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Research Funding

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Research Funding

Post by Larc400 »

So, we need a suitable research candidate (at a medical/dental university etc), who should focus on:

1. How to kill the 'bb bug' (link) specifically


2. How to introduce the 'odour eating bug' (link) into bb sufferers mouths.

How much cash do we need to raise?
Maybe a researcher needs $3000/month or something?
So something like $20 000 for 6 months research?

...and we have maybe 200 'active' members on these sites... so $100 each? How many on here are willing to do that? I would, for sure.

We need someone who knows the workings of the science community to advice us. Please do.

Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Larc stop dreaming, cost would be around few millions not few thousands, come on wake up

We cant do nothing, just wait
emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »

I think we don´t loose anything just asking and see how it would cost....

It would be the most probable that cost millions, but maybe in some university with the students and researchers exited for the project and willing to help, if we find someone that has the infraestructure and the equipment maybe wou´nt be so expensive.

If we find this university and this reserchers, and the members of the forum gets involved as testers and as project supervisors i wouldn´t mind to try to put the more money i least we give it a shot....

if we get mannage to reach researchers in this terms, maybe, i don´t know, 500 dollars each would be 500x200: 100.000, dailley charges anyone more than that just to see you some hours....

It doesn´t sound so bad to me, what do you guys think???

I need some hope!!!
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Post by nelly »

I think thats a very good idea, and I would surely spit some money into it.
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Post by Ice »

just a quick note. sorry to burst ur buble, and really hate being the bad guy, with the "bad news" but does anyone have any idea how much an hour of a scientis costs? how much "renting" of special equipment costs?I'm not talking about halimeter and one "bb specialist", I'm talking about microbiological eqipment, just a plain centrifuge costs over 1000$, certain organnic or anorganic chemichals also over 1000$, and if u think a scientist, microbiologist, "doctors" would work for 5$/hour think again. How much time does a GROUP of scientists need to find a cure for illness, funded by government? not exactly days, we are talking about years here people, in best case scenario, months, do math urself......100.000$ would be hardly a weeks costs, maybe two....
so stop dreaming about funding. How many people were willing to donate $ to Jimi for the site? u could count them on ure hand. Most people here are broke, they can not get a job duo to halitosis, I don't think they have $ for funding a neverending research, most of us here collect money dring month to make sure we will be able to buy worthless mouthwashs and toothpastes...And here we are dreaming about somthing a government would say no way, to expensive....
What we need is to get a country a institute involved in this, and by that I mean doctors. They really are the only one that can help us, wheather we like it or not. It's all a matter how we present this to them. They have the equipment, knowledge and in if presented to them correctly even interest.
Sorry for being so fastforward....
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Ice I agree, most of us are broke big time, but contacting universities is a good thing.

Like I said we are talking about millions of USD not 1000 USD.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Like here, each of us shoud visit this link

and add few lines about our site and our problem. If they would get 500 emails in few days they would certainly put some attention to it.

I will be the first.
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Post by Larc400 »

I never meant we should fund the equipment. Researchers at medical schools have access to laboratories, equipment (gas chroma, anaerobic compartments etc etc), etc...

Average researchers don't make much money, and for us, even a PhD student or whatever might be suitable...

Let's wait and see if someone actually knows...

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Post by Orodor »

It is quite normal to fund PHD students in different topics. My suggestion would be to look for a dentist student of some kind. This would not cost 3k dollar a month though. Because PHD is also usually funded by companies, government or a network to research a specific topic. This is quite expensive. Maybe in the range of 10k a month at least for 2-4 years at least. You also have to pay for equipment and assistants and such as I can see from some of the pages I found on web.

We would also have to get some of us to the student on occations to test etc.

Maybe call the local universities? I could call here and ask.
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Post by destined »

I would be willing to donate money for research and I plan to donate money to this site. Both concepts give me hope that a cure is coming soon. I realize the odds are high but I think we need to try to do something.
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Post by Ice »

that would be good idea contacting universities, but I belive this should be adressed by more than just one person. Who ever u contact, leave adress here so others can contact them also. So they see that there is a demand for research, that there are people outside with this condition.....
I have contacted Cnn, the adress Jimi left, I hope so has "everyone" else?

But I don't think dentist can cure us...I don't think the problem are out teeth......
and as a student...I know how much "effort" student's would put into this kind of research, that does not involve them..not to much.....
man I wish when I was choosing colleage I would have chosen medical colleage, to become a doctor I would be sitting at the desk right next to proffesors, I bet ALL the proffesors would put some serious time and effort into research about bb! :mrgreen:
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Post by Orodor »

I have called the university of Oslo about this. They charge a standard fee of 100k USD a year for rental of equipment for PHD student. In addition we would have to pay salary. If we manage to get one for 50k we would need to fund 150k USD a year. We would probably also need a medical student, so we would need to double that. 300k a year for 3 years, are 900k USD.

There are public fundings for such projects, but we would need to take a big lump of this ourselves no matter.

Could this be done? Could it be cheaper in other countries?
emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »

hey odoror!!

It´s sounds great!!

But i didn´t get it about the mney amount.... How much is 900k??? i don´t understand the word K....

But it seems very realizable to me....

Thinking about this and thinking how it could be taken to practice (this and other ideas), i think ALL MEMBERS should organize us and make us a new hotmail or yahoo mail account and make a windows messenger just for us, so we can chat in real time, just to share our thoughts in real time and make all this things happen once and for all.......

I think it´s very usefull, cause anyone can have he´s own old messenger count and the new one just for sufferes at the same time....

Also i think it´s time to get each other better, and be more close as a group like many members have been´s our only chance to make things happen, together as a group!!

what do you think???
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

900 k is almost 1 million dollars.

Are you ****ing kidding me. Are you guys for real. We can not put together 2000 for a trip to Yehuda and now you are collection 1 million dollars.

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Post by Orodor »

It would be a long way, but here you could if you are good and stubborn maybe get 60 percent public funding. That would leave us down to 360 000 dollar. Over 3 years.

It would been interesting if someone else called their university though. But I guess one of the big advantages about this in Scandinavia is the high amount of public fundings.

If we get the patent I guess the funding would be doable. But it would take effort... A lot of it. The question is if we have the strength to do it also. Its a long long road, with absolutely no guarantees. I dont know. I feel I get tired and worn about starting something like this. Would at least need 3-4 people who would put a lot of effort down on it.

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