Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Generic Metronidazole vs. Flagyl (Brand name Metronidazole)

Post by KeepTrying09 »

If anyone wants to try Metronidazole, Fluconazole, or both of them together to cure their bad breath, *(editied by author)*

Here in Thailand they have both the brand name Metronidazole (which is Flagyl) and the generic version. They also have generic Fluconazole (which is Biozole). Personally I think the generic versions are just as good as the brand name versions, but I guess it's just personal preference. Plus the generic versions are cheaper.

*(editied by author)*

Last edited by KeepTrying09 on Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Are you sure that this is sage to practice? Dont you think people should consult doctor first? What id something goes wrong and somebody gets hurt, these are strong meds.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Jimi wrote:Are you sure that this is sage to practice? Dont you think people should consult doctor first? What id something goes wrong and somebody gets hurt, these are strong meds.
Of course I have always said that people should consult with their doctors first. Read through my previous threads and you will see that. But I have also said that doctors in the west tend to turn a deaf ear when patients start talking about bad breath, Candida, bacterial overgrowth, etc. Of course there are some doctors out there who are more willing to listen, and I highly encourage people to try to find those doctors. I'm only offering an alternative in the unfortunate circumstance that doctors are unwilling to help their patients, or even more unfortunate if a person cannot even see a doctor because they have no health insurance or job. I'm sure you can relate Jimi as you mentioned you lost your job recently...

Again, read over my previous threads, I have always said that with any prescription medicine there is a risk that one could experience side effects. It's up to the patient to weigh any possible risks with the potential benefits and make a decision accordingly.

All I know is that millions of people around the world are prescribed antibiotics every year, and hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people are prescribed anti fungal medicines every year. If these medicines were unsafe, i'm pretty sure they would be yanked off the market. Both Metronidazole and Fluconazole have been around for a long while, so I don't think there is really anything to worry about.

Besides, you have some people on this forum saying things like they wish they were dead or they want to kill themselves. Some people live like hermits in their house. Some people drop out of school, quit their jobs, abandon all their friends and family. Some people have severe anxiety or depression that they have to deal with on a daily basis. And all of this because of bad breath. That's just no way to live a life. So if there is a possible cure through prescription medications, I think people deserve the right to be given that choice if their doctors are unwilling to help them.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

but lets see the stats, how many people tried it on this forum and how many were cured? Only you.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Jimi wrote:but lets see the stats, how many people tried it on this forum and how many were cured? Only you.
I'm afraid you are mistaken Jimi. I have only used Fluconazole as my treatment because Candida was causing my bad breath. I have never taken Metronidazole. If you do a search for Fluconazole on this forum, you will find several people who have benefited through the use of Fluconazole. Snoopsister, QuietShyGuy, and Iva are a couple I can think of off the top of my head.

Also, if you do a search for Metronidazole on this forum, you will find a couple people who were cured permanently, while others were temporarily cured while on the medicine.

This thread (if you read it), suggests something new, which is trying both Metronidazole and Fluconazole at the same time, or one right after the other, as well as changing your diet and lifestyle permanently. I do not believe there is anyone on this forum who has tried that, so this idea is brand new. This thread talks about the things you can do to make sure you maximize the chance for long term success after you finish taking these medications, such as supplementing with probiotics, having a healthy diet, exercising, getting plenty of rest, stopping smoking and drinking, etc. It's a three pronged approach to curing bad breath really.

Anyway, I appreciate your skepticism. Healthy debate is necessary. :D
Last edited by KeepTrying09 on Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by snoopsister »

at the risk of being the laughing stock on this forum, I regret to say my bb is back, but not as strong. the good news is that while I was on the biozole I was "cured" for a couple of weeks. the reason I say this as good news is that I DRank, smoked pot and ate everything in sight during my treatment and after. In fact, I was going to write keep trying to ask him for more biozole next week and do the right things this time. I also believe that our condition is something fierce, and we need to fight it like cancer!! this may require 2 separate meds and what not. I am still very optimistic that we are on the right track! I am going to do this again hoping to God it works permanetly :D
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Post by snoopsister »

thank you keeptrying! this guy is the real deal!!
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Hey Snoop,

Thank you for being honest as to why you think your bad breath came back.

The fact that your bad breath was alleviated during treatment with Biozole indicates that you are on the right track. It's just making the results permanent that you have to focus on now. I encourage you to try again, but this time changing the diet and lifestyle components both during and after your treatment period, so no more alcohol, pot, and unhealthy foods. ;)
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Post by snoopsister »

Starting next week for sure. but how can someone eliminate the basics of foods like breads and pasta etc??
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