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2 years and i'm almost back to normal-everyone PLEASE read!!

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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2 years and i'm almost back to normal-everyone PLEASE read!!

Post by kellysmith90 »

Sorry if this is all over the place but i have a lot to say lol

Here were my symptoms:
dry mouth most of the time
hot breath, the back of my throat kind of hurt because my breath was so bad (that's how i think of it)
the back of my tongue would be what got really white
i've never known what it smelt like because no one told me, and i couldnt smell it, however i could always feel when it was really bad
slight stuffy nose
post nasal drip symptoms

-dairy products made it so much worse, coffee and anything sugary

I was talking to my coworker who is about 80 years old, smokes like a chimney but in excellent health. why? because of his diet.
he told me a story of how he had a horrible cold for months and couldnt breath from his nose, the doctors/specialists that he went to gave him medicine and nothing worked, out of desperation he went to his ex girlfriend who is a naturopath, she explained sickness like this

say there's a pile of cow manure with a bunch of flies on it, to get rid of it would you just spray the flies with toxins to mask it or would you get rid of the underlying problem by removing the manure?
this is the exact same reasoning behind BB.

she told him to completely stop eating everything in order to starve the bacteria and toxins that were causing his illness. these toxins that are FILLED in our food (unless of course you eat out of your own garden free of pesticides which not many people do) are in our blood which is being transfered around our body to all of our organs, when you completely stop eating your 4 cleansing organs (liver, kidney, lungs and skin) actually have time to clear the toxins you've filled your body with!

i did just that, the only thing she instructed him to do (and what i did) was eat no more than one and a half pounds of grape, pear, melon and apple a day, don't drink a ton of water because these fruits are already so rich in water you won't need any more (it is less work for your kidney as well) all of these fruits are high in vitamin c and unlike oranges aren't acidic!

i did this for two days and after the first day i could tell my breath was so much better, i had a bad headache whcih is probably because more of my blood flow began to go to my brain because it has been filtered of all the toxins but the second night i could tell it's much much much better
i did this for three days and then began to eat only raw vegetables along with those fruits i can honestly say i'm beginning to become confident in talking to people close now

please everyone remember that, and try this out, i honestly believe it will cure half of the peoples bb on this forum

along with eating healthy i took probiotics, vitamin c, d grape seed extract and complex b's


this is an amazing documentary that i watched as i was hungry and only eating fruit which kept my moral high
it is free online, or on netflix, they made it free so they can spread this message to people

the documentary will change your life and the way you view nutrition
please please please please watch, and give my method a go
goodluck to all of you \:D/ :D

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Post by kellysmith90 »

by the way, if anyone is wondering about the conclusion of the man i worked with, he did the body cleanse by only eating fruit for a day and he was cured b y the next day, he's a healthy eater and hasn't been sick for about 10 years (i see him almost everyday to confirm this)
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Post by kellysmith90 »

please take a look at those foods as well
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Post by billie »

This is so confusing to me. I really am afraid to eat fruit.
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Re: 2 years and i'm almost back to normal-everyone PLEASE re

Post by billie »

kellysmith90 wrote:i did just that, the only thing she instructed him to do (and what i did) was eat no more than one and a half pounds of grape, pear, melon and apple a day, don't drink a ton of water because these fruits are already so rich in water you won't need any more (it is less work for your kidney as well) all of these fruits are high in vitamin c and unlike oranges aren't acidic!
But don't those grapes and pears and melon feed the bacteria????
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Post by kellysmith90 »

i think your confidence would be a lot higher if you watched that documentary, grapes and apples are superfoods that are nutritious (most of their nutrients are in the skin) if you're worrying about this because of pH levels and what not, once you're finally detoxed your body then can move on to restoring a proper pH level along with turning your bb and what ever else is wrong back to normal. all of the damage you've put it through over the years adds up so it will take time to feel better - just please watch the movie

i'm still bad breath free. thanks everyone
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Post by kellysmith90 »

on another note, i cannot stress how important and true the saying
"you are what you eat" is
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Post by kellysmith90 »

sorry billie for not answering your question, those fruits are generally there in order to fuel your body with vitamin C because it is water soluble meaning your body cannot store it so you constantly need to replace this vitamin. if you'd like to cut down on the pound and a half i don't see a problem with it, just make sure you do actually eat some of those fruits - pears are probably the best way to go. and take multivitamins and vitamin c pills, absolutely NO dairy even after you do this detox

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by kellysmith90 »

the exact reason why i said melons, grapes, pears and oranges

no problem tho, your welcome for information that has helped ME and what could help many other people

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by kellysmith90 »

fine with me, i''m not the one hating my life everyday living with horrible breath. good day to you
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Post by crazy4it »

thanks for the information that diet will make you lose alot of weight right now i dont think i can do that cause i weight about 130
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Post by crazy4it »

did u say u were cured?
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Post by malory »

Thank you kellysmith90 for taking the time to share your success with us. This is a very interesting video which advocates eating raw foods, spirulina etc. and talks about the importance of vitamin C. Well done to you for finding a solution to your problem.

I'm always amazed when people who try to help by sharing information are met with cynical comments on support forums. We all know that one person's cure doesn't necessarily work for another, but sharing ideas is the only way right now that we are going to get anywhere. It's up to each individual to decide if the idea will work or not and to choose whether or not to experiment with it. I think honeydew melon and grapes are actually low FODMAP foods, though I find the FODMAP lists stemming from Gibson and Shepard's work on fermentable oligo di and monosaccharides can vary.

True, some people won't find any improvement with your idea because we are all different, but hopefully somebody somewhere will. I read a post about somebody who had to undergo a water fast to reset his system and cure it. Your method is the same principal but less drastic. If i try any kind of fasting at the moment I think I will fall through a drain but I would like to try one day...

The problem with starving bacteria is that we tend to starve ourselves as well in the process, so your idea is good because at least you get some nutrients from the fruit.

Hope you continue enjoying your success \:D/
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