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Recovery by Purica

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Recovery by Purica

Post by Bloorain »

Has anybody had any experience with this product. A halitosis sufferer posted they're "smell free" over at Curezone saying they've had excellent results using this. It's described as a food-based, non-drug medicine - also made for animals as well as humans (claims to cure a wide range of ailments). Anybody?

Ingredients are:

Nutricol® (150mg consisting of EGCG, theaflavin, proanthocyanidins and resveratrol from grape and tea)
MSM 1,250mg
Glucosamine 750mg
Vitamin C 300mg
DMG 200mg


Posts: 236
Joined: Fri Mar 23, 2007 12:13 pm

Post by hopeful »

I read that post on curezone too and looked up product. I have hesitations because it states that it's for joint pain and I don't have any. At the moment I'm taking so many supplements that I don't want to add another one unless I know it'll have an effect. Then again the product is only $34.99 in Canada so it's not expensive. I'm just not sure if taking the product is right because I don't have those conditions that it's made for.

On another note, I was cleaning out old emails yesterday and came upon an email I had from someone on the old yahoo bb group. He was someone who claimed to have been cured using a product called "Immuno care" by Celt Naturals. It's obviously an immune booster and I was wondering if anyone has tried it.

I hope that improving my immune system will help to eradicate some of these bacterial pathogens that cause bb. It makes sense and at this point, I can't think of anything to try.
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