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Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......


Post by diandra »

I have spent thousands of dollars and many hours trying to treat my bb for 23 years before I found the cure. I tried Therabreath, Smartmouth, Breezecare, Closys, Biotene, triOral, Profresh, herbs, probiotics and many others, NOTHING WORKED!! I gave every product a fair shot too, I used the container until it was empty. I also used a nasal irrigator and water pik daily. My teeth were healthy and I had no gum disease. Because of the bb, I brushed several times daily. Since bb was also coming out of my nostrils, I had my sinuses checked and they were completely normal. For years I suffered from this embarrassing problem. I even went to Dr. Katz' office in Pico Rivera to get my tongue cleaned, NOTHING WORKED!!! I went to a gastroenterologist for a totally unrelated problem, IBS. He put me on Clarithromycin and Flagyl for 14 days after doing tests and finding I had an overgrowth of bacteria in my intestines AND H pylori. After the antibiotics I took probiotics to replenish the good bacteria. My bb was 80% cured BUT in a few weeks it came back as bad as ever. A few months later, I went back to the gastroenterologist and this time he put me on Rifaximin ,1200 mg daily, for 14 days. I took the Probiotic afterwards again. My breath was 100% cured!!! Unfortunately, my bb came back YET AGAIN after 4 months. I went back to the doctor and I went on another course of Rifaximin, and afterwards stayed on the probiotics alot longer. the doc said what Align contains has pretty much the only probiotic that has been proven good for the intestines. This time my bb has been cured 4 years and has not returned, and if it does, I will go back to the doctor for another course. If only I would have NOT listened to dr katz and other so-called doctors who say bb cannot be cured only treated, I would have saved thousands of dollars on stupid mouthwashes and treatments that don't work!!! ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS FIND THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE BB AND TAKE CARE OF IT! If for some reason you cannot get to a doctor, you can treat the problem for a few hours at a time by using BreathRX with a few drops of OraMD in it. Both products together worked to keep the bb away for around 2 hours, but be patient. BreathRX takes a week or 2 before you see the full results. OraMd works immediately and makes your mouth feel really fresh.


Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by halitosisux »

Why would someone spend 23 years and thousands of dollars on everything out there and just happen to have missed out these two products, the only things that just happen to do anything. What bullshit.
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:15 pm

Post by Jenc0 »

You guys, think have you luck, and everything is cured with antibiotics generally....

In my country are antibiotics strictly avoided to further disease awareness, after time of use(i mean everytime you did) your body weak their defense on bacterias, so be prepare next time you'll get sick, when nothing hel!!!
Posts: 41
Joined: Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:27 pm


Post by HS »

diandra wrote: I went back to the doctor and I went on another course of Rifaximin, and afterwards stayed on the probiotics alot longer. the doc said what Align contains has pretty much the only probiotic that has been proven good for the intestines..
Thanks for sharing, so you were on Rifaximin for another 14 days? what was it exactly? (like how many pills per day for how long?) I'd also like to test by asking my doctor.

by the way, did you have much white/yellow build up on your tongue before the treatment? and how about after? is it less?
and how much of the Align Probiotics did you take? 1 pill daily with the Rifa? did you keep taking them afterwards?
Oh, and do you find that your breath gets worse when your on an empty stomache?

Thank you!

Post by diandra »

Overusing antibiotics is certainly a problem. But I think you are thinking of broad-spectrum antibiotics, which work on virtually all bacteria. Stay away from those and use them only if absolutely necessary. Rifaximin, is non-absorable, it stays in the intestines only. You can't build up a tolerance to it. That is what was prescribed for my small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) which was causing my severe breath problem. Guess how the gastroenterologist diagnosed the SIBO? With a breath test! Anyway people, my point here is not to get everyone to take antibiotics. It was needed in my case. By the way, SIBO is totally curable with herbs or change in diet, it just takes a lot longer to cure. If you have IBS along with bb, there is a good chance you have SIBO, get tested for it. My point is FIND THE ROOT CAUSE OF YOUR BAD BREATH AND TAKE CARE OF IT INSTEAD OF JUST TREATING THE SYMPTOMS! If something stinks in your kitchen you are not going to just keep spraying air fresheners, masking the odor, you will look for what is causing the smell and take care of it. It will be a different root cause for different people. My friend had IBS and bb, so I suggested she do what I did. She doesn't like doctors or antibiotics, so she decided to take a more holistic approach, she had a series of colonics, and her breath was as fresh as a daisy! When the bb started to come back, she went on a maintenance colonic weekly and now her IBS and bb are gone. I had an uncle who had horrific breath, I was beginning to think it ran in the family, but he had a different problem. He had Zenker's Diverticulitis, which is when a bulge in the esophagus causes a protruding pouch and food gets caught in there and it smelled like a rotting corpse. He had to have surgery for that, now his breath is fine. A friends daughter had bb that came out of her nostrils and filled up the room. Turns out she had a fungal infection and she took care of it and she smelled fine. Again, my point is to find the root cause of your bb and take care of it. If it's coming from your mouth, it's most likely a dental thing, and like I wrote before, I recommend OraMD alone in water or put a few drops in some Breath RX. OraMd will even stop bleeding gums, it's an awesome product. A friend of mine couldn't find a root cause for her bad breath, and she started using a product called MesoPlatinum and she says it works for dozens of things including bad breath. Some people swear by it, but do some research before you decide to take MesoPlatinum, some people seem to think it's dangerous. And by the way, I have no reason to lie and this is not "bullshit" as someone so eloquently put it. I am really hoping I help someone.

Post by diandra »

@HS here is a link for SIBO antibiotic treatments, if you don't want to take antibiotics, there is herbal and diet treatments on the same site.

I took one Align daily for one month AFTER I completed the antibiotic course. I still take a one month course once in a while, it contains Bifidobacterium infantis 35624, which has been proven to help IBS ans SIBO. Talk to your doctor for a prescription Probiotic, such as Bifilac. Bifilac is better than Align.

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:44 am

Post by ma51fyfy »


thanks for sharing you experience. I really appreciate that.

You said you doctor diagnosed it with a breath test.
What kind of test is it specifically? did you have any symptoms besides bb?

Do you have any more experience where the bb could come from? any people who cured it?

Thanks for your help ;)
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

diandra wrote:Overusing antibiotics is certainly a problem. But I think you are thinking of broad-spectrum antibiotics, which work on virtually all bacteria. Stay away from those and use them only if absolutely necessary. Rifaximin, is non-absorable, it stays in the intestines only. You can't build up a tolerance to it. That is what was prescribed for my small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) which was causing my severe breath problem. Guess how the gastroenterologist diagnosed the SIBO? With a breath test! Anyway people, my point here is not to get everyone to take antibiotics. It was needed in my case. By the way, SIBO is totally curable with herbs or change in diet, it just takes a lot longer to cure. If you have IBS along with bb, there is a good chance you have SIBO, get tested for it. My point is FIND THE ROOT CAUSE OF YOUR BAD BREATH AND TAKE CARE OF IT INSTEAD OF JUST TREATING THE SYMPTOMS! If something stinks in your kitchen you are not going to just keep spraying air fresheners, masking the odor, you will look for what is causing the smell and take care of it. It will be a different root cause for different people. My friend had IBS and bb, so I suggested she do what I did. She doesn't like doctors or antibiotics, so she decided to take a more holistic approach, she had a series of colonics, and her breath was as fresh as a daisy! When the bb started to come back, she went on a maintenance colonic weekly and now her IBS and bb are gone. I had an uncle who had horrific breath, I was beginning to think it ran in the family, but he had a different problem. He had Zenker's Diverticulitis, which is when a bulge in the esophagus causes a protruding pouch and food gets caught in there and it smelled like a rotting corpse. He had to have surgery for that, now his breath is fine. A friends daughter had bb that came out of her nostrils and filled up the room. Turns out she had a fungal infection and she took care of it and she smelled fine. Again, my point is to find the root cause of your bb and take care of it. If it's coming from your mouth, it's most likely a dental thing, and like I wrote before, I recommend OraMD alone in water or put a few drops in some Breath RX. OraMd will even stop bleeding gums, it's an awesome product. A friend of mine couldn't find a root cause for her bad breath, and she started using a product called MesoPlatinum and she says it works for dozens of things including bad breath. Some people swear by it, but do some research before you decide to take MesoPlatinum, some people seem to think it's dangerous. And by the way, I have no reason to lie and this is not "bullshit" as someone so eloquently put it. I am really hoping I help someone.
does somebody else smell something fishy here??
I mean this guy have several friends with bad breath who all got cured with simple stuff like probiotics, one even had zenker divertilicum or what is it called, this site exists like 8 years now and I have never come across somebody who got cured by fixing zenker diverticulicum


very fishy, so if you come here to spam or scam , just piss off.

And always there are people with 1 post who are experts.
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.

Post by diandra »

@ ma51fyfy here is a link for types breath testing

@Stanky I am pro-cannibas as well, however it does cause dry mouth, in me anyway, and that could cause bad breath. My General Practitioner doc didn't even know what SIBO is. I had to go to a gastroenterologist .

@ whoever , I am not a guy I am a woman. Do you still want to beat me with a stick? Probably.
I have nothing to gain by lying and I swear on my life everything I am typing here is true. I am not selling anything, I am just here to help. Maybe 8 years on a forum has made a skeptic out of you. By the way, people come to this forum looking for a solution to bad breath, how many people do you think come back and post their results? Not many, I would imagine.
I know a lot of people with bb, but I know more people who don't have bb. My husband can go 2 days without brushing his teeth and his breath still smells as fresh as a baby's. The disease ZD is not as rare as you may think. It may not be diagnosed often because they have to look down your esophagus to find it, and not very many docs will prescribe that procedure, thinking it is unnecessary. My General Practice doc said about my bb, "Stay away from spicy foods" and that was his only advice about it. Some help.
Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:44 am

Post by ma51fyfy »


did you have any symptoms besides bb?

Do you have any more experience where the bb could come from? any people who cured it?

thanks a lot


please shut up...if dont want to read that stuff go offline, but stop insulting other people

Post by diandra »

@ma51fyfy - My symptoms were IBS with bad constipation, bloating, fatigue and each time after I ate I would have a burping attack. I mean a not-normal burping attack!

Other causes could be liver, sinus or kidney problems. Acid Reflux is supposed to cause bb as well.

Dr. Oz suggests to find the root cause also, instead of just masking the symptoms. Dr Gott, a doctor who used to write a column for the newspaper, said when patients came to him with really bad breath, he would order a full body scan to see what was going on. I wish more doctors were like that, most treat bb like it's no big deal and to just deal with it.

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by diandra »

@ stanky, I have a MM card. I never smoke it, because I have asthma. I ate the brownies.
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