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i think im cured guys

Tell us your story with bad breath
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i think im cured guys

Post by ac10 »

Alright guys I think I've been cured. Just coming up here and being able 2 write that as oppose 2 saying "my bb came back" feels f*ckin gr8. I've been comin up here everyday ever since I finished taking the meds keeptrying09 sent me, about 2-2 nd half mths ago, 2 give u guys the result after the meds but I didn't want 2 give u guys a premature conclusion. I didn't want 2 come up here 2wks after I finished the meds and say "I'm cured" and then my bb com back 2 wks later. So I waited, its been a mth nd a half, almost, 2 mths after taking the last pill of either medication nd life has been gr8 living bb free. I pray 2 god I'm able 2 say that same exact statement 100 yrs from now.

So when I was done taking the meds, up until about 2 wks ago, I was still paranoid still brushing, rinsing nd chewing gum all day everyday because I wasn't sure whether I still had bb or not. The Only person I was testing it out on freely was my girlfriend. I still haven't told her I was on n e meds jus so I cud get her honest opinion nd natural reaction on my breath. So whenever we ate I'd talk in the car nd in her face 2 see how she wud react, nd I got no negative reaction. The windows weren't cracked in the car nd when I talked in her face she didn't adjust her body to 2 avoid smelling my breath. So even with "the gud reaction" from my girl I still wasn't sure on how my breath smelled.

The only person that knew I was taking these meds was my 18 year old younger bro. Me nd him have the best realtionship and we can talk 2 each other about absolutly n e thing in this world. He's the only person I actually feel comfortable enuff around to talk about how I hate having bb. I even told him that keeptrying09 sent me these meds nd that if I dropped dead taking these meds make sure they hunt him down lol. Sorry KT, it was a "just in a case this guy is a psycho" precaution. But back 2 my bro if there ones person that wud help me find a cure it wud be him, nd of course obviously KT09. So about 2 wks ago I had him smell my breath. I told him 2 plz give me his honest opinion on what he smelled if n e at all nd that if he lied 2 me that it didn't stink when it really did he wud be doin a lot more harm then gud because I wud b fooled. Even tho we almost never lie 2 each other I jus had 2 make sure he was goin 2 b completly honest with me. So I asked while talkin an inch away from his nose and said "does my breath make u wanna drop kick me in my throat?" he laughed of course nd said no, "I don't smell n e thing". Of course I was still skeptacle nd said "plz tell me the truth, its ok if it smells" nd he said " I don't smell n e thing, y wud I lie?, it ur breath not mine." That made me believe him a bit more but I still was like r u sure? nd made him smell it a few more times. I talked directly in his face a couple times nd blew in his face as well, still he said he honestly didn't smell n e thing. So I took his word that night nd beleived him. After he told me that I started goin 2 work without my toothpaste nd rinse. I'd eat nd simply just chew gum afterwards nd talk amognst coworkers. This I never did b4, when I did talk 2 coworkers b4 I don't know whether they smelled my breath or not but I didn't give them a chance 2 because I'd talk 2 them from a distance. But after my bro told me that I started talking normally close to them nd surprisingly nobody acted negatively. Of course they may back up, normally, from time 2 time, which wud worry me a little but then they'd get right back in my face nd continue the convo.

So from then on I started feeling abit more confident about my breath nd flossed scraped nd brushed only twice a day as opposed 2 a million times a day. I'd eat throughout the day and act normal around ppl for once and I haven't got n e negative reaction. So I asked my bro again last week 2 smell my breath, just so I was sure it didn't com back, nd again he said he smelled nuthin, actually started getting annoyed because I wudnt take his first answer as a final answer. I'd ask him about 4-5 times, he even said if I wanted 2 he will tell me my breath smelled bad because it seems like that's what I want hear. So with assurance from my bro that my breath didn't smell nd my girlfriend nd friends nd coworkers not reacting negativly whenever I talk, I'm happy 2 say I AM BAD BREATH FREE.

So there it goes guys that's what's been going on in my life the last mth nd a half 2 two mths. I think I'm bb free.
By the way I've been doing my best trying 2 stay away from yeast foods like KT09 told me. I'm not gonna lie I've eatin it a couple times, it seems like its in eveything, but for the most part I've elimnated it from my diet. Like 97% yeast free diet. I also take probiotics now and took it while I was on the meds like KT09 suggested. I brush with therabreath regular paste nd rinse with the "pluse" rinse. I don't think therabreath is making the difference in my breath, because I still had bb while using it b4 the meds, I'm just afraid 2 try n e thing else because I am bb free now. But I will switch 2 a cheaper paste nd rinse soon, its worth a shot.

Keeptrying09, I don't know persoanlly know u, but I love u man. Whether my bb comes back or not I am greatful u were on this site nd took ur time out to help me conquer this disease. These last 2 mths have been gr8. I enjoy the little things in life now that everybody else takes for granted. U r a gr8 man and I'm only a broke college student now but I promise ill repay u in the future. Once again thx. Nd Jimi thank u as well because obviously there wud b no KT, or atleasr I wudnt kno of him without this gr8 site of urs. Nd I also owe u a big one in the future as well. By the jimi, can u leave ur email address here just in case sumthing happens 2 this site.

One more thing for n e new ppl on here who don't kno my story nd wondering if this may work for u. I had oral sex with a girl in 2008 nd had bb ever since then. Nd the meds KT09 gave me killed are made to kill anareobic bacteria in the body nd yeast nd candida infection. Vagina does have yeast so I'm assuming I had a lot of vagina juice in my mouth from that night nd these meds killed them off.

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Post by RED1214 »

thats brilliant! well done, really happy for you. :)
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Post by PR1988 »

what was your cause of bb?
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Post by PR1988 »

lol i didnt read close enough haha
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Post by TIRED »

what meds and probiotics did you take?
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Post by ac10 »

Thanks red, hope everybody here finds a cure as well.
The meds I used along with the probiotics were Metronidazole & Fluconazole. Keeptrying09 sent them to me from thailand. Email him for more information. Really gr8 guy, he'll answer a gazillion questions for u with a smile on. [email protected]
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Post by derang »

Hi AC ,

Congratgs on finding a cure. What probiotics did/are you using and where did you get them, im in the UK.

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Post by Lenses »

Hi ac10, this is Lenses am new to the site. I have bb too and my life is a mess right now. I read you post abt the meds sent to you but how much and for how long did you take it? Please let me know.
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Post by Lenses »

Hey keeptrying09, am lenses. Please ac10 got cured from using the meds u sent can you let me know the dose of the meds and for how long and the probiotics that he used becos i think i had similar problem after having oral sex but this time from my hubby and ever since 2007/2008 had bb that has messed up my life please i need you help. I took fluconazole long time ago prpbably in 2009 but did not work. Please can you let me know how ac10 used it.
I will really appreciatge any help. Send me a reply on the site.

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Post by Killjoy87 »

That is so weird..... I was literally just thinking... what if I got my bb from oral sex? I will never go down on a girl again if that is the case lol.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Killjoy87 wrote:That is so weird..... I was literally just thinking... what if I got my bb from oral sex? I will never go down on a girl again if that is the case lol.
It does stop to make you think doesn't it... I mean, it's no secret that a large percentage of women experience a vaginal yeast infection at some point in their lives, sometimes recurrently. If a person just so happened to give oral sex to a woman who was suffering from a yeast infection, who's to say it can't spread into the mouth or esophagus? :-k

And if you wanted to go even further, what if a man had penetrative sex with a woman who had a yeast infection. And then let's say that man went out the next day and received oral sex from or had penetrative sex with another person. Do you think it could spread this way too?

Basically, I guess the question is, can a yeast infection or overgrowth be transmitted during sex... :-s
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Post by terranpatriot »

So true. Not to mention that an array of bacteria can be present in the female genital area as well. What's to say that they can't disrupt the biotic ecology in the mouth? I also decided to never engage in cunnilingus again and advise anyone else who is thinking of doing it to think twice
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Post by stressedout »

men can have yeast down there too = jock itch, lets not forget! NO ORAL SEX LOL
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Post by caramiamine98 »

Male yeast infection:
Can I get a yeast infection from my girlfriend? I thought only women got yeast infections.

from James M. Steckelberg, M.D.

It's possible for a man to contract a genital yeast infection if he has unprotected sexual intercourse with a partner who has a genital yeast infection. However, just because your girlfriend has a yeast infection doesn't mean you will get one too. Sexual transmission of yeast infections is uncommon.

Many people are under the impression that only women get genital yeast infections. Regardless of your sex, though, prolonged antibiotic use increases your risk of a yeast infection. Also, men and women with diabetes or impaired immune systems, such as those with HIV, are more susceptible to yeast infections.

Signs and symptoms of a male yeast infection include a reddish rash, along with itching or burning at the tip of the penis. Fortunately, most male yeast infections are easily treated with an over-the-counter antifungal treatment, such as Monistat (yes, men can use it too). Apply the medication directly to the affected skin twice daily for a week. If the rash doesn't go away, or if it recurs frequently, consult your doctor.

If you and your partner have symptoms of genital yeast infection, it's important that you both be treated. Otherwise, you may keep reinfecting each other. Also, it's generally recommended that you refrain from sexual contact until all signs and symptoms of the infection are gone. ... on/HO00172

This explains why many women get recurring yeast infections. They forget to treat their partners as well.
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Post by angst-ridden »

How many times a day did you take those tablets and for how long did you take them? Is it ok to take them without any prescriptions?
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