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Bad breath is definitely not coming from my mouth!!!

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Bad breath is definitely not coming from my mouth!!!

Post by coconuthead »

I first ate breakfast. I had turkey sausage, an apple, and grits. I had water to drink

Cleaning routine:

First, I flossed, up and down to the gumline, between each teeth
Next, I brushed my teeth, gums, roof of my mouth, under my tongue, and the inside of my jaws.
Next, I rinsed my toothbrush, put toothpaste on my toothbrush and I brushed my tongue. I went back as far as I could. (I was choking myself and darn gagging to death trying to clean the far back of my tongue)
Next, I rinsed my toothbrush again and I went back over my tongue with a clean toothbrush (without toothpaste).
Finally, I swished with mouthwash, spit it out, and then gargled with mouthwash.

Right afer all of this, I took my finger and rubbed the tip of my tongue to grab saliva. I then rubbed that same finger on my hand and sniffed my hand. I didn't smell anything. Next I took my other finger and went all the way back in my throat and rubbed back there (I was gagging trying to collect saliva) and rubbed the spit on the opposite hand. Now, it did smell. It wasn't that strong smell I usually have an hour or 2 after brushing, but it definetly wasn't odorless.

Now 3 hours later I did the spit test all over again. (Note: I haven't eaten anything within this time. I've only drinken water) I took my finger and rubbed the tip of my tongue and rubbed the saliva on my hand. It had a smell. I then took my finger and grabbed saliva from my throat, and rubbed it on my other hand. It smelled really bad. A lot worse than the tip of my tongue and a lot worse than when I had just finished brushing my teeth.

I am starting to think that the smell may be coming from my throat or it could be coming up through my throat.

Also, during the middle of the day. I can literally lick my lips and smell the saliva on my lips. It smells horrible. I'm not sure how bad my breath is, but if I can lick my lips, during mid-day, and smell the saliva on my lips then my breath must be really bad.

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Post by mike987 »

You said you were getting tonsil stones, right?

As long as you still have tonsils, they'll be acting as open dumpsters in your mouth. I used to have stones too, when I had tonsils... they would build up, so that by the evening, I would have a really yucky taste in my throat.

I had grown up with that, so I didn't think it all that strange, or even notice it much.. Started noticing people's reactions to me, as I became more social.. Realized I had BB.. already was aware of 'white things in my throat', and the internet helped me realize what they were and where they were coming from..

Years later, got tonsils out, and that horrible taste in the back of my throat went away.

BB remains, but I'm so happy I don't have to deal with those stones.
Tonsil stone breath is not a second compounded scent you want lingering on your breath. Tonsil stone breath doesn't travel far, but it's a Double KO for closer proximity attacks.
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Post by Bbc »

Please read my thread "the answer to your problem", especially the links to articles by dr Kurt Barrett.
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Post by lost1234 »

How would you describe the taste and smell of tonsil stones?
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Post by CNS »

Just a question, is it true that if you have tonsil stones, you will definitely have a bad taste in your mouth when you swallow saliva? i.e if there's no bad taste, it means you're safe from the tonsil stones for the time being?
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Post by mike987 »

lost, describing the taste and smell of tonsil stones is difficult.. It's not much like anything else I've ever sensed...

It's so... rancid.... rotting food and material... but with the basis of a nasty bad breath kind of smell, exemplified... If you ever get a tonsil stone, crush it, then smell it. It's horrifying.

When I had stones, much of the taste I would get in the back of the throat would come in the afternoon or evening, after it had been awhile since I brushed my teeth and tongue... The stones and stone juice kind of wash back up onto the back of the tongue, I suppose, near where the tonsil crypts are located... that would spread throughout the day, so that would explain why the taste was much stronger in the evening. I could just somewhat sense it in my throat.. when swallowing more so, I suppose.

But if you've had them most of your life, you might have difficulty perceiving it.
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Post by lost1234 »

Well both my dentist and both ent's said theres nothing wrong with my tonsils. But im just trying to figure out the taste I have in my mouth. I think at times when I think im getting a whiff of my breath, it really can just be the taste im getting instead. But not sure exactly. Recently ive encountered 2 people who had bad breath and I smelt like what I believe the taste I have in my mouth. Kind of like MAYBE morning breath. But very strong. Not shit breath, but chemically smell.
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