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I know talk of s*****e is frowned upon, but..........

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I know talk of s*****e is frowned upon, but..........

Post by thanatos »

With the passing of Heath Ledger as a suspected suicde, I couldn't help but to see similarities between him and myself at least in general terms.

His friends say that over the past few months he became increasingly isolated and introverted & that the only good thing in his life was his daughter.

Many of us, including myself, are becoming increasingly isolated & are watching as everything we hold dear to us slip through our fingers be it friends, hopes and dreams, a career, a significant other, a life that has a social purpose, etc.

Personally, I don't know if I can continue this for much longer. My world just keeps crumbling around me as the reality of my situation and my life reveals itself in devastating blows.

Everything just seems to be getting worse and my ability to dream and hope is dying. The ever increasing pain, isolation, introversion, loneliness, helplessness, etc is making it impossible to see this life carried out to full-term.

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Post by mar11 »


thanatos how old are you?
why do think ledger killed himself?
there are people that are blind and they still don't commit s*****e, former british foreign minister is blind.
some people are invalid.
BB can be a hell, but first make sure that it is not tonsil related.

I used to feel like shit coz of BB, but I'm starting to believe (70%) that my BB may be gone, since I went to see finkelstein in isreal and he told me that there is no BB, and my tonsillectomy was well done.
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Post by Busted »

mar11 wrote:I'm starting to believe (70%) that my BB may be gone, since I went to see finkelstein in isreal and he told me that there is no BB, and my tonsillectomy was well done.
Hehe, so you went all the way over there and he said you didn't have to do his surgery? He must be scared that it will not work. Oh well you can't blame him, nobody likes to get on the front page of a site with some bananas. How much did he charge you for the visit?
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Re: I know talk of s*****e is frowned upon, but..........

Post by waitingforrelief »

thanatos wrote:With the passing of Heath Ledger as a suspected suicde, I couldn't help but to see similarities between him and myself at least in general terms.

His friends say that over the past few months he became increasingly isolated and introverted & that the only good thing in his life was his daughter.

Many of us, including myself, are becoming increasingly isolated & are watching as everything we hold dear to us slip through our fingers be it friends, hopes and dreams, a career, a significant other, a life that has a social purpose, etc.

Personally, I don't know if I can continue this for much longer. My world just keeps crumbling around me as the reality of my situation and my life reveals itself in devastating blows.

Everything just seems to be getting worse and my ability to dream and hope is dying. The ever increasing pain, isolation, introversion, loneliness, helplessness, etc is making it impossible to see this life carried out to full-term.
hang in there. on one hand we need to try to find something to alleviate and control our bad breath. but at the same time, what you're going thru' is not a direct result of having halitosis, but depression.

it's true that it's very hard not to be depressed with this condition-but we do have some control over it.

i know quite a few people with chronic bb, and either they are oblivious about it or they just don't care. for whatever reasons, they seem to function perfectly well, and are in happy, healthy relationships.

seriously, i personally have a real hard time seeing past my breath problem, but it doesn't mean that it's not possible. some people tend to get a lot more self-conscious than others. having bb in combination with that is just disastrous. so instead of feeling despondent about not having a cure, we do need to try mentally live life as we are, instead of waiting for a tomorrow that we won't know when it's to come.

hang in there - from everything you've said, i'd say that girl sounds interested. but if all you see yourself is a blob of smelly air, how do you expect anyone to keep their interest? there are so much more to you, think about that !

hang in there.
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Post by maclean »

hi there mate i no how you feel,i lost my wife my business and my beautiful flat and im only 27 so i understand you so so much if you ever want to chat im here for you mate i could even give you a call if your that low so hang in there and im in the same boat as you i hate life at the moment and will do anything to help you.
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Post by thanatos »

Thanks Maclean

I'm doing better now. It's just this can be a lonely life, but I'm not giving up yet. I still have my jobs, my dogs, my home, my health.

*Watches 'Rocky Balboa' and refocuses*
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Post by mike987 »

I understand thanatos.

I thought recently.. About the kind of plans I used to have for my life.. And looking at myself now I know those things will never happen as long as bb is weighing me down. My dreams would have been possible. They would have been something special and would have definitely set me apart and leaving me proud. I'm 22 now and I can see now that if things keep going as they are, I'll have reached a dead end. I see no way out of it other than death.

My past self was so passionate about things.. I was shy but I still longed for so much more and was always biting away at it. There was always something set before me that I had to accomplish.. I was living to overcome the next hurdles and build up to my dreams. Now I'm only alive to wake up the next day, and I've come to hate myself.

I don't want to promote s*****e, but sometimes bad cards are dealt.. If you stop looking at life as if it were a fair game you can see how miserable it really is. The only way to live is to get caught up in the world of man... but we aren't welcome there :?
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Post by Busted »

mike987 wrote:I don't want to promote s*****e, but sometimes bad cards are dealt.. If you stop looking at life as if it were a fair game you can see how miserable it really is. The only way to live is to get caught up in the world of man... but we aren't welcome there :?
I had this problem since I was born I think, so i was never given a life. I'm not sure what I'm doing here. If a doctor said I only had a few days to live, I don't think I would mind one bit. In fact I'd be very happy, cause I know that soon I would be relieved from all of this.

I'm not really suicidal. I don't think I will end up killing myself, but since there's no real hope left, I'm starting to looking forward to that day everything will end. With this bb controlling your life, I think this (life) is as pointless as it can get. I don't even want to look at others anymore: How they socialize, laugh, have fun...cause I know that I will never be able to do those things. I feel happy for some of them, but as soon I think about my own (life), damn...

Then I do some stuff to try to forget about everything and to enjoy myself e.g. listening to music and play videogames, but it doesn't seem to work anymore. All I care about is not having CH ever again. That's all I ask for, but I guess it is too much. I should just ask for a beautiful home with a nice car and infinite cash. ](*,)
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Dont tralk too much about s*****e, if you have a crazy cunt of a mother liek I do she might try to commite you to hospital like Britney was. :) :)

My mother (drugged zombie) was convinced that my mind is the cure for bad breath and that I hav a bad breath because of my mind.

She always say my son of course I love you, even cow loves its child so why wont I love you.

ANd of course she can not forget how she broke a wooden spoon on me when she beat me up as a child.

I think this bb is coming for all the traumas I had to experence living with my fucked up parents.

I mean the woman is insane, she changes her moods rapids, one time she screams liek a ****ing animal ., the other time she is alcoholized or drugged.

I wish I was never born in that ****ing family. I am not sufferng because of my bb so much, I am sufferung of her ****ing past things she has doen to me as a child.

Her only point in her miserable life is to ***k me up totally. Till the end. I dont rememer anything nice from that cunt, only ****ing bad things.

I wish her to burn in hell someday, I hope karma exits and she will pay for everything she has done bad to me.
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Post by thanatos »

Last edited by thanatos on Fri Jan 17, 2014 5:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

If there is hell my mother is definately heading there with 1st class ticket.

SHe made my life living hell in the past few years. I mean the woman bad motuh me whenever she has a chance.

Everybody who knows me she wants to put her ****ing devil fingers between, she ruined a lot of my relatinships.

SHe just wants to ***k me up, that is it.
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Post by thanatos »

Last edited by thanatos on Fri Jan 17, 2014 5:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by maclean »

i dont stay strong i just hide from the world,i have 3 brothers and they no what i have but they seem to be ok with me.the one thing that keeps me going in this life is playing golf im out in the fresh air and no one can smell me thank ***k but trust me what ever i do mate i cant get rid of this smell.
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Post by thanatos »

Last edited by thanatos on Fri Jan 17, 2014 5:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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My Story with Halitosis,

Post by BBRuiningMyLife »

So I just joined this site about 10 minutes ago after finding this forum about bad breath on google. I am going to share my story with bad breath for the first time to anyone. So please, what you're about to read is my story with bad breath and how it has affected me. If possible, please give me your replies to it. Thank You.

So I guess you could say it all started in about eighth grade. I was sitting in math class one day, and I was sitting next to this girl who was my math partner. She started to cover up her nose and mouth, which was probably my very first encounter with bad breath on a serious note. From what I remember, as the days went by, she kept covering her mouth & nose more & more, and each time it got me more halitophobic. Keep in mind that at the time I was only 13-14 years old. I thought it was only a temporary thing. But boy, was I wrong.

About 4-5 months later. I started high school. My hopes for the summer were that high school was gonna be the best 4 years ever. When I first entered my high school, the first 2-3 months were pretty good. I had made some friends, and was getting some cool people to meet. But then it happened. My whole world was flipped upside down.

In October of 2008 was where it all took a turn for the worst. Trust me. One day, I saw this kid in the hallway and I tried to make a joke about his name, and I guess he didn't find that funny. So there I had made my first enemy. I wasn't trying to hurt his feelings, I was just trying to be funny and make a new friend, you know, like most people like to do when they're a freshmen in high school. But then, I think about a few days/weeks later, I had to sit next to him in my biology class. I think I had said something to him one day and he automatically said something about my breath. He made a joke and said something about how I had bad breath. Now imagine my reaction as a high school freshmen being made fun of in front of nearly 20 people. Yeah, embarrassing.

Pretty soon, more and more people started noticing and commenting on it. I had slowly started to lost all of the people I had first met when I started high school. Eventually, I guess it came to a point where I felt like I was being labeled/dubbed as "The Bad Breath Kid". I didn't understand. I never had problems with BB up until then. It got even worse, where some people would actually tell me that I had bad breath. Wow did I feel like crap. I mean, what was happening to me?

It got even worse over the years. My 10th grade year, even the new freshmen and even most of the teachers started to notice my bad breath. How do you deal with walking around school knowing that almost everyone already sees you as the person with bad breath.

By 11th grade, the grade I'm currently in, I started to struggle with depression. Now I had dealt with depression in the past, but it was back in 7th grade, when I'm pretty sure bad breath wasn't a problem for me. But now it had come back and the main source had been from all the bullying I had to go through in the past 2 1/2 years of my high school experience so far. I soon was sent to the see my school counselor, whom eventually I had admitted to being bullied. I never said that it was because of my bad breath, because I didn't want to feel insecure and embarrassed. She then recommended that I start seeing a therapist. So I did. Later on, I admitted to feeling suicidal and homicidal towards other people and my counselor sent me to get an evaluation because of my suicidal thoughts. After the evaluation was over that day, I was sent to a program in a hospital to deal with my Anxiety and Suicidal Thoughts/Feelings. It helped a little, and I did miss about a month of school, but once I got back, my bad breath had not changed, and I still felt depressed. I was then recommended to go see a psychiatrist at the same hospital, and was also prescribed to take medication because of my suicidal and depression problems. I was also prescribed medication for my sleep and attention issues, but that's probably not relevant.

Now here I am. A 16-Year Old depressed, angry, and suicidal halitophobic. I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I've tried mouthwashes, mints, different toothpastes, gum, tonguescrapers, brushing my tongue with my toothbrush, scraping my tongue with a spoon, and many other things to get rid of my halitosis for good. And this isn't a a normal thing. People in school are always covering their noses and mouths. Some people at the program I was at even covered their mouths and noses a few times when I was around or when I spoke. Another downside to having it is that there's this really cute girl in my school who I've been interested in ever since I was in 9th Grade. I've always been really nervous to talk to her, mainly because of my bad breath. I don't what to do. I think she's even noticed it a couple times, maybe more. When I first entered high school, I thought I was gonna be the guy with tons of friends and in a number of relationships. But now I see that my main demon that has ruined my ability to have a good high school experience is my bad breath. I've been ignored, bullied, looked down upon, and it's even made me suicidal. I now have to take pills to deal with my suicidal thoughts because of my bad breath! It sounds crazy, right? But it's true.

For those of you saying you've thought of s*****e, I COMPLETELY understand where you're coming from. I'm so afraid of being made fun of that I can't even stick up for myself when I'm being bothered or bullied. I have to bring gum, mints, and drink plenty of water everyday in the hope that my bad breath goes away. It feels like a curse. It hurts. I feel so alone sometimes.

So now that you've read my story, I guess the only thing to do now is to ask for help. So yeah, if there are any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate them. I hope you guys understand what I'm going through, or at least try. Thank You.
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