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LPR and PPI dosing/length

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LPR and PPI dosing/length

Post by TeamZissou »

I was wondering if anyone here has been treated with a proton-pump inhibitor to treat a diagnosis of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux. I recently read that in order for a PPI to be effective against acid travelling that high, the individual needs to be on a dose twice as strong as that of someone being treated for GERD, and for a period of months to see any improvement, to allow the tissues to heal.

I know people here have tried PPI's unsuccessfully, as well as Reglan, but I was just wondering if anyone has tried the above dosing for that long. I believe a normal PPI pill is 40 mg, while the recommended treatment for LPR is 80 mg.

I think many here may have LPR without even knowing it, as the only symptoms can be PND and BB. You don't need to have any heartburn.

Sorry if this has already been discussed. I couldn't find any threads on LPR in a search.

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Post by halitosisux »

Hi TeamZissou,

Regarding the connection with this and BB, from what i understand, a person with acid reflux has a very characteristic BB odour which doctors can instantly recognise. There's a good possibility that a mild case of reflux could exacerbate BB caused by other reasons. Worth looking into.
I had triple therapy for H Pylori a few yrs ago, and one of the drugs used was a PPI i think. Hard to know what effects that might have had for me because the main antibiotic was metronidazole and we know what that does to BB. The course was for 2 weeks. BB came straight back like it was before.
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Post by Larc400 »

I've been wondering if people like us maybe have reflux, but not acid reflux. That is: maybe we have too little acid, and this makes our stomach smell worse than others. And reflux of that smell wouldn't feel acidic but would smell like shit...

I've hardly ever felt any acidic taste in my mouth, but have felt reflux when lying down.... :-k
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Post by TeamZissou »

Interesting thought. But it isn't the reflux itself that smells, it's the anaerobic bacteria producing VSC's. The only way reflux would make that more likely to happen is if it somehow damages the tissues and creates swelling or PND. I don't know what else would do that besides acid.

I guess it's possible though. Have you ever tried taking vinegar or whatever it is people do who think they lack acid?
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Post by halitosisux »

Lots of people with BB (on here too) have tried betaine hydrochloride and i dont think it made much difference. I tried this while trying out different digestive enzymes a few yrs back - made no difference whatsoever.
People generally take this when they dont produce enough acid.

From what i've researched, stomach contents dont ever become foul smelling in the couple of hours or so that they spend inside the stomach, even in the absense of stomach acid.
A different story for people with a hiatal hernia or pharyngeal pouches etc where food can remain for long enough to become extremely foul and cause very bad breath.

I agree with what u say TeamZissou regarding the symptoms of acid reflux.
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Post by TIRED »

I have a hiatal hernia from my first pregnancy and ever since have had very bad breath. I haven't tried to take anything other than mushroom extract, fennel seed and chlorophyll. I think that the fennel seed works the best. I take it after meals.
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Post by crazybb »

TeamZissou, I am currently taking PPI for LPR and so far I think it is working great for me. I will be on this treatment for six months. I am also taking medications that help increase stomach motility as this is also one of the treatments for LPR. I have noticed that my bb comes back on days when I miss my medications ( even a dosage) and this kind of give me concern if I will have to be on PPI for life. Well, I will have to wait and see what happens in 4 months time when I complete the treatment.
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Post by halitosisux »

If anyone's BB is caused by acid reflux, the link above shows details of a study in which the use of PPI has been shown to CAUSE BB.

I wonder if those people had BB before starting the PPI?
Or am i just reading it wrong?

Anyway, TeamZissou, we both get this fullness in the ears in the morning, is this a possible connection? I also get clear PND but no sinus symptoms apart from mild hayfever during the season and some alternating constant partial blockage of either nasal side, which is more evident on my right side than my left, which i always assumed was the deviated septum i've been diagnosed with. I have lots of the symptoms on that site.

Crazybb, do you think you could tell us any more info on your BB situation and history/symptoms etc? thanks
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Re: LPR and PPI dosing/length

Post by iva »

TeamZissou wrote:I was wondering if anyone here has been treated with a proton-pump inhibitor to treat a diagnosis of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux. I recently read that in order for a PPI to be effective against acid travelling that high, the individual needs to be on a dose twice as strong as that of someone being treated for GERD, and for a period of months to see any improvement, to allow the tissues to heal.

I know people here have tried PPI's unsuccessfully, as well as Reglan, but I was just wondering if anyone has tried the above dosing for that long. I believe a normal PPI pill is 40 mg, while the recommended treatment for LPR is 80 mg.

I think many here may have LPR without even knowing it, as the only symptoms can be PND and BB. You don't need to have any heartburn.

Sorry if this has already been discussed. I couldn't find any threads on LPR in a search.

I went to the third ENT today and was finally diagnosed with LPR, which most probably is the cause for the bb.
Doctor said the treatment was antireflux and I`m wondering if someone on this forum has had antireflux operation?
Also,does anyone have bile reflux?
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Post by prey »

Hello everybody,
i was reading your posts and i think that i have this LPR mainly because of this clear mucus that doesn 't come from the sinuses.
Even if someone with bb have this LPR if he is treated with
that ppi,wouldnt then his bb maybe become worse?
I was reading that statistic on halitosisux web posted in brasil
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Post by iva »

Hi, prey

I do not know about the relation bb-ppi. I have been taking ppi for 8 months and it does nothing for my bb and very little for the acid reflux and LPR. But without it the situation gets worse.
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Post by prey »

iva wrote:Hi, prey

I do not know about the relation bb-ppi. I have been taking ppi for 8 months and it does nothing for my bb and very little for the acid reflux and LPR. But without it the situation gets worse.
sorry i dont understand,you said that you were diagnosed with lpr a few days ago,maybe you didn take the correct antibiotic?
did you changed your diet?
how did your doctor find out about lpr?

thanks for reply

prey 8)
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Post by iva »


yes I was diagnosed with lpr (via indirect laringoscopy), but this is noly the top of the iceberg. The reason is acid reflux, so the treatment of lpr is not with antibiotics, but with medicines for reflux.
PPIs are just one option to treat reflux, but they do not work very well for me.
No lifestyle changes (diet, elevated bed) have any effect on my reflux and lpr.
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Post by prey »

iva wrote:prey,

yes I was diagnosed with lpr (via indirect laringoscopy), but this is noly the top of the iceberg. The reason is acid reflux, so the treatment of lpr is not with antibiotics, but with medicines for reflux.
PPIs are just one option to treat reflux, but they do not work very well for me.
No lifestyle changes (diet, elevated bed) have any effect on my reflux and lpr.
ok, so what is your next step to stop this reflux?
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Post by iva »

ok, so what is your next step to stop this reflux?
Antireflux operation and Roux-en-y for the bile reflux, but I haven`t discussed the second with doctors and I`m not sure if they practice Roux-en-y here.
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