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Try this...

Post by Frantix »

Over the last two weeks I have made very strong improvements and the success seems to be stable. I really can´t tell if it will help you...but they are for free, so everyone of you can try.

I started to chew my food extremely touroughly! I chewed until the food turned to a smooth pasty mass (nearly fluid) and till it was insalivated very well. Within some days my breath improved tremendously!..and the mucus in my throat decreased a lot!

Possible reasons?
-it helped the intestine to digest food?
-it helped the stomach to recover(I have light gastritis)?
-it decreased the amount of (silent) reflux?
-longer chewing stimulates the salivery glands to produce more saliver in general?


I used to clean my dental-care-set with leaving the brushes in a water-hydrogen-peroxide solution over night..(maybe once in a week or less). Against most assumptions many of the bacteria that are causing bad breath are able to live in oxygenated areas (they are not all strictly anaerobic!). So I was asking myself, if hydrogen peroxide might not be the best solution to get rid of these. I started to pour boiling water over my brushes every time before brushing! I´m still doing so and it really helps me. It seems that the brushes kept re-infecting me all the time...

I came to this conclusion beacause I recently made a bacterial analysis of my tongue and the result is E.coli! These are bacteria that are living in your intestinal, but really not should be in your mouth. So I was asking myself where they might come from. I would say I´m a neatly person and I belive it has a lot to do, with a decreased resistance of my mouth/body that these bacteria could settle....
but here´s a thing that everyone of you should think about. Whenever you flush the toilet, bacteria is spread throughout the whole bathroom. I like the picture of "a huge ugly bacteria infested mouth is sneezing big time in a small room";). My brushes are on the other side of the wall, but I don´t keep them in a cabinet. Maybe they were constantly contaimated with bacteria, while flushing without closing the cap of the toilet :-k

Just two small and easy implementable remedies you should give a try. It helped me a lot. It´s crazy...

I am going to see a doctor next week to get some anibiotics to get rid of the E.colis even though my problem reduced so much. I really hope that it will be my journey´s last step [-o<

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Post by MrChips »

I know this might sound crazy lol... but i change my toothbrush twice a day. Once i brush my teeth i throw away the toothbrush lol. I buy cheap multipacks of brushes so its not too expensive \:D/

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Born To Suffer
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Post by Born To Suffer »

Glad you found something that works for you.
I also think that digestion plays a crucial role in bb. On days when I'm extremely bloated, my saliva decreases, and bb kicks in.
But on days when there is not bloating, saliva increases, and bb is less.

Chewing food, and find out if you have food allergies to help digestion.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.
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Post by Frantix »

MrChips wrote:Once i brush my teeth i throw away the toothbrush
than you´re on the safe side I guess ;)


I did a swab on my own and sent it to a lab which is specialiced in analysing everything thats related with human health. At least, it´s not the first time I have E.coli! Two years ago my ENT made a swab and I also had E.coli. He prescribed me antibiotics (cefuroxime) and 6 weeks later another control swab said they were gone. Maybe the weren´t or I got infected again afterwards. I know that I changed my toothbrush back than, but maybe everything from my dishes to my bedding was contaminated? Besides I told you about the toilet flush theorie...quiet possible that this is the reason.
Some other theories might be: I´ve read that E.coli is able to find its way into the bloodstream if you have higher permeability in your intestinal. From there it can infect other regions of the body. But if it really could get up to the mouth in any way I can´t say :-k
Another theorie I thought about is reflux related. I have to kinds of reflux. One comes from duodenum which causes a light gastritis (type C). And I´m pretty sure I have silent reflux. Maybe bacteria hereby made their way form the duodenum up to my throat? :-k
And the last thing I thought about, is that my oral situation allows bacteria to settle back on my tongue. I came to this idea, when a sufferer from a german forum told us, that his parodit glands doesn´t work anymore. I tryed to stimulate my own by massaging them and kept an eye on their exits (they are hard to find). It worries me that I can´t get any saliver out of these most of the time either. This can´t be a too good sign. I don´t really have a dry mouth (lower glands seem to work fine), but it might be that I have less saliver than it should be. And we all know about the antibacterial function of saliver. That´s a thing I will focus on more if I don´t get rid of BB with my actual plan.

I will try to get more information from my doc next week. At the moment I am not even sure if I should take antibiotics again. I´m really doing very well at the moment. Sour taste on back of the tongue is totally gone most of the time. Maybe If I stick to my routine a few more weeks it won´t be necessary anymore.

Folks...I´m suffering for 15 f****** years now. I was a true room killer and finally the end seems to be within often I thought I would never loose this shit...even If I can´t get further the current status, life would be worth it again!
DON`T GIVE UP. There must be an answer for everybody here!!!

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ruch »

i definitely have a problem with not chewing my food enough before swallowing. sometimes i see undigested bits of food in my feces. i am trying to eat more mindfully too and chew more carefully but old habits die hard.
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Post by Frantix »

Stankie wrote:E. Coli is also one of the theories behind SIBO, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth...
I would imagine if E.Coli lives on your toothbrush/mouth it would make it a lot easier to get an infection in your upper gut/stomach as well.

There might be a connnection. But I would say it´a bit different. If they are in my small intestine in high amount they probably came from bottom up (not from top down). I´ve read that SIBO is often caused by a dysbiosis in the large intestine. 1,5 years ago I made an analysis of my intestinal flora and it showed a moderate dysbiosis. Higher putrefactive-flora, higher pH-value, low bifido- and enteroccusbacteria and higher clostridium bacteria. A consequence of dysbiosis is also is a lower conzentration of slgA which can lead to a lower activity of mucosal immune system and a higher permeability.

If you don´t chew food right, higher amounts of food-arrears reach the large intestine, which means a feast for putrefaction bacteria. This maybe caused my dysbiosis. And that´s why my diet for example didn´t healed me completely, because I still chewed wrong. Eating much raw food and not chewing it right can´t be too productive. And all the probiotics were pretty useless, because I permenantly fed the wrong bacteria by chewing wrong. I think that could be an explanation...
The thing is I don´t show much signs of SIBO. I don´t know if this excludes it. In that case I would rather think of the higher permeabilty of my intestinal which weakens my body defences..?

At least I have to centrate more on digestion again. I will try to eat the right stuff now and chew and chew and chew...
(and yes @ ruch: old habits really die hard. I always have to remind me and I still catch me chewing wrong from time time)

Another thing I´ve recognized is, that my lingual papilla (the bigger things on the far back of the tongue) are way smaller now. I´ve always wondered why my seemed to be so big. Now there are really much smaller! I couln´t get information out of the net yet, but there must be a connection with digestion too :-k
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