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Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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Please read this post!!!

Post by Prince »

Hi everybody!! Sorry for my english

I have been researching alot for about 5 years now and the only thing that is realy the problem for most of us here, is candida. You have to belive me. If you wanna know if candida is the problem, try to eat a banana and see the reaction from other people or eat candy. If your breath get worse then belive me candida is your problem. I will give you some links you have to read them please this may save your life. Iam serious. And i will also give you PROFF on why AHMED is "cured". Have you ever heard of Molybdenum & Pantethine???? Now the most important of them is the Molybdenum. Guys why dont you do some researching, belive me you will find the cure and thats for candida but the more imortant thing is Molybdenum??? Why Molybdenum is improtant its because what it simpley to to your liver. Now iam gonna give you the links and the PROF for AHMED hahaha.

Now lets start with Ahmed:

Serotonin - Can Fight Fungus
By Stephen Pincock (Reuters Health)
SOURCE: Journal of Medical Microbiology 2003;52:169-171.

The neurotransmitter serotonin could form the basis of new antifungal drugs, according to researchers who have shown in the lab that serotonin can kill one type of fungus that frequently infects humans.

Two years ago, the University of Innsbruck team showed that antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) could also inhibit fungi.

Serotonin seemed to suppress the symptoms of vaginal candidiasis, or yeast infection, in women. The patients found they had no flare-ups of the yeast infection while taking Zoloft to treat premenstrual dysphoric disorder, but when they stopped taking the drug the infection returned.

"My colleague who had these patients asked me to test the antifungal effect of sertraline," all hindered the growth of Aspergillus and Candida species.

Fungi belonging to the Candida family are responsible for yeast infections, and can also cause thrush, an infection of the mouth and throat.

Aspergillus fungi can also infect humans.

Because (SSRIs) increase serotonin levels during treatment, the researchers tested serotonin directly against a range of Candida species.

The researchers report in this month's issue of the Journal of Medical Microbiology that serotonin was active against all four species tested.
When he stops the drug the bb will come back!!!!!
If you wanna know more about serotonin and candida just google it.

You have to read more about Molybdenum this is not ONLY for those with candida but everybody else. I think half of the worlds is suffering from candida because its the main reason for other diseases. From the air we breath and from the food wich not contains any vitamins or minerals. The most dangerous is the drug from the doctor.

Please Please Please read this here: and this pleaaaase ... dehyde.htm

Do more research about Molybdenum & Pantethine please.

Read more about copper also. You have to try the minerals to see witch one is the one working for you. You will get die off. Or go to a doctor and tell him that you wanna do a hair test to see your minerals in the body. You have too concentrate on Copper, Molybdenum & Pantethine. Read more on the internet and you will find your cure. Read how other did get rid of there problem only with Mineral Molybdenum. Its very powerful in the body and for the liver. Please read more just google Molybdenum candida. You will be suprised

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Please read this post!!!

Post by Prince »

I have not tried this minerals yet, because iam out of money right now and iam waiting for my meeting with the doctor i will tell him about the hair test then i will know witch one i need. I think you have to follow a candida diet and get some other minerals witch is described in the links, for best results.
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Post by Prince »

Read this please!!!!!!!!

Acetaldehyde free radicals damage the host.

Candida albicans also generates large quantities of acetaldehyde, when in a low-oxygen environment. Low oxygen (hypoxia) eventually results from any chronically inflamed tissues. Hypoxia may occur in all tissues in patients with ongoing inflammatory or degenerative conditions. Dr. Truss suggests (6) that acetaldehyde mediates a good part of the cellular damage that occurs. Acetaldehyde in the intestinal wall and liver will disrupt intestinal absorptive processes, as well as impairing the function of lymphocytes and red blood cells. Acetaldehyde is damaging to host cells by free radical and peroxidative mechanisms. When yeast cells are limited in oxygen, they are also more resistant in immune defenses and patient hypoxia is a major contributing factor to yeast susceptibility (New Zealand Medial Journal, Aug. 10, 1983), for these two reasons

Toxic waste from candida infestations can also be absorbed into the bloodstream, producing a range of symptoms as above; some of the most disturbing may be those affecting the brain. Yeast toxin hypersensitivity can lead to anxiety, depression and impaired intellectual functioning. This is often not recognized as a candidal problem, and psychiatric referral is the result, which may be unsuccessful, and increase feelings of guilt, poor self-esteem and depression. In addition to the toxins produced by the candida organism itself, it can also affect the brain by way of the toxic substances manufactured from sugar and refined carbohydrates in the diet. The main substance implicated here is acetaldehyde, which is a normal by-product of metabolism, produced in small amounts and rendered harmless by the liver. If, however, there is excess production of this by candida and/or a lack of the appropriate liver enzymes which tend to be deficient in 5 per cent of the general population, the acetaldehyde will become bound strongly to human tissue. This may cause impaired neuro-transmission in the brain, resulting in anxiety, depression, defective memory and cloudy thinking.

By upping levels of a body enzyme, pantethine counteracts brain fog, certain allergic sensitivities, and some consequences of alcoholism. In people with candidiasis, the enzyme fights off a toxic byproduct called acetaldehyde, which is thought to cause brain fog, often suffered but rarely diagnosed. The pantethine-stimulated enzyme also detoxifies formaldehyde, an all too frequent offender for chemically sensitive individuals.
Acetaldehyde accumulations in tissue are responsible for weakness in muscles, irritation, and pain. Dr. Atkins states, “For all conditions that a doctor might prescribe prednisone—allergies, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, lupus, and other autoimmune diseases, pantethine can be safely, effectively substituted. I routinely use it for all of those conditions on hundreds of my patients, and it’s valuable in weaning them off steroidal drugs, or certainly in allowing a lower dose.”
In summary, Dr. Atkins is saying that pantethine, without toxic consequences, can reduce cholesterol, counteract oxidation, stimulate the growth of friendly bacteria, and fight allergies, inflammation, autoimmune disruptions, and alcoholism.

The petrochemical acetaldehyde is used in perfumes, flavors, dyes, plastics and synthetic rubber, and is present in fermented products. It has a general narcotic effect with symptoms of chronic intoxication and “hangover”. The difficulties discussed above that are caused by chronic AH toxicity should indicate that AH has a significant ability to compromise the brain function. A partial summary of AH’s damaging effects on brain function includes the following: impaired memory, decreased ability to concentrate (“brain fog”), depression, slowed reflexes, lethargy and apathy, heightened irritability, decreased mental energy, increased anxiety and panic reactions, decreased sensory acuity, increased tendency to alcohol, sugar, and cigarette addiction, decreased sex drive, and increased PMS and breast swelling/tenderness in women.

These effects of acetylaldehyde are multiplied many times over when candida die off occurs, but they can be minimized or eliminated by adequate supplements of the affected vitamins and minerals, and by use of AlkaSeltzer Gold™ and N-acetylcysteine or lipoic acid

If you have adequate amounts of glutamine, selenium, niacin, folic acid, B6, B12, iron, and molybdenum, aldehydes continue to be metabolized into acetic acid, which can be excreted, or converted further into acetyl coenzyme A.
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Post by seanlee1980 »

I have tried taking serotonin supplements and it was effective in the beginning. Now, it doesn't do anything.
Posts: 38
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Post by Prince »

Hi seanlee1980
This post is not about serotonin. Iam only talking about Ahmed, he used antidepressive. This post is about the important of Molybdenum & Pantethine and Copper. I think Ahmed suffer from candida because when he stop the drug the bb comes back, read what ive posted above.

Witch medication (antidepresive) did you try ??
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Post by seanlee1980 »

I just took the supplements that come in liquid form. I just wanted to mentioned it worked and I didn't feel any side effects. But as I use it more, I'm finding out it's not helping now. From this trial, I can honestly say serotonin does have an effect with bad breath. It's almost the same results after using antibiotics but without the side effects. You seem to have fresh breath in the beginning but it gradually wears off. Ahmed and you may be on to something. Thanks for the post.
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Post by Prince »

I have never tried the seretonin drugs but i have read a lot about them. There is a conection between serotonin and candida. When you increase the level serotonin in the body its seems to shut of the candida and other funges. I think if you use the right drug like venlafaxin it may work if you start with 75mg and after two weeks go over to max 150mg. But they all have a bad side effect like you said. the most intresting part is that if you try the serotonin and it works for you when you are on the drugs and when you stop the bb comes back then iam sure it has to do with funges in yor body.
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Post by stacyjose »

Hello all,
I have some good news,well it may be good news. I have candida and i have had it a month now and I too have the smell in my nose and I taste the same thing I smell. I have been on the antifungal diflucan and the candida is going away but the smell is still there faintly but still there not all the time but my sense of smell and taste are both off due to candida.Please do the self test for candida and rid yourself of these horrible yeast.

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