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Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by tocute4this »

OMG!! I feel the same as you guys.

About me: I'm an attractive 28 yr old BW with excellent hygiene and still I suffer from bad breath. I'm currently seeing an ENT for chronic sinusitis and I'm sure he won't solve my problem. However, I recently had a complete physical done a few months ago, and my physician notice something is abnormal with my liver. My enzymes are higher than normal. So, hopefully that's the underlying problem as to why I suffer from bb.

You guys, I am so depress. BB is ruining my life. I recently quit my job after being promoted because of my BB. I can't deal with strangers’ reaction to my bb. It kills me inside when they look at me like they can't believe someone so attractive can have breath so bad. I feel like screaming....IT'S NOT MY FAULT. I DO BRUSH MY DAMN TEETH, TONGUE & ETC... ASSHOLE!

My friends all know and still no one says anything about it. However, they offer me gum and mints all the time. I'm sure they know I'm aware of the smell therefore; they don't want to hurt my feelings. My ex boyfriend was always honest about my bb. He even teases me often about it...even still he loves me and wants to be with me.
My current bf never says anything about it... and it drives me crazy. I don't understand how he deals with it. I'm sure he wants to say something but, he doesn’t know how I'll take it. I wish he would say something....he has no idea how relieved I'll feel.

I don't know how to bring it up with my friends and family. I want to open the lines of communication with them. I guess I need them to know I'm doing everything possible to cure this awful smell. GOD HELP ME!!

Last edited by tocute4this on Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:46 am, edited 4 times in total.

Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

My advice is not to, especially if your parents are fucked up like mine are. If they are normal people, that always eased your pain with their love then go for it.

I suggest to keep it to yourself. you can also call somebody of us, that will help you. You can call me if you want.
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Post by JakeL »

Wait until you hit rock bottom. Then you wont care anymore and you will be able to talk about it. When you aint got nothin, you got nothin to lose.
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Post by Mico »

Tocute, wich liver encymes were to high and whats the name of the test for this?
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Post by trenski »

I know exactly how you feel, I am in the same situation.I am also an attractive women and very physical fit.But my BB gets in the way of everything.I am really glad I found this website.
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Post by tocute4this »

1st time Oct. 2007 ...I got a complete physical
The AST (SGOT) was 48
The ALT (SGPT) was 46

2nd time Jan. 2008
The AST (SGOT) was 106
The ALT (SGPT) was 100

The most recent test Feb. 2008...My physician decided to re test for Hepititis A,B,&C considering the last results was much higher than the 1st test. The results was Neg.
The AST (SGOT) was 88
The ALT (SGPT) was 68
Last edited by tocute4this on Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by tocute4this »

quote="trenski"]I know exactly how you feel, I am in the same situation. I am also an attractive women and very physical fit. But my BB gets in the way of everything. I am really glad I found this website.[/quote]

Hi Trenski, I'm also new to this site. I'm sorry to hear you are also affected by this awful thing. How long have you been suffering from bb? Has someone actually told you that you have bb? Are you currently working with your physician? If so, what is he/she doing or has done?

Sorry for the thousands of questions, Trenski. Since my ex-bf, I really haven't had anyone to talk to about this until now, and I really need to know how others are coping with their situation. Also, I'm here in search of a cure. I need to know what others are doing to treat or cure their situation, what tests have they taken, or diagnoses they were given.
Please forgive me, I’m desperate to get my life back……
I'm will to do almost anything
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Post by maclean »

you are extreamly attractive how modest of you, talking to your loved ones should be no problem for someone that "thinks" there so always told im cute but my god i would never blow my own trumpet like you.(how can someone be extreamly attractive and have halitosis),my god im just going to be sick.
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Post by trenski »

I don't know if you got my first reply,I am new to this site and don't know if I posted it on the right page.But anyway,I haven't found a cure as of yet. I have been going to my Periodontist and he has been treating my gums and giving me a prescription for mouthwash.Nothing seems to be working so far.I am going try this mouthwash RETARDEX-I am going to order it online.Sometimes I feel like saying the HELL with it,but I keep hoping for a resolution.
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Post by tocute4this »

maclean wrote:you are extremely attractive how modest of you, talking to your loved ones should be no problem for someone that "thinks" there so always told I’m cute but my god i would never blow my own trumpet like you.(how can someone be extremely attractive and have halitosis),my god I’m just going to be sick.
"how can someone be extremely attractive and have halitosis”

People who don’t suffer from BB associate bb with poor hygiene 99% of the time. When you meet a person for the first time and you appear to be a well kept person, and you open your mouth and they discover you have bb. What do they automatically assume about you? Well, I’ve been told this from a guy. I was describing my own experience.
maclean wrote:you are extremely attractive how modest of you, i would never blow my own trumpet like you

LOL!!!! Thank GOD I have something to be thankful for. I don't have a problem with accepting being attractive; however, I do have a problem with accepting halitosis.

I just wanted to say, Thanks for trying to put me down, Maclean. But, I have something far worse to keep me down, depress, and on the verge of s*****e. Please, at lease allow me to focus on the positive aspects of life....

I came here for help not criticism. I would have never post a comment like yours. People with BB get enough judgement and criticism from non bb'er but,now I have to hear it from you too!

Sorry, if what's left of my self esteem offended you...maybe if I lose that I'll have enough courage to kill myself!
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Post by Gabriel »

@ maclean: you must be feeling really angry and confused to lash out that way to a newbie who came here for much-needed advice & support. Maybe you just want to hurt something - but this is not the place for that! Go out and kick a wounded animal if you're that crazy .. or better, get some counselling around your anger issues.

@ tocute: welcome to the jungle. As I have also learned the hard way - the incredible stress of living with this problem can erode the self image to the point of madness & depression, seriously inappropriate behaviour online and yes, thoughts of the ultimate escape from reality.

It's very, very hard to keep your chin up after hitting so many brick walls. Or having them hit you. I know of a Japanese forum where corporate types with BB openly discuss the most face-saving ways of doing themselves in. One of our Japanese clients told us about the desperation of halitosis sufferers in Japan's perfectionist corporate society.

If you seemed less than modest by one person's arbitrary standards, please don't let that upset you at all. So what if one depressed, angry and dysfunctional person you've never met thinks you should have said "I've been told I'm attractive" rather than "I am attractive"? Most of us know what you meant.

Listen - it takes a lot more guts NOT to jump off a bridge when you're feeling more sad and desperate than you can bear. To turn back from that ultimate cop out and live with the pain takes real courage.

And .. what if you were ugly (or merely "cute" like maclean) and had BB? Surely that would be worse. How about cancer, paralysis, poverty, or being wrongly imprisoned for 20 years - or even executed - for a horrible crime of which you are completely innocent? All of those things do happen to basically decent people, in staggering numbers.

Steven Hawking is one of the modern world's most brilliant and best known scientists. He has had ALS (a degenerative neural disease) for more than 40 years (actually he's very lucky - my stepson's dad got ALS and died within 6 months). In spite of now being almost completely paralysed (he can twitch one cheek in different ways to trigger his voice synthesizer), he is nevertheless very witty and congenial in conversation and seems completely at ease with his condition. This proves two things: the resilience of the human spirit, and the fact that you are who you are no matter the condition of your physical body.

And chronic halitosis is actually a treatable oral condition. There is a successful treatment system, developed over the past 15 years by a Canadian scientist. As far as I know it's the only treatment in the world that works 100% for severe CH.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Gabriel why do you mention those 100 %, it is so awkward to talk about percentages. We all know that your clinic can not cure most of us, it just does not have the right tools and knowledge. I mean there are 500 users registered with CH and no help is given by them.

So you can not claim about 100 %, no way. Why dont you fly few of your people to your clinic and prove you are right.

People are desperate but they have learned not to do mistakes and blindly trust anybody.

I still believe you use just the same tools as anybody else, the most of your oral moutwashes are for sure made from chlorhexidine.

Not any different from any others.

SMart mouth is claiming only they can cure everbody, you are claiming your clinic is the only one that can cure us, Finkelstein is claiming he can cure all of us, and other "experts".

THere is no way that other clicinc would not know about your formula because you have yearly mettings wnad bad breath conferences where all of you meet and discuss. SO if somebody would come up with definite cure all the clinics would know about it.

Once again I am challenging you to fly 2 or 3 people to your clinic and prove we are wrong and cure them.

YOu will get tremendous reputation and probably get over 100 people going to your clinic.

YOu know we dont lie, including me and we will not spread lies here on this site. But if something really works we will spread it all over the world.

Is Bosey prepared for our challenge? It should not be a great cost to get 3 people to your clinic if you charge 500 per visit.
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Post by elliott »

Jimi wrote:Gabriel why do you mention those 100 %, it is so awkward to talk about percentages. We all know that your clinic can not cure most of us, it just does not have the right tools and knowledge. I mean there are 500 users registered with CH and no help is given by them.

So you can not claim about 100 %, no way. Why dont you fly few of your people to your clinic and prove you are right.

People are desperate but they have learned not to do mistakes and blindly trust anybody.

I still believe you use just the same tools as anybody else, the most of your oral moutwashes are for sure made from chlorhexidine.

Not any different from any others.

SMart mouth is claiming only they can cure everbody, you are claiming your clinic is the only one that can cure us, Finkelstein is claiming he can cure all of us, and other "experts".

THere is no way that other clicinc would not know about your formula because you have yearly mettings wnad bad breath conferences where all of you meet and discuss. SO if somebody would come up with definite cure all the clinics would know about it.

Once again I am challenging you to fly 2 or 3 people to your clinic and prove we are wrong and cure them.

YOu will get tremendous reputation and probably get over 100 people going to your clinic.

YOu know we dont lie, including me and we will not spread lies here on this site. But if something really works we will spread it all over the world.

Is Bosey prepared for our challenge? It should not be a great cost to get 3 people to your clinic if you charge 500 per visit.
I've already offered to pay them 10X the amount to heal me and was refused, because "scientists don't work that way" to paraphrase. Scientists also rarely claim 100% of anything, to play that card.

Anyway, so what? This is serious here. We are trying to help people here. This is going to take unconventional methods to get people to try your clinic. All it takes is one success. My donation would cover others' treatment. When everyone is healed, we all spread the word, and rid the world of this problem. Your clinic will be famous, you will be a millionaire, and you can use the profit to treat other illnesses, or to do other great things. I don't see the problem.

Times a-wastin'! Lets get someone over to your clinic, and see what transpires. Do you want to make real history or not?
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

he is not gonna do it
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Gabriel wrote:
And chronic halitosis is actually a treatable oral condition. There is a successful treatment system, developed over the past 15 years by a Canadian scientist. As far as I know it's the only treatment in the world that works 100% for severe CH.
Gabriel dont even go there, I am losing my patience about this

100 % are you kidding me
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