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Wrong all along?

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Wrong all along?

Post by Stinkynick »

I spoke today with my mom, girlfriend nd three of my very close friends about my bb. The closest people I have in this world swear to me that they cannot smell it. Can I really be that crazy? Do they want to spare my feelings? Is it possible that my bb is much more situational rather than chronic? All these questions I don't know the answers to.

What I do know is this. 1. I have all the typical symptoms..PND, wisdoms, bad teeth(got them fixed) 2. I can still smell the mothball, leathery like smell when I breathe through my nose. 3. I have absolutely 100% have gotten undeniable reactions on several occasions, but I cannot say that I frequently have definite reactions

My good friend is studying to be a doctor and he explained to me that I could very well be smelling and tasting something that does not leave my mouth/nose. He explained that your sense of smell is located in the very back of your nasal cavity and that there could possibly be an issue that I can smell but not everybody can

I'm really confused right now and some feedback would be greatly appreciated

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Post by halitosisux »

When you say breathe through your nose, do you mean when you breathe out or in?

If you mean when you breathe out and you get that sensation of foul air passing through the back of your nose, could it be some (normal) slight tonsil odour? It could even be some (normal) odour buildup on the back of your tongue - which Dr. Aydinmur has told us the odour of which does not get carried on our breath until it passes a certain threshold of concentration.

Your medical friend is probably right. What we think we can smell from ourselves may have nothing to do with the reality of what others can smell coming from us.

Most of the time though, this crazy reality works in the opposite direction - i.e. when others can smell things from us that we can't smell. That's what most often happens in true cases of bad breath.
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Post by Stinkynick »

When I inhale through my nose not always but in certain situations I smell the same thing. It's foul and smells like my grandmothers closet. But I was literally breathing all over people last night and these people were TRYINNG to smell it and say they couldn't.

Is this really possible? I feel like its too good to be true. And as I said there are definitely times when people smell me and back away or give me nasty looks. My friend also said that this could be because of how paranoid I am about it I have made myself unapproachable in my mannerisms. Which seems true whether the bb is real or not.

My plan is to act as if I don't have bb, try and be confident, and most importantly if someone reacts I'm just going to flat out ask them if they smell my breath.

In regards to PND and what I think is causing it, I saw the ENT yesterday and in going to get surgery to fix my swollen turbinates. He gave me prescription nasal spray and it seems to be helping but he said if we want to he sure the surgery is minimally invasive.

Ill be sure to let you guys know how it goes wish me luck
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Post by halitosisux »

By your grandmother's closet I guess you mean a smell of mothballs?

I wonder if the odour you can smell is bacterial odour coming from the inside of your nostrils?

Sometimes I can smell an odour when I rub my nostrils around, even if I wipe my nose with my hand and smell my hand I can sometimes smell it, especially if mucus has been stagnating all day.

I also sometimes get a nasal hair follicle which becomes infected and makes me look like rudolf the red nosed reindeer, and that can make this smell too. I've always got a tube of Bactroban, which is an antibiotic cream which works wonders.

The tiniest speck of anything you place near your nostrils can smell really strong - the same thing could be happening with just the slightest amount of stagnation - and you could be getting a very distorted impression of a very slight odour being made to feel like it's a lot worse than it really is.
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Post by Stinkynick »

The thing that drives me crazy is I still think I'm getting reactions. Just the usual nose rubbing which I know is very common for someone to do, but I feel like they are often in timing with my breathing. I'm losing my mind! I honestly can't tell either way anymore. Would ALL Those close to me be lying? I guess it's possible that certain people can smell it because they are more sensitive and the people close to me have grown accustomed to it.

But @halitosissux what you said makes sense to me about having an issue in my nose that isn't actually leaving my body. I will be looking for more evidence by being straight forward with some more friends and coworkers and asking their opinion
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Post by Stinkynick »

After some experimenting and acting as if I did not have bad breath for a few days I've come to this conclusion.

I do have chronic halitosis, however it is not always as severe as I think it is. A large portion of the suffering I experience from this issue is manufactured in my head. I am a good, honest, hardworking person and people like me and respect me for that. Yes, I have bb and yes pretty much everyone I encounter knows it, except my loved ones who insist its not there but that's besides the point. I sometimes get so caught up in worrying over it that I make myself unapproachable, no eye contact, responding to ppl with one word answers, disinterest in conversation for fear of being smelled. The past few days I've got reactions from people, but I've found the more outgoing I am and the more I act as if its not that big of a deal the better response I get from people and the happier I am.

Basically what I learned is that while I still have bb, I will not let it run my life. As you all know we may find the underlying causes and treat them and carry on with our lives, but there is also a fairly realistic chance we may live with bb indefinitely. I'm not going to stop looking for the cause, but I'm certainly going to stop letting it make me miserable.

We are pretty lucky to have a resource such as this website and for that I am grateful. There are many ways in which our lives can be worse and I'm thankful for the life I've been given, why waste it worrying?
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