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Never had a girlfirnd. Time for s*****e?....

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Never had a girlfirnd. Time for s*****e?....

Post by Tarantulo0 »

I'm 31...sadly I've always desired to have a girlfriend and that desire grew each year..I'm 31 now and never had a girlfriend nor had a kiss not even romantic sucks. I will go another couple of years but since I've been on various antidepressants, substance abbuse, alcohol, torn self esteem...all thx to mr. BB whom I've known since my teenage years. Tried everything, oral hygiene is perfect, had various tests on me, even went to speacial clinics, healthy as a horse ...
I'd love to finish it all. I promised myself not to get into my late 30's dateless. I'm sucha nice guy but simply cursed forever. Life sucks

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Post by hali_grl »

I feel so sorry for you I can't even imagine living this way for that long I don't even want to think about it. My only advice is to just focus all of that energy on doing research and finding alternative treatments. Have you been to holistic doctors, acupuncturist, etc. I wish I had insurance to go to these outlets but im forced to self diagonsed and research but it's funny i feel as though I learned so much about bb probably more than some doctors. Just continue to have faith & hope I find having something to hang on to makes this life alittle easier.
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Post by seanlee1980 »

On the same boat here but 32. I dont even try because I know Im going to be a mute or shes going to be turned off. Impossible to date as coversation is the most important. I think about s*****e but I still have a bit of hope. I just think about what all I can do and accomplish once I'm cured. I just can not die without experiencing what most people take for granted.
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Post by ishbee »

I feel your pain brother, but s*****e definitely is not the answer. Life is so beautiful.
I know it may be hard to see this as a reality, but you must stop your substance abuse. I too have gone through this. Maybe join a program.. don't dwell on your BB ruining your social or sex life. Just say ***k it. All of this abuse and depression just lead to to terrible thoughts like s*****e.
TRUST ME- ive been through the exact same thing youre going through. stop doing shit, take your medication, eat healthy, AND EXERCISE. jogging is great. you will naturally feel happier. thats what i did and after a while i talked to my doctor about cutting back on my meds and things have been going great.
you cant expect anyone to love you if you dont love yourself.
stay motivated! accept who you are! love life and grateful to be alive on this beautiful earth,

oh yeah, i got myself a cat. made me a lot happier having something around that genuinely loves me, despite my terrible shit breath. if you have the time for a dog, i recommend you get one.

write back,
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Post by Tarantulo0 »

Thx for your reply guys. I feel better today although I do think more and m ore often of s*****e. Yea I definitelly need to get my marbles back and start concentrating on future...if there is any. Ive no career, friends , social anxiety from which I've suffered most of my life and lack of social skills. Combine all this with BB and you get a sort of forest gump type of guy. Ive nothing to offer to women so therefore they arent interested at all. I dont know man...I'm loser I know that, I've my reasons why I failed at uni few times and why I missed few opportunuties to get into relationship (no balls whatsoever) and now I'm rippen what I saw.
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Post by Tarantulo0 »

Yea life is beatiful but not if youre alone-and family is not an excuse to say you've somebody, lack of personal relationship does matter in life, at least from my point of view. I do exercise though, thx for advice, would say Im pretty fit.
Offtopic question, how do I get back my sense of humor? And most importantly, how to become less antisocial?
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Post by exume »

n0 d0nt d0 it im 18 i dwell 0n getting a girlfriend t0 bb sucks
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Post by tamacun »

Let me tell you something BB is not going to disappear so you have to live with that, tray to be yourself and go on, if you don’t go to girls , girls wont comes to you. I have pretty bad BB and i have wife, lover, fuckers and all kind of woman ...... so why you don’t?
I'm 48 years old now and still i have more than one, JUST TRY!! And you will be surprise.
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Post by Breathless »

Im kind of in the same situation, 33 yold, no girlfriend, no friends, suffered from social phobia my whole life. Went to a bb clinic a few days ago and they didnt detect bad breath. The doctor said i didnt need treatment and suggested maybe i have halitophobia. Asked a few family members about my breath and they said they cant feel it. But when i lick my wrist there is always this bad smell, and i believe im getting reactions from other people but maybe im misinterpreting. This smell in the tongue is a reliable way to check the breath?
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Post by deebo »

Breathless wrote:This smell in the tongue is a reliable way to check the breath?
No . But just because you have halitaphobia doesn't mean you don't also have bad breath .Dr will seldom tell you the truth . Nor will fam and friends . Its too awkward . Your best bet is strangers reactions . Catching people off guard is a good way . If your breath is Really bad the reactions will be obvious . People turn their head, hold their breath ,lean back , frown, no eye contact, cough ,cover nose, clear throat, show disgust ,leave.... .

We wish we knew how to prevent bb from worsening or becoming chronic . Currently all that is offered is dental hygiene and general health advice . I'm starting to see a pattern that many of us have anxiety issue 1st though . Something to keep under control .
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I agree s*****e may be the only answer

Post by k99 »

As ridiculous as it sounds. Imagine if you had to spend your day avoiding conversation with people, leading them to believe you are a rude antisocial Bitch. You avoid them because if you did stop and talk to them, the stench from your mouth would be so intense they would cover or scratch their nose and then wait for you to leave the room so that they can have a good laugh about you. I am not sure which of these options is worse.
Every time i order food at lunch time, the server looks at me like i have just shot them in the face. I then get crappy service on top, because no one cares about some smelly beast who doesn't clean thier teeth right? because that is all we are to the rest of the world.
Do i get promoted at work ever? No
Do i ever get a second date? Occasionally, my date must be thinking well she smelled the first time but maybe she wont the second time. He's wrong!
The last guy i dated, we talked for a few weeks before we started meeting up. I was stalling as long as possible should a miracle happen and i wake up one day and my mouth don't smell like a pig in shit. He left early on the first date said he wasnt feeling well. The second date we were outside and i stayed as far back as i could. The third date i had seen my ENT that day and he sprayed inside my nose and throat which killed the smell for a day or 2. So on my third date i don't think i smelled and he actually kissed me and asked me to sleep over. On the forth date i had taken xanax which for some reason makes my mouth cleaner, so there were no problems that day. On our last date the smell was back full force, he even covered my mouth during sex. Does it get any more humiliating than that? People who say s*****e is not the answer, you just cannot understand the way that society treats you when you have this disease!! And i can't say i blame people for treating me like that. It's a normal reaction to run from a smell.
Now this guy doesn't want to see me at all and has made so many elaborate excuses. I just want to say "look i fuckin stink i know that ok!"
I cannot go on like this, i'm 33, female, attractive, smart yet my life consists of going to and from work and nothing else. I don't want to subject people to my stench, neither do i want to feel those humiliating poor smelly you looks.
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Post by jen »

K99, I'm on a course - very boring - and I was reading this forum on my phone to pass the time. Then I read your post and I just wanted to start bawling and I had to run to the bathroom to shed a few tears, because you are voicing what I feel and I also have a mouth that smells like a pig in shit.

We moved to a new town and my daughter made some friends. When I met the moms, obviously I had no choice but to keep my distance. Pretty soon I saw the friendly faces turn disdainful and unfriendly when they looked at me. I was inevitably branded as "a rude, anti-social bitch" as you so aptly put it. How sad, sad, sad that makes me, because I'm actually quite a nice person and would have loved to fit in with them. I often wish with my whole heart that I could explain. If I could say to them: it's not that I don't want to talk to you/ sit next to you / join the circle, it's just that I really can't, because I cannot subject you to the smell of my breath.

I so totally relate with you. Also the humiliating experience in bed. I was once asked "please just turn your head away". Well...

Our daily cross is humiliation and pain and sadness. God, please give me the strength never to kill myself.
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Post by wess »

hi bro just read my post it might help
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Post by rich1988 »

I know how you feel as well, Im not hugely attractive but at the same time Im not exactly ugly, but having BB makes things so hard, I met a girl about a month back at a party I threw and we got on great and one thing led to another, we kept it touch and met up a couple of nights ago but I just find it so hard to be affectionate and stay close to her because of the BB that she thinks Ive gone off her its a real pain :(
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Post by k99 »

Jen- i am sorry to hear that you are going through the same thing. At least you have a child, which hopefully gives you a reason not to wish you were dead. I don't think its fathomable that i could get impregnated without a sperm bank.
Have you ever asked close friends if you actually smell? My friends lie to me and say that i don't. I know for a fact that i do, the guy that i was seeing, well i looked through his phone and there were messages from his best friend saying "dump her she doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as you". Where the ***k would a comment like that come from if my breath wasn't an issue!
I don't think i have always had this problem, i started noticing the way people react towards me only in the last few years.
All the suggestions, chlorophyll, Chlorine etc, none of them have worked. I do think that a huge part of my problem is my tonsils, as the uncomfortable taste in my mouth and discoloration of the tongue seem to go away when i have my tonsils lasered. But it always comes back. I have also started using drugs in the last few months to numb the mental anguish, which makes the problem worse.
But i honestly think that with most people who have this problem, the tonsils are likely to be the culprit and they just don't realize. For those of you who haven't tried this, try getting your tonsils lasered and you may notice a huge difference. When i had this procedure done, my breath did not even smell when i woke up and my tongue was pink all the time. They say that it's a permanent procedure, but i have had it done twice. I probably need to have my tonsils removed but i heard many doctors won't do this unless there is a serious medical necessity and apparently bb isn't one!
I have become so socially recluse, i don't even see my family anymore because i am embarrassed.
Have a great xmas everyone, i will be spending it alone. I won't even answer my phone unless it's my drug dealer!
I probably sound like i need to see a shrink and i was seeing one for a year, but i was too uncomfortable to mention the root of my depression. Without this problem, i would embrace life, instead of avoiding it and people without it have no idea how lucky they are.
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