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question for the men here

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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question for the men here

Post by meowkity1 »

If A woman was really attractive but had shit mouth would you constantly see her/
I ask this because despite my shit mouth I still have a sex life.
My oldest sons father whom I sleep with about 1 -2 times a month. Hes the only male in my life that ican talk to about things we were really close, but anyway he always denies smelling anything. but on the days I know Im bad we dont kiss, but the days Im doing manageable he oes kiss me. Same with my other sons father.
I know what a slut. I need to get out and meet some new people, but wouldnt that be even sluttier? lol
So for th3 past 3 weeks Iv been brushing him off, he called on sunday saying how he wants to spend some time talking and lets have a drink, so I started sayoing how my mouth wasnt in good dhape at the moment. And he basicly said he was comoing and doesnt want to hear anything about my breath.
I told him I definately cannot drink with him he brought it anyways. We had a good time though drinking and watching the science channel, I think he was trying to make me feel better, making me feel accepted.
I have another guy that constantly calls me even though when Im around him I dont make a effort to make sure Im right.
Im sorry I dont think I could put up with someone with my mouth. And I know with all of myself that its bad.
Sometimes I make myself feel used because instead of the man getting up to leave right away, I make him leave right away. I have tons of excuses.
Anyone else going through this

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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Hey Meowkity1,

Hi. I'm new to the forum. I have a question for you, and please don't take it the wrong way, but have either of these two men told you directly that your breath was bad?

The reason I ask is because I know what it's like to kiss someone with bad breath (as i've been kissed before and i've kissed someone else with bad breath before) and you can always feel some kind of hesitation, or some kind of desire to pull away from that person. Also if they don't seem eager to open their mouths wide and give you a big french kiss, that's another sign that you might have a problem. But if they are kissing you full on with no hesitation, then I'm wondering why you feel you have bad breath when you are around these gentlemen.

Anyway, nice to meet you :D
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Post by meowkity1 »

Im positive its bad thats why I find it strange that they constantly call me. The 1 that came sunday noe he never open his mouth, but we were togehter from my age of 15 to 23 and he never really did.
My youngest sons father kind is both ways he will fully kiss me on my good days. and he doesnt, and on my bad days he s lighter with it he kiss me on cheek more, but he has reactions like rubbing and sneezing, but we've never talked about it,
I thibnk my oldest sons father is acceping because sometimes his breath is badm and we have talked about tit before.
I wouldnt say he has halitosis, but he definately has to brush in the morning to have a normal mouth and he chews gum alot, and says mhm,
I could imagine when hes elderly he probably will
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Post by block »

when will women cimprehind, men think with the other head. we don't pay atttention to those minor details, breath, a pound or two up or down etch...
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Post by meowkity1 »

b;oclk you sy men dont pay attention to minor details.
But would yo wan to make a life together eith someone with your mouth?
So I hate that it seems as sex is all there can be, not even a date. Im just too scared to
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Post by block »

its an important part and men make "comprimises" if u will, people get "used to bb" so it will not bother them as much as u think... offcourse it does not help if ure stink as a person... but thats a whole new debate...
sex is not "all" but its an important ingridient, like ice cream dressing, u dont really need it, but it does make the whole experience alot better ;)

bottom line date, if one person is bothered with it, u probably wouldnt stand him/her for being so superficial... what do u have to looseP another person will know u have bb? big deal, by now there are probably some people that know that but they don't give a f*ck, and neither should u, men really arent that complicated my God! O:)
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Post by goldenbrown »

I know how you feel. I stil have love life despite my BB
I been with my bf for 4 months now.
Saying that though I scrape tongue, drink a pint of water, gargle with all sorts of mouthwashes and chew gum the whole time before I see him so its an effort...
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Post by 17yearbattle »

I know this is a really old thread... but since im back online here Im just browsing through and posting..

Hey! ladies i feel u... I have had a love life and all of that.... im very clever at managing my breath but its a lot of work... the guys have known i have bb but I just make sure not to present myself to them or in public unless I feel safe about it.. I never want to offend people with it. The guys just kind of work around it... I think that my antisocial behavior is what would separate us though... I would expect them to stay in the house with me or I would get mad if they pressure me to be social and go to visit others or go to parties or invite people over... Home is sacred to me because its the only place I can relax at without worry about my breath...

The only thing about these relationships is that you simply want to be yourself and give them all of you without this issue shadowing.... and plus if this guy is very social... he will expect you to be around his friends and family; that's where the problem lies, because for you its dreadful... Especially if people dont know you and just view you as a normal person who is very beautiful (at first)... you kind of dont want to ruin that by letting them find out you have the problem and then eventually they jump on the "stigmatize you" bandwagon. But honestly its not your breath that makes them stigmatize you, your breath will make them ridicule you or maybe tease you sometimes... but its our attitude and paranoia; its our detached demeanor and anti social behavior that makes people not like us... but people dont understand how much pain we are in and how much we are suffering... Our attitude is really half the battle.. people know we have bb but they really dont care as much as we think they do... When I look back at some of my most painful days; when I was just walking around in a haze; the people I think hated me or saw me as leper or a clown, really dont think about me like that anymore. They could care less; whenever I bump into someone I used to know they just treat me like a normal person... the stigma really doesnt follow me at all. Its that paranoid look in my eyes that drives people away... so from now on I AM NO LONGER SCARED! MY LIFE IS IN GODS HANDS... IM JUST GOING TO LIVE AND ENJOY MY DAYS.. I am currently single and I'm not worried about romance right now... just to see good days and making the most of my life.
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Post by terranpatriot »

I know this is a really old thread... but since im back online here Im just browsing through and posting..

Hey! ladies i feel u... I have had a love life and all of that.... im very clever at managing my breath but its a lot of work... the guys have known i have bb but I just make sure not to present myself to them or in public unless I feel safe about it.. I never want to offend people with it. The guys just kind of work around it... I think that my antisocial behavior is what would separate us though... I would expect them to stay in the house with me or I would get mad if they pressure me to be social and go to visit others or go to parties or invite people over... Home is sacred to me because its the only place I can relax at without worry about my breath...

The only thing about these relationships is that you simply want to be yourself and give them all of you without this issue shadowing.... and plus if this guy is very social... he will expect you to be around his friends and family; that's where the problem lies, because for you its dreadful... Especially if people dont know you and just view you as a normal person who is very beautiful (at first)... you kind of dont want to ruin that by letting them find out you have the problem and then eventually they jump on the "stigmatize you" bandwagon. But honestly its not your breath that makes them stigmatize you, your breath will make them ridicule you or maybe tease you sometimes... but its our attitude and paranoia; its our detached demeanor and anti social behavior that makes people not like us... but people dont understand how much pain we are in and how much we are suffering... Our attitude is really half the battle.. people know we have bb but they really dont care as much as we think they do... When I look back at some of my most painful days; when I was just walking around in a haze; the people I think hated me or saw me as leper or a clown, really dont think about me like that anymore. They could care less; whenever I bump into someone I used to know they just treat me like a normal person... the stigma really doesnt follow me at all. Its that paranoid look in my eyes that drives people away... so from now on I AM NO LONGER SCARED! MY LIFE IS IN GODS HANDS... IM JUST GOING TO LIVE AND ENJOY MY DAYS.. I am currently single and I'm not worried about romance right now... just to see good days and making the most of my life.
I'd have to agree wholeheartedly with most of this post as I can relate with it entirely. Very rarely do I come on this forum and see such a positive attitude. Too often do we read rants of depression and cries for help. I've always tried to avoid such because it affects the way I feel during the day. Thank you 17years for spreading some positive light and encouragement.

The truth of the matter is that the smell of BB is not as bad as the strange behavior associated with it. I remember when I first got BB about 7 and a half years ago. Despite this, I was still elected homecoming king during my senior year of HS. This was after one year of having BB, mind you. After graduating, I got into a relationship with a real cutie; a relationship which went on for about 6 years (on and off). During the first three years of my BB, I was upset about my condition and worked tirelessly to cure myself through the use of many products and medications. But publicly, I didn't let BB effect me. I still had a life. I had normal relationships with people and I never viewed myself as inferior to anyone. I had a great girlfriend, and I had a circle of cool friends who viewed me as an equal, and not as a self-conscious, paranoid creep.

However, after the first three years, things began to take a turn for the worse. I am not sure as to what exactly happened, but it was around this time that BB began to eat away at my confidence and personality. Looking back, I think it was partly due to my overindulgence of caffeine, which I used to falsely boost my confidence, but in turn it wreaked havoc on my mouth and my digestive system making my BB much worse. I'm sure all the stress of this just compounded things and forced me into a downward spiral. For a couple of years, I became extremely anti-social, depressed, and just plain weird around other people. I let BB consume me. This, not BB, was what ruined my life. I have since been working on turning this tide around.

The line about the "look of paranoia in the eyes" hits the nail on the head. This is what repels people more than BB. If you can master having a normal demeanor, while conversing calmly and maintaining clear thought despite your BB, you can maintain healthy relationships. People will acknowledge you as a person and not as a creep. Stop thinking of yourself as substandard or inferior. That is the first step towards normalizing relationships.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

terranpatriot wrote:I'd have to agree wholeheartedly with most of this post as I can relate with it entirely. Very rarely do I come on this forum and see such a positive attitude. Too often do we read rants of depression and cries for help. I've always tried to avoid such because it affects the way I feel during the day. Thank you 17years for spreading some positive light and encouragement.

The truth of the matter is that the smell of BB is not as bad as the strange behavior associated with it. I remember when I first got BB about 7 and a half years ago. Despite this, I was still elected homecoming king during my senior year of HS. This was after one year of having BB, mind you. After graduating, I got into a relationship with a real cutie; a relationship which went on for about 6 years (on and off). During the first three years of my BB, I was upset about my condition and worked tirelessly to cure myself through the use of many products and medications. But publicly, I didn't let BB effect me. I still had a life. I had normal relationships with people and I never viewed myself as inferior to anyone. I had a great girlfriend, and I had a circle of cool friends who viewed me as an equal, and not as a self-conscious, paranoid creep.

However, after the first three years, things began to take a turn for the worse. I am not sure as to what exactly happened, but it was around this time that BB began to eat away at my confidence and personality. Looking back, I think it was partly due to my overindulgence of caffeine, which I used to falsely boost my confidence, but in turn it wreaked havoc on my mouth and my digestive system making my BB much worse. I'm sure all the stress of this just compounded things and forced me into a downward spiral. For a couple of years, I became extremely anti-social, depressed, and just plain weird around other people. I let BB consume me. This, not BB, was what ruined my life. I have since been working on turning this tide around.

The line about the "look of paranoia in the eyes" hits the nail on the head. This is what repels people more than BB. If you can master having a normal demeanor, while conversing calmly and maintaining clear thought despite your BB, you can maintain healthy relationships. People will acknowledge you as a person and not as a creep. Stop thinking of yourself as substandard or inferior. That is the first step towards normalizing relationships.
Couldn't have said it better myself. This is a very very very great piece of advice TP. :D

Even though I had bad breath all throughout my teenage years and early twenties, I never let if affect my social life or my professional life. I read so many sad stories on this forum from people who let bad breath paralyze them in unimaginable ways. If courage, confidence, strength, and self worth were tangible things I could give out like presents, I would give them to everyone who needed them.

People, don't let bad breath consume your life. There is a cure, and you will find it, but until you do, live your life to the fullest! Who cares what other people think. Don't let other people determine your worth. Everyone in the world has the potential to be something special, no matter what their physical or mental aliment may be.
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Post by trouble »

your really strong posts made my evening. and hopefully my future life! =D>

edit: thank you so much.
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Post by alwayschewsgum »

Although I am not 100% happy in my relationship, I sometimes feel as though I should just settle because who else would enter a meaningful relationship with someone with BB?
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Post by Susie »

I sucks!
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Post by deebo »

alwayschewsgum wrote:.. who else would enter a meaningful relationship with someone with BB?
someone else with chronic bb maybe .
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Post by potty_mouth »

deebo wrote:
alwayschewsgum wrote:.. who else would enter a meaningful relationship with someone with BB?
someone else with chronic bb maybe .
...and so the BB dating site is born!

What are we gonna call it? BBharmony? R.S.B.B.?

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