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Metronidazole nightmare

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Metronidazole nightmare

Post by Bloorain »

Last edited by Bloorain on Thu May 28, 2009 2:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by jc »

I don`t know if this could help you or not but I took flagyl on 3 separate weeks hoping that it will cure my bb. It didn`t lessen it a bit but it didn`t worsen it either.
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Post by Twilight »

I see you're kinda in a tough situation there.

If I were you, I would see if your bb situation is at all similar to those who said it made it worse and I would see how reliable those sources of information really are. Were they objective or just subjective?

You could also try supplementing with high dose probiotics during the end of your treatment and after.

It's hard to say whether or not your bb will worsen. JC said his didn't after three weeks. Either way, if it improves or it gets worse, at least you'll know it's bacteria related. If it doesn't do anything however, that doesn't really prove much...except the specific antibiotic Flagyl does nothing...on its own.
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Post by Bloorain »

Thanks for both your comments. You know what's been interesting with me though is whenever I take probiotics, my bb gets worse and even comes out in my bm (or the anaerobic bacteria comes out) I don't know which. And I know it’s the probiotics because once I stop taking them, the bm smell goes away but the bb stays. Goodness, this thing - whatever it is is relentless…just awful...
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Post by jc »

What are your other symptoms, Bloorain? Maybe you have a bacterial overgrowth in your stomach that`s why probiotics didn`t work. I`ve read that if the bad bugs are too many in your stomach, no probiotics would work unless they(bad bacterias) are lessened. I`ve also learned that too much good bacterias(aerobic) can also cause dysbiosis(imbalance in the flora) coz they drain the oxydizing agents in the body which makes it for anaerobic bacterias to flourish.
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Post by thanatos »

Something I've always wanted to try was to go on a powerful antibiotic & parasite treatment to wipe out the bacterial population in my body, detox, liver flush, then flood my body with fermented foods like sauerkraut, keifer yogurt & non-freeze dried probiotic supplements. Just flood my body with these kinds of food products hoping better bacteria takes over my system and somehow also changes the micro-flora in my mouth as well.

My only concern is that if it does not work, the bad breath bacteria will simply come back so much stronger and resilient. Does it matter though, considering I'm not getting any younger and my breath is so bad right now that my life is slipping away?
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Post by jc »

thanatos wrote:Something I've always wanted to try was to go on a powerful antibiotic & parasite treatment to wipe out the bacterial population in my body, detox, liver flush, then flood my body with fermented foods like sauerkraut, keifer yogurt & non-freeze dried probiotic supplements. Just flood my body with these kinds of food products hoping better bacteria takes over my system and somehow also changes the micro-flora in my mouth as well.

My only concern is that if it does not work, the bad breath bacteria will simply come back so much stronger and resilient. Does it matter though, considering I'm not getting any younger and my breath is so bad right now that my life is slipping away?
I feel the same way too. I`m really getting more frustated day by day so I want to try anything that sounds promising even if it`s risky. One antibiotic that comes to my mind is rifaximin. This drug will wipe out both aerobic & anaerobic bacterias in the stomach. The problem`s that it could possibly damage the kidney & liver. It`s been used by some people with SIBO & TMAU though.
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Post by Bloorain »

Last edited by Bloorain on Thu May 28, 2009 2:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hopeful »

People that say they've taken Probiotics...what dose were you taking? Because our bodies are so out of whack, I don't think taking the recommended dosage would help at all. Don't give up on probiotics if you haven't experimented with the full range(quality and quantity). There are some new mega formulations out there that could make a difference.
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Post by Larc400 »

Was your 'private' problem also to do with anaerobic bacteria? Could it be that a lot of us have anaerobic bacteria problems in a few places (feet, privates, etc...), not just orally..? I do 8) ...I mean if I don't keep up the daily hygiene they will take over...

so... systemic problem -> systemic attack.

:-({|= :-({|= :-({|=
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Post by Bloorain »

Well (forgive me all) but I somehow developed something called bacterial vaginitis that my doctor thinks I got from douching possibly. I'm not sexually active (which is another way people get it). (I had a full exam 3 months ago and every thing was perfect). He examined me last week and I somehow have this. Could it be anaerobic bacteria? I don't know. Trust me, I would be no where near a board like this if I had a hygiene problem, more less in a doctors office. I take very good care of myself and I believe most people who suffer from these conditions do as well. Anyway, he prescribed me the metro medicine - and low and behold the bv disappeared along with the bb. Hopefully neither will return when the medicine's gone.
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Post by Larc400 »

Yeah that's what I mean ... I think all on this site keep up a perfect hygiene ... my point was that maybe most people in this group have noticed anaerobic bacteria-problems elsewhere too? For example, many people can go for days without washing their (forgive me) armpits, genitals, feet, etc etc, without too much of a scent. Some people have to keep up a daily regime though, else the scent will be fierce. I guess I wondered if people here have noticed this?

In most places where anarobic bacteria hang out it's possible to clean properly, but with the oral cavity it's harder... I guess that's our problem....

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Post by jc »

How are you doing, Bloorain? I hope you`re still ok.
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Post by thanatos »

I read that many tested probiotic brands do not contain the specified probiotics, an insufficient amount and/or harmful contaminants (like gram negative anaerobes).
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Post by Bloorain »

JC: Thanks so much for asking. I've been miserable as always. I was rushed to the hospital this past Friday with a horrible pain in my side and as my luck would have it nobody could figure out why or where it came from. It started at 2:30am and lasted for 3 hours straight then poof it went away. They thought my ovaries somehow got twisted but ruled that out. They kept me at the hospital overnight for observation and sent me home late Saturday with followups at my primary this week.

Anyways, I literally lost the bottle of metronadizol I was taking (no kidding) and the doctor gave me a new prescription of 10 which I'm picking up today (I was on the 4th or 5th day when I lost the bottle). (The emergency doctors didn't think there was a connection between this medicine and the pain I was having.) Anyways having taken it the 4th or 5th day it helped my bb a lot while I was on it but its definitely back now (but not worse then what it was before). So I guess I'll know in little over a week the overall outcome of it.
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