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Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by thf »

Hi Mary10,

Sorry to hear about all the problems you're having at work. I had someone spray something around my desk once and I got very loud and let them know I would sue the city we work for and everyone one around me if it happened again. I've never had another problem. You need to know what the laws are regarding workplace harassment in your state. What they're doing to you is illegal.

As far as your bb, have you always had it? Since you think it's a food issue, how is your digestion. Have you been checked for h.pylori or candida, they can cause bad breath. What about your sinuses, have you seen an ent?

I don't know why we have bb, I believe my is caused by candida which i got from taking antibiotics for years, I'm currently in my 2 wk of treatment and hopefully it will work. I'm not expecting an overnight miracle, I've had this problem for 6 years, so I'm taking it one day at a time.

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Post by April »

MARY10 wrote: Does anyone have any idea at all why my breath smells like someone passed gas? I feel it does have something to do with food. I have started not eating breakfast or lunch because I seem to get less reactions to my breath when I do not eat.Once I fasted for three days and got practically no reactions from people. But as you know, it is impossible to continue living without food. Any helpful comments would be appreciated. Thanks

Sorry to hear about your problems at work. I find it abit strange that you don't get reactions when you haven't eaten breakfast. I know recently I have heard how eating breakfast is beneficial because it helps to clear the bacteria in your throat.

I find if I eat meat, especially chicken I do get that fart smell you are referring to or anything with a hint of spice (heat). I've tried to stay away from foods like this, but still find myself with a piece of chicken in my mouth. I eat more vegetarian food and have stayed away from yeasty foods (breads).

I don't think skipping meals is a good idea though. I think you have to look at your diet and find foods that will reduce your Acid Reflux. I myself have had this very problem and have had a number of courses of PPIs. I don't really have Acid Reflux at all now, but I think diet has been one reason for this.

I also don't think that perfume spraying is helping you either. I hope you don't have any sinus problems, as this would just make things worse. I can relate to this as well, but I've learnt to block things like this out, as most times it happens with people who know I have bb, who spray things before I'm even in the room.
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Post by Bloorain »

Thanks Jimi - a friend is helping me look in to whether my rights are being violated.

The thing is unlike Mary, where at least what they're spraying probably disapates quickly, whatever they've placed in my cubicle sits in there for 6-8 hours of the day. It JUST SITS AND STAYS inside the cubicle. It never dissapates. And the cubicle that's right next to mines doesn't have not one single hint of this thing at all.

I know it doesn't sound like it makes any since and I truly have no idea how exactly they're doing this. The only thing I know is the product they're using is industrial strength, meaning its used by the building for the larger areas in the building and they've placed it in my small cubicle. Yesterday they must've put the thing on my phone and because a lot of my work is done on the phone I must've inhaled a lot of it - by the time I left work my throat was COMPLETELY closed - and felt swollen. I was so soo so angry.

I stayed home today and its a little bit better, but I am so enraged I just truly don't know what to do.
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Post by Archimonde »

Bloorain wrote:Yesterday they must've put the thing on my phone and because a lot of my work is done on the phone I must've inhaled a lot of it - by the time I left work my throat was COMPLETELY closed - and felt swollen.
That's serious stuff. Being bullied is one thing, damaging your health is another. Is this a big company? If your throat is still swollen, go see a lawyer 1st thing in the morning, he'll probably send you to a doctor. If the doctor finds you've been poisoned at work, you could have a strong case for a lawsuit for big $$$.

Stop taking advice from us or your friend, and get legal advice ASAP before your throats heals up. If you're not comfortable seeing a lawyer face-to-face, call one. DON'T WAIT. Don't say anything at work either, if they keep poisoining you, that will just make your case stronger.
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Post by wnaysha »


if u did get the money, u better share it with us, at least 25% for the help n suing idea. lol :lol:
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Post by faith59 »

bleh wrote:Someone even put visine in my water!! Omg..i'm on the verge of insanity. People are seeing where I go to make fun of me...and keeping an eye out for my manager and friend to hide it from them.
Most companies have a ethics or harrasement hotline . Does this company have a home office ? If so contact the human resource person there or contact the Human Resource person's boss at your office. Everybody has a Manager or President they have to report to. This is definetlly harrassment !! and this could get dangerous!!
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Post by Susie »

thf wrote:Hi Mary10,

Sorry to hear about all the problems you're having at work. I had someone spray something around my desk once and I got very loud and let them know I would sue the city we work for and everyone one around me if it happened again. I've never had another problem. You need to know what the laws are regarding workplace harassment in your state. What they're doing to you is illegal.

As far as your bb, have you always had it? Since you think it's a food issue, how is your digestion. Have you been checked for h.pylori or candida, they can cause bad breath. What about your sinuses, have you seen an ent?

I don't know why we have bb, I believe my is caused by candida which i got from taking antibiotics for years, I'm currently in my 2 wk of treatment and hopefully it will work. I'm not expecting an overnight miracle, I've had this problem for 6 years, so I'm taking it one day at a time.
Damn!! That's all I have to say. It's so funny when people put assholes in their place!

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Post by Jimi Stein »

Bloorain wrote:Thanks Jimi - a friend is helping me look in to whether my rights are being violated.

The thing is unlike Mary, where at least what they're spraying probably disapates quickly, whatever they've placed in my cubicle sits in there for 6-8 hours of the day. It JUST SITS AND STAYS inside the cubicle. It never dissapates. And the cubicle that's right next to mines doesn't have not one single hint of this thing at all.

I know it doesn't sound like it makes any since and I truly have no idea how exactly they're doing this. The only thing I know is the product they're using is industrial strength, meaning its used by the building for the larger areas in the building and they've placed it in my small cubicle. Yesterday they must've put the thing on my phone and because a lot of my work is done on the phone I must've inhaled a lot of it - by the time I left work my throat was COMPLETELY closed - and felt swollen. I was so soo so angry.

I stayed home today and its a little bit better, but I am so enraged I just truly don't know what to do.
You know what my dear, I have same problems, my mother is the ****ing devil that tells people to posion me, i have exact symptoms of poisoning, i checked them on internet

They put something in front of my door (appartment) and it is odourless but I feel so bad, i feel it desinfects me so my bb must be much better but my health is so much worse.

I want to reveal now how horrible my parents were, they put some strong poison on door knobs in my room even in the food

when i ate from my mother i always shit for hours and i felt extremely weak.

People dont care if they harm you, you need to get a witness so you can repiort them to police.

I was poisoned on several occasions, several in my case it is soem kind of ceap detergent that everybody has.

And I am telling you my heart pumps like crazy, i feel dizzy, i jave heart chest pains, i feeel i will throw up, i almost pass out all the time.

And when i movd out of the appartment all thye symptons suddenly dissapeared,

Of couse nobody will admit it but try to ask and accuse people.

One thing i researched is that if you mix ammonia and bleach you get poison and if you inhale it is really bad. Funny thing is that i get all the symptoms.

My parents are total shiteaters. I dont know anybody who would convince anybody else to poison me, especially parents. But like I said before mine are animals, not humans,.

My health is so bad right now, I am expecting i will just pass out and die, i am full of toxins athat i had to endure for years. First from my girlfriend and later from my parents and other various people.

Please we need to communicate somehow, we are in the same shit, can i call you or something?
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Post by Jimi Stein »

They do the same to me, they put something so I inhale, or put it on stuff that i thouchj often, car knobs, door knobs.....

YOu need to prove this thing, if you do so you can sue the company, I am working on this right now. I hope I will manage to put my mother to jail before I get a heart attack.
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Post by halihope »

Jimi you need to focus on getting healthy and keep those people who you think are doing harm to you away!! Also why not wear plastic gloves and carry a bottle of alcohol or germ killing gel and a wash cloth and go over your door knobs, car handles ect. I am a stay at home mom and besides I am disable so I seldom get those horrible comments, mostly face reactions but then again I spend lots of time at home. I feel so bad for you and all of you who go out to work and have to face these ugly reactions. It is so hard to have a life with this problem but we must stay strong and brave. Jimi please take care of your health.
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Post by Archimonde »

Jimi wrote:
And I am telling you my heart pumps like crazy
Jimi, I have that symptom too, and some of the other symptoms you described and i've never been poisoned. I strongly suspect it's related to our mysterious BB condition.
Last edited by Archimonde on Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:20 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I am doing all i can, but i can not save myself, they will kill me sooner or later, my health is so bad right now, I have a heart condition, I am passing out on different occasions, have horrible chest pains, stomach pains, dizzyness, cant breath.

I know i got heart condition because of poisoning, before i knew i am being poisnoned I was practicing different sports a lot, i was super trained and fit. But then i felt when i ate i felt that dessinfect feeling in my mouth and immediate feeling of being sick, even throw up, when you know your parents are doing that you feel the world is turning upside down. Somebody posions you because of bb and it is your parents??

THat is so bad i can not even describe. I begged my mother several times to stop, to make our relationshsip friendly.

I am living like an animal, i dont have a home right now, i am sick, exhausted, feeling my heart will give up everry day. I have so much things that I can prove that I was being posinoned, So much things just fits in it is not i am imaginging things.

I have a heart condition with heart flaps and I can die any minute, it happend to other people, I never head problems with my heart before, NEVER in my life.

IT is so bad, I can hardly move every day, I am in pain all the time, you people are happy, but it is always like that, some people are jsut sacrifices and die for others.

I hope this site will help some people siomeday, I just want to give the access right to somebody, I think i will die soon, really I do. I dont want to , I love my life, even if it is fucked. I am still young.

THe last plan is to report my mother to police and my father. If I put them in jail, than i will be happy knowing they made me seriously sick.

There have been serious cases in USA for exampel, some woman claimed her husband was poisoning her and nobody believed her, after autopsy it was proven that she was really poisoned. And he was arrested and put in jail. I have to speak out, I have to do it, if nobody knows that monsters will keep on doing bad things probabyl to others but i doubt it.

She even convinced other people to put soething in my food.
But more people more witnesses I say. I really want to put this bitch into asylum or in jail for the rest of her life.

that is my wish
I just dont beleive there are so little people here who really feel my pain, only you understand hwo we are treated.

I would need help from some individuals here and make them my witnesses bt I know I will not get that.

SOmetimes I jsut want to close this site down. I put my life on line, I really suspect my mother friend is reading this forum, of course she would immediately recognize me.

Many people have died in the past for noble cause, maybe my story should leak to the press when I am dead that I was poisnoned only because of bb and some other poor soul will be saved.

I miss fighters here on this board, i miss love, support, i dont get this from most of you. Nothing, zilch.
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Post by sun »


Please stop talking about death. Be strong.

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Post by Jimi Stein »

nobody gives a ***k on this board, i feel like shutting it down
I thought you were a family, who will fight together, nobody gives a shit
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Post by sun »


Dont misunderstand people. Most of us are going through the same thing you are going through. Face the same problem and deal with the same obstables. I think the lack of interest that is seen out here is because everyone is just fed up woth their own lives and have given up.
So please try to be understand. WE KNOW how it feels. Be strong and stop talking about death. ONE DAY we will be cured. We will all do this together.

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