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Tell us your story with bad breath
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Post by Justaskme »

I have suffered with BB all of my life. Alway had a great
hygiene regimen. I had a geographic tongue covered with a thick white coating. I know everyone that has this problem can recount being embarrassed and having unpleasant experiences. Well I'm no different. I had family members that would talk bad to their friends about my problem. You name it, I been through it. I have tried every product on the shelves. Back in 1994 I spent $1800 flying from Chgo to PA to go to the so called BB specialist dentist who created the Profresh products.
Well of course they sold you on this can be solved with their products. That was a WASTE of time & money. In 2000, I went to Los Angeles to the other so called BB specialist dentist who created the Therabreath products. This only provided a temporary solution of about an hour. I talked with another BB dentist specialist in northern CA and all his advice didn't help either. I've had all of my wisdom teeth pulled out. At that time I was considering talking all of my perfectly strong teeth out and getting dentures if that would solve the problem. That's how desperate I was. I've seen every dentist I could find specializing in this area. I've had scaling, deep scaling and every other treatment the dentist could offer me, all to no avail. I WOULD GO TO THE END OF THE EARTH TO GET RID OF BB

Fast forward to 12/13. I've always been into healthy eating and I try to take good of my body. I had just given up on finding a solution to my BB. I just thought I would have to live with it for life. I heard about some minerals that were healthy for the body and aren't sold in stores. These minerals were being presented as a cure for some diseases, for optimal health and maintaining a health body. Ok, this got my attention. I'm in to preserving my health but I'm not a person that's easily convinced of anything. I began to research the information I heard and the person presenting it. I travel to hear a seminar on healthy living from the presenter. I found it interesting and decided to try it. Remember this is only for staying healthy not for BB. BB was never discussed. When I received the products with cost me $168 I thought ok let see what all the hype is about. I started talking the products and after the first 5 days I notice several things. I had no pain in my joints. My blood pressure had been a little high and the doctors were trying to say that I had high blood pressure but I disputed because my levels fluctuated. I noticed my blood pressure had come down to normal. My eyes became brighter (white part). But the biggest surprise is my tongue was no longer geographic and the white coating was GONE!!!!
so I'm thinking what about my breath. My BB was so bad I didn't have to speak if a person got close enough I would hold my breath just so they would smell it. I first thing I noticed it was I didn't have that foul taste. I could breathe through my nose and it wasn't hot. I'm thinking maybe it was just a coincidence the real test would be the in the morning! I take these product 3 times a day so that night I before bed I brushed my teeth, used my water pic and rinsed with mouthwash as I normally do. I said to myself I know how bad my morning breath is so if it's not there then I'm really on to something and this product is working on BB. The next morning as soon as I woke up I'm checking my mouth with my tongue, the taste isn't there, I cup my hand over my mouth and didn't smell what I normally smelled. I got excited! I ran in the bathroom and looked at my tongue and it was still clear! No geographic tongue, no white coating and my breathe was not horrific! When I brushed, flossed and rinsed it felt clean and fresh! For the first time in my life my breathe felt clean! But the real test is coming face to face with someone. I used to look at movies and wished I could talk to people face to face directly instead of turning at an angle to talk. My sister came over and I talked to her while sitting directly across from her. Not one time did she use her first finger to cover her nose. She had ALWAYS placed her first finger under her nose to block the bad smell of my breath. NOT ONE TIME did she do it! I asked her did she smell my breath she said NO! PRAISE THE LORD I can breath! What ever you did don't EVER stop! I normally would have been hurt bey this but I was so happy I didn't care. We laughed about it.

In my business, I would dread one on one meetings now I look forward to having them and being free to express myself completely!

Here is what I have learned. My problem wasn't in my mouth but in my stomach. When I breath air is coming up from my stomach/diaphragm up through my lungs, out of my mouth or through my nose. So the product I was taking was helping my digestion. I don't mean to be gross but when I had a bowel movement after I started taking these products I could smell the same oder that once came through my mouth. Now that smell had diminished when i have a BM.

Since experiencing this I have become a distributor for these products. Believe me I not trying to sell you. I'm telling you that I know what its like. I know how BB effects your life. This stuff works from the inside! If you still interested let me know. I will tell you how to get these products. I always said if I find a cure I will tell everyone I can find on these boards. So I will be posting this letter every where I can to help as many people that will listen! Thank God it's OVER! Thanks for reading this post.

send me a private message for details

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Post by halitosisux »

Why can't you just detail what has helped you?

If you were genuine you'd never be trying to do this shit.
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Post by Archimonde »

Some people will think you're a spammer since you didn't provide any info about your product but your story sounds credible enough to me. Can't you give us the name of it or an ingredient list? We are desperate here. You don't have to be secretive, if your product does work, we will gladly buy it from you and not from someone else.
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Post by Justaskme »

Hey guys, I'm sorry. I didn't know the rules. I'm new at posting. I used to just come to read never posted before. Sure I would be glad to share. Just thought I would get deleted if I gave out my info in a post. I have nothing to hide. Totally transparent. I'm sharing my contact, email and website info with anyone who contacts me. I truly want to help. I'll answer any questions and will make sure you get the discounted price. I will show a video that explains the product and ingredients...everything you need to know.
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Post by halitosisux »

Very clever.

But why can't you just be open and say what it is that your products are based on and roughly how they work?

You have no reason not to do this if you genuinely have something new that really works.

Is it because you don't have anything new and you know you'll be ignored and rejected?
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Post by sandspiegel »

Yeah, I also think you should post some info for everybody to see. The story sounds credible but you should at least name the product and its' ingredients.
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Post by Justaskme »

Not trying to be Clever.....just being honest. Give me break here. I really do want to help and share. My story is real no reason to lie. The products worked for me while using them for something else.

The products contains plant based minerals from soil deposits that dates back over 3000 yrs. I learn about these products from the "mineral doctor" Dr. Wallach.. I was looking for all natural based supplements. Dr. Wallach wrote the book "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" Dr. Wallach has over 45 yrs of proven research and clinical studies disproving the myths that blood pressure and diabetes and other diseases are not genetic and therefore can be controlled and eliminated. This got my attention. I decided to get into the business. I order the CEO COMBO PAK which contain several products. When I got my products. I began taking them as I mention before. Then after seeing and experiencing the changes i decided to ask doc a question to see how he would respond. I wanted to see what product he would suggest if any for BB. (you know I asked anonymously right). He responded and said get on a gluten free diet and take the Health Body Digestion Pak!! Thats exactly what I was taking! I didn't know that it would produce these results. I was living proof that it works!

Now Halatosissux stop being so critical and mean to new comers. You don't have to act like you name suggest! I honestly thought I would get deleted. I'm not concerned about being ignored. I no longer suffer from acute halitosis. If people ignore me or choose not to try these products that there choice. It worked for me and I encourage everyone to try it. I have spent thousands of dollars and years of research trying to rid my life of BB. What other reason did I have to come back and not want to share? I just wanted to explain in detail how to get the products at a discount over the phone to those that would send me a message. Nevertheless here is how to get the products:

Please visit my website xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (until you give us more info on ingredients, you will not be able to publish this spammy url, tell us what minerals, herbs are inside). You should view the middle video to understand the bases of the products and why they work. The products that helped me was the Health Body Digestion pak. The cost is $168 to get that discount price you can become a preferred customer for free. If you have any question contact me or post here and I will contact you via private message. Hope this helps guys.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

It must be this guys company, or he gets commision. Right thing to do would be to tell us ingreditents, and not some 3000 years old crap,
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by halitosisux »

All you had to do was come on here, give the details of what you are trying to "sell", offer it for free to a handful of people who fit the same criteria as you (you should already have a good idea of who is who if you have been coming to this site for years as you said you have).

They then get cured, and you rightfully earn the respect and trust of everybody, and you are free to sell it and promote it on here for the whole world to access. You get rich, everyone is happy.

But you haven't done that because like so many others like you all over the internet, all you want to do is quickly exploit as many desperate people as you can and then run off.

I'm being critical for a very good reason, and you of all people should understand this.
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Post by Justaskme »

I just told you what worked for me. I stated clearly that I found these products, took them for other reasons and by happen stance found my cure. I thought this board was for people to share their story, struggles and cures. I said clearly that I was impressed with the products and BECAME A DISTRIBUTOR for the company. I provided information for you to hear the ingredients from the horses mouth so to speak. You can hear Dr. Wallach tell you what the ingredients are on my website.

You are the owner of this website. So if everyone finds a cure there will be no need for this site or boards. Keeping people engaged to come back to this site might be your goal. Then its understandable for you to try to cast doubt or add negative remarks, if thats how you work. I did what I said I would do if I found a cure for myself. I'm grateful to find these products after praying for years and spending thousands of dollars to no avail. People make up you own mind. I cannot speak for anyone else but my problem was in my digestive system. I now think that is the first area to deal with, not the mouth. Oral product are just temporary. Deal with the cause not the symptoms. Just my opinion. Thanks for you time.
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Post by Justaskme »

OMG!!!! PEOPLE this is what the owner of this site JIMI STEIN sent me in a private message! ARE YOU SERIOUS!

How much commision you get??

Can you list ingredients, this looks like the lamest profit pyramid system I have ever seen, if you tell me your aress I can come and murder you in sleep and you will be free of suffering and we will be free of spammers, just a thought, I am a nice person

Jimi Stein favorite items for bad breath on Amazon,com Visit My Amazon store
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Post by Jimi Stein »

That is how we deal with scammers here, you should say these are the ingredients in the package for 160 usd, these herbs are invluded, no you started to rumble your balls off on how to sign up to this crappy program.

People know how I deal with scammers. We smelled scammers before even people from big companies were posting scammy posts here, admins, remind me who that company was please

You said and I quote

"The cost is $168 to get that discount price you can become a preferred customer for free."

Just tell me the adress, I will come and crush you as a bug that you are.
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by Justaskme »

I am not a scammer! You should be ashamed of yourself. You don't have to agree with want people say. Your prerogative, but NEVER should you treat anyone like this! You provided a place for people to express themselves then criticize what they say. You must be one miserable person with BB. YOU ARE SELLING PRODUCTS ON THIS SITE YOURSELF!!!! Oh, I'm sorry is that only for the owner to do? Well, for all those that decide to try it I hope it works as well as it did for me. This is no BS or scam.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

asshole, we need to support the site somehow, got it, people can buy products, ebooks here that can be refunded, ok asshole

but I smell your story miles away, coming here with a pitch acting all nice and stuff, i know what you want to do, earm money, several people saw you as a scammer.

If you cured acute halitosis, that does not mean it works for people here, if you suffer from acure halitosis, even small medicine like vitamin c can fix you
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by Justaskme »

A hit dog hollers the !
God Bless you!
I hope you find a cure for your mouth and heart.
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