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Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by guzler »

jimi, this guy i think he is a scam because the first time he posted this here , also posted in the french forum i think archi knows this.

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Post by meowkity1 »

So who is he scammming?I know I dont feel scammmed.All of us bought different blue leds.
And the bluelight research is there he just brought it to our attention
I made a mistake earlier, he ddint tell me he was in hte dental field, its the medical field
Who ever thinks hes a scammer, please explain how hes scamming us, because I just dont see it. iTS NOT LIKE HE SAID THE LIGHT A CURE AND PLEASE BUY IT FROM HIM, AND after he posted he wanted to try it awhile before telling us how to get it
Leave the poor man alone
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Post by sadman »


Why do you call me poor :D . Actually , I am rich , not very rich though , in money , medical knowledges and in how to scope with the disease . I still feel very sad that there is no cure yet and I am trying to do my best .
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Post by sadman »

Anyone already using the light ( flashlight , blue light toothbrush , dental curing light ...) please posts the results here so that we all can have an idea how do you use it and does it help if any . Thanks a lot . Everyone else please stop buying it so that I am not kicked out of the forum being labeled as a scammer :D
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Post by bhd »

when you create a "NEW TOPIC" that makes a new topic/thread which is what I am talking about.

i know what a topic is, do you?
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Post by sadman »

bhd wrote:when you create a "NEW TOPIC" that makes a new topic/thread which is what I am talking about.

i know what a topic is, do you?
I don't see anything wrong by posting too many threads about one topic . If it makes you confused , I sincerely apologize
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Look, you posted 3 posts about freaking blue light, you could introduce yourselves first that you are in a medical field, and then you post stupid posts like Am I cured? ANd we all know that you dont even have bb. Dont fool us around. What you want, test rabbits, go ahead, but at least be truthful.
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Post by sadman »

Jimi wrote:Look, you posted 3 posts about freaking blue light, you could introduce yourselves first that you are in a medical field, and then you post stupid posts like Am I cured? ANd we all know that you dont even have bb. Dont fool us around. What you want, test rabbits, go ahead, but at least be truthful.
You are right , Jimi , I am testing the blue light , not on rabbits but on myself and I think I am getting good result , but it's just a personal feeling which I can not prove ( that's why I ask if I am cured ) and therefore I need feedback from some other users to see if the blue light actually helps and how we can get the best use from it . If no other users get at least some improvement , the blue light is useless and we can stop the discussion here . I have been suffering bad breath for almost 50 years and it's very uncomfortable for me to tell you that I am in the medical field having BB for that long . At the mean time , I will continue to test on myself with the dental curing light I just ordered and I will keep posting my experiment with the freaking!!! blue light which I think is the only hope now after trying everything the last 15 years. Anyone who doesn't want to follow my post please just don't open it .
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Post by meowkity1 »

Im sorry but I think its rude to say someone in here doesnt have bb, how the hell would we know?
I think the way he posted was smart, If I opened one post and it was 5 or 6 pages long I wouldnt have read it. But instead he split the info up, and I dont see the peoblem here.
SAdman if you are needind test subjects because your a researcher you should be honest about it, I still wouldve tried it because I looked up the information for myself anyway
I think the others are discouraged because you hadnt posted prior to the blue light, but who cares. And quite frankly the site had slowed down a bit til this, so good work sadman scientist
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Post by sadman »


I am a sufferer , not a researcher . I have been in this forum since 2007 when your guys , Oceanside , Thanatos .... were talking about Lavoris mouthwash . I did not post anything until I found out about the blue light and I think this might be it and tried it on myself with some good result . It's inhuman to lie to you about what I have said .
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Post by meowkity1 »

I think this is a good example of why more poeple need to post in MY STORY.. Dont be worried about anything because this is all anomynous
I am sure vivian wouldve loved to reportme to child protective services, and I am still glad I posted my story
Incase anyone is wodering my son is coming along great. We jut started another year of play classes, speech, and his lovely teacher comimng to our home weekly. Hes talking so much better since getting tubes, and with the help of this site, I was determined to try new things for my breath, wich allowed me to talk to him more. This will be my third week of having to take him to the play group, and its highly embarassing. Last week I even thought of making a good ecuse so I couldnt take him anymore. But I know he loves to go so much
And all the other parents rub their nose alot but they dont shy away from sitting next to me. What Ive been doing latlely is brushing after every meal, hoping these bacteria will starve
Sadman I encourage you to post your story. It actually made me feel so much beter to reach out to poeple that could understand (minus vivian).
girlie girl
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Post by girlie girl »

Being in the medical field myself, I appreciate all that you have done! The only way we can cure ourselves is to keep trying to find things that may work. I do not believe in anyway that you are a "spammer". Please keep up the good work and keep posting...cause there are many reading!
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Post by Susie »

oh yes.......Good ole Lavoris. What ever happened with that? LOL

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Post by YippieImCured »

Thanks for posting this....I dnt think yr a scammer... Who'd've thunk it eh?

I have 90 per cent killed my BB and just checked in for fun...

The only problem I have left is a dodgy wisdom tooth that still gets food etc caught in it and can smell from time to time...yuck...

So do you think there's a way to localise the blue light to one tooth? I'm gonna buy one of these things today.

HSux...good to see yr cured... and well done for coming back to help others.

Jimi, yr a hero for setting this site up.

Posts: 155
Joined: Tue Sep 01, 2009 1:18 am

Post by sadman »

YippieImCured wrote:Sadman,
Thanks for posting this....I dnt think yr a scammer... Who'd've thunk it eh?

I have 90 per cent killed my BB and just checked in for fun...

The only problem I have left is a dodgy wisdom tooth that still gets food etc caught in it and can smell from time to time...yuck...

So do you think there's a way to localise the blue light to one tooth? I'm gonna buy one of these things today.

HSux...good to see yr cured... and well done for coming back to help others
Jimi, yr a hero for setting this site up.

I think the dental curing light might help . If you still live in China , you can get it there easily . I do not have experience with it yet until next week when my order arrives. It has 1 LED lamp with the intensity from 1000-1400mW/Cm2 , so with just one tooth , you can shine the tooth for 40" . Glad to know that you are still 90% cured with just the diet . I have tried Veggie diet for some time with no avail . I also have tried to alkalize my body with ACV and Baking Soda with no result .
I am still in experiment with the blue light . Hope it works
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