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I dont know if i want to live anymore

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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I dont know if i want to live anymore

Post by DanielPine »

Hi, in case you dont know im 16 years old and I live in Australia. I go to school every day and it is absolute torture. In roll call in the morning i sit next to two people who now despise me. The one to my left actually cups his hands and covers his nose the whole time. And the guy to my other side always hides his nose. Whoever i sit next to in class the whole day they are absolutely disgusted, they cover their nose with their knuckles. Move seats or lean ridiculously far away from me. My friends always say to me that my breath smells like shit, specifically shit. Whenever im in an argument thats a point they use against me. My best friend constantly covers his nose when im around. He constantly tell me my breath smells like shit. When I asked him yesterday more about it he closed up and said I dont have BB. If i didnt have BB why would he say i did! School sucks

My parents dont believe a drop of what I say. For some reason they dont smell me. They tell me its all in my head. But its not! I can smell it, taste it and I can even see the overgrowth of yellow and white crap on the back of my tongue. My dad hates it when I bring it up, he says im bringing the family down with my woes. I feel like my whole family is on a boat and im just some heavy anchor that they all hate. Im getting so many mixed messages from people, im beginning to question my sanity. People think its no big deal, but I want to die.

I have nobody at all. Nobody I can talk to. My friends make fun of me and think its a joke. For some reason my parents cant smell me. Ive read all about everybody else having no luck with doctors and I cant imagine myself getting any either. I honestly WISH i could worry about girls or which social clique I am in or the science test coming up. But I cant. And I know from here on out its only going to get worse. I just want to disappear. I want to commit s*****e, but I know it would upset my family too much. But as soon as my parents die and close family die I will. I wish I just never existed. i wish one of the millions of sperm that could have reached my mums egg would have made it instead of me. I wish I just didnt exist.

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Post by aues »

Go to dentists and doctors and get your problem sorted out. Be open about it. You don't have to feel ashamed because of it. And furthermore doctors hear things that we'd consider as akward all the time.

Stop worrying and start finding the root of your problem. It's really not that hard.
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Be strong

Post by celica »

Hi, I wish I can hug you. I felt what you felt. I've been looking for cure both medical and dental for cure but to no avail. I traveled to the US to find the cure but it make it worse. Dont ever let them take out you tonsil. I did because I did not listened to that EENT who told me it wont cure it. He said he had lots of patients that have this problem and took out their tonsils but did not help them. Actually it worsen. I put a brave face everyday and My children were small so they will asked their father what is that stinky breath and its very emabarrassing. I also work where I have to talk to 20 people inside the room everyday. I thought about s*****e 15 years ago but scares me to death plus I have children now. What I did is to put a mask a very tight mask and I wear them when I go outside or go to work so now people talk to me. I also told them my problem and be opened about it. I told them its medical and its not hygiene so now I can talk and mingle with my friends and they felt bad about me. I became humble and freindly and helpful because of this. I dont create enemy so they will not use it against me. So finish your study and ignor those people around you and when you finished find a job in an area that people dont know you so that you dont care what they will think about you. Thats what I did. I stayed away from my former and childhood friends and create a new different kinds of friends. Dont pull out your good teeth either I did and did not help at all. Believe me I spent almost $30,000 doing this and doing that and to no avail.
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Re: I dont know if i want to live anymore

Post by Rorsach »


Don't give up or get discouraged. There are lots of things to try that have worked for people on this forum. Chronic, persistent bad breath apparently can have several causes and since modern medicine has few diagnostic tools for this condition and a poor understanding of the micro physiology of the tongue and mouth, it's up to us to find the remedies. We're a close community and you are safe here. Who knows, one day you may be the one to find the way out.

I'm 68 years old and have lived with this condition for 45 years and have tried everything with no real or lasting success. But I haven't given up, that's why I'm here. The only time my tongue turned pink was when I took the triple antibiotic therapy for helicobacter-pylori that causes gastric reflux, now recognized as a cause of sinus problems which I have suffered from longer than my BB. My tongue coating came back after I stopped the antibiotics. This led me to conclude that there is a serious imbalance of normal bacteria in my mouth, but why is still a mystery.

I suspect, however, that an imbalance in normal oral bacteria reflects a possible immune deficiency of some sort. Good bacteria in our mouths eat the bad bacteria and for some reason me and most likely most of us have conditions in our mouths that don't allow this good bacteria to flourish and do its job. Immune deficiency can be caused by stress or anxiety and a lot of us carry conflict and trauma bottled up inside from past events in early childhood, even infancy.

The only one of us that I am aware of who has done serious research on this is Thanatos and that was several years ago on another forum. I assume he had access to medical papers online. I have not been able to find a doctor with a subscription to MedLine or any of the other medical research paper archives who would give me access. The are worried about copyright violations. If any of us could gain access to a medical teaching facility, find a medical student who subscribes to the medical archives, we might start getting a handle on the biology and physiology involved. It's for sure that the medical community or the drug industry are not going to give research time to what they consider a "nuisance". So it is left up to us to do our own research. Now, in the electronic age, with forums like this, it might be possible for us to get a handle on the problem in a way that gets to the root of the it and can find one cure for everyone.

In the meantime, you need to strengthen your self image so that you don't suffer the embarrassment and disapproval of your peers and family for something that is not your fault. You need to understand that we suffer from a handicap like any person in a wheelchair and give ourselves a pat on the shoulder for not letting the handicap crush us.

Here are a couple of tips I've found helpful for re-engineering your self image:

1. Use the time that you have from not socializing to improve your mind- learn to love reading, hang out on wikipedia and learn about the world, follow through on hobby interests and get good at exploring an interest or developing a skill. Discover your inner geek. Be knowledgeable about current events. I play conga drums and hang out with musicians who tolerate my BB because I'm good at it.

2. Be friendly in spite of the fact that people may think that you don't have good oral hygiene. Stand tall and think "I have to live with it 24/7, you can live with it for the next 5 minutes"

3. Get out in public, enjoy movies, concerts, sports, etc. even if you don't socialize so much while doing so. Outdoor events will let you relax more than indoor events.

Don't give up on finding friends or a girlfriend. I've had many girlfriends, some quite attractive. There are women and men who can tolerate BB and will love you just the same. You just have to find them and that means you have to work at it. It's very doable. It helps if you have done some homework in point #1 and have ideas and knowledge to share. Having a good mind is very attractive to people.

Stay on the forum and let us know how things are going.
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Re: I dont know if i want to live anymore

Post by aues »

Rorsach wrote:1. Use the time that you have from not socializing to improve your mind- learn to love reading, hang out on wikipedia and learn about the world, follow through on hobby interests and get good at exploring an interest or developing a skill. Discover your inner geek. Be knowledgeable about current events. I play conga drums and hang out with musicians who tolerate my BB because I'm good at it.
While I generally encourage to do so I strongly suggest that investing time into finding a medical solution to your bb problem should have priority.

At least for me I'm glad I spent my time finding the reason for my bad breath problem. See: viewtopic.php?t=4646
Last edited by aues on Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by thissux »

I've heard some good things here. I know it is hard to stay positive. I was crying today myself. At least we can come to this forum.
Cecelia - what kind of mask are you using? I just ordered two types. I have room filling bad breath from reflux. Scared to test them. Does it stop all of the odor? Is your breath bad room filling like mine?
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Re: Be strong

Post by Frantix »

celica wrote:Dont pull out your good teeth either I did and did not help at all. Believe me I spent almost $30,000 doing this and doing that and to no avail.
Actually this always was one of my thoughts, if I don´t get this problem fixed in future. Saving money to totally replace my teeth one day in the case of they are porous and contaminated with bacteria....or something like that. I think it was "Halitosissux" who told that his parents lost their BB when they removed their teeth..?

I often feel like the bad taste generates from the upper teeth, especially those in the back. The surface of these feel a little more rough than the ones in front. Did you make the same experiences back then?
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Buy SmartMouth mouthwash, fantastic!

Post by pagmic2 »

After years of praying, Jesus has led me to SmartMouth mouthwash and completely healed me. Don't kill yourself because God has a purpose for your life. Sincerely, Mike
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Post by TIRED »

hang in there D…

I didn't have to go through high school with my bb, but I was a substitute teacher for the past three years (K-8th) and know how mean and hurtful students can be. Have you tried changing your diet? Try the TMAU diet and cut out food high in choline. Everything has choline, but by cutting out the high choline foods you might see an improvement in your breath right away.
My breath is fecal most times too. I've had bb about 20 yrs. now. It went away for a few years when I exercised a lot. You might want to try that too. I think running is the best because it clears your lungs and makes you sweat. It will clear your sinuses as well. I met my husband during this time that I was exercising and he never smelled bb and never has since, even though I do not exercise as much now. I have three children with him and they do not smell it either. I am very grateful for this.

I chew gum and suck on mints when I have to be around others. When I do this the reactions aren't as bad.

Never resort to s*****e. I know it's tempting, but I truly believe that we are put here on earth with a mission to better ourselves. Maybe in our past lives we were hurtful to others, and we are destined to suffer this affliction so that we can see what it feels like to be ridiculed and ostracized. This is just a thought and may not have any validity at all, but just in case I am going to serve my penance so that in my next life I can have breath that smells like cake!

What also helps me is to remind yourself of the less fortunate people out there. This kind of pulls me away from my pity party.

Also, get into a hobby. Since I took up poetry my spirits have been so much better. I wrote a book of children's poems for my kids. I may have never even gotten into it if it wasn't for my bb. Also, I am more of an animal lover and nature lover than ever. Pets don't care if you have bb. In fact, my dog has bb! What we are lacking is acceptance and self-worth, and pets can give that to us when people don't.

Again, hang in there. Get through high school and find your niche. Your bb will help to ward off unkind people along the way. Pick a job or career where you don't have to deal with others close up.

Most of all, love yourself just the way you are, and know that you are here for a reason, it's just that reason might not be apparent just yet.
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Post by aues »

TIRED wrote:hang in there D…
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Post by deebo »

aues wrote:Go to dentists and doctors and get your problem sorted out. Be open about it. You don't have to feel ashamed because of it. And furthermore doctors hear things that we'd consider as akward all the time.

Stop worrying and start finding the root of your problem. It's really not that hard.
You must know that most of us have and are doing that . Many have even given up on medical visits due to Cost and fruitlessness or making the problem worse Aues . Its subjective at best to say "its not that hard" . And I'm being nice . Just read some the 1000s of posts that Aren't intraoral .

I do agree tho that we need to stay positive and keep looking for support and answers for our issue .
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Post by DanielPine »

Im in Australia and we can go to doctors for free here.
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Post by deebo »

aues wrote:
TIRED wrote:hang in there D…
AUes , did you have nasal BB ?

Dan Pine , do you ? Have you considered tmau at all ?
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Post by DanielPine »

Dan Pine , do you ? Have you considered tmau at all ?[/quote]

No, I get no fishy smell at all. its 110% fecal
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Post by deebo »

most tmau is actually not fish odor .
so in class only when u speak people react to your breath
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