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I have the cure that you are looking for - no money or spam

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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I have the cure that you are looking for - no money or spam

Post by drpanchatcharam »

Hello to all of you out here, who think they are seriously diseased or genetically ill. I am sure none out here who have tried mouthwashes, probiotics, anti-biotics, colon cleanses, tooth brushes, flosses, etc carry any disease as such.

If you are not diabetic, then there is nothing major I am sure. Even if you are diabetic, the odor that comes out is not fecal and would not travel KM's as many have indicated in this forum.

I am a doctor specialized in general medicines. My father is a naturopathic doctor and my mother practiced homeopathy. I am a registered medical practitioner from South India. I am 48 years old.

Recently, one of my patients who happens to be from this forum came to me complaining about the oral malodor that he has been having since 21 years of age. He is now 38. Got 3 kids and is married now for 9 years. He is a IT sales person by profession. He is totally fit. He looks young, smart, energetic and carries a lot of charm. His only complaint was bad odor from his mouth.

I am not going to drag this story very lengthy. This guy is 100% cured and he knows what to do. No medicines or nothing else. All you need to do is send me an email with the following information.
Blood Group:
Country to were born:
Country you now live:
Age when this odor started:
Vegetarian: Yes / No

Answer the following questions to know about your daily routine.

When do you have your breakfast (say NA if you skip it): example: between 7 and 8 AM, sometimes I Skip it

When do you have your Lunch (say NA if you skip it): example: between 1 and 3 PM, sometimes I Skip it

When do you have your dinner ( say NA if you skip it): example: between 8 and 10 PM, sometimes I Skip it

When do you go to sleep: : example: between 10 PM and 12 PM

When do you wake-up in the morning: : example: between 7 and 8 AM
If you are really looking for a cure, kindly take time to answer these questions and send me a mail. I guarantee that you would get back to what you once used to be, your once upon a time world of no oral malodor. Is that not you are looking forward to?

Like others, I am not going to tell you, please give me money or send me money, so that I will tell you the cure. I am going to provide you the cure based on the inputs you provide. if you are cured, then come back to me asking "doctor, I am doing great now, tell me what you want?". I am looking forward to it.

Not spamming around or not here for minting money. win-win please!!!!!

Give yourself one week from now for the new world!!!! I am god fearing and so would be many out here. God bless you all.

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Post by drpanchatcharam »

drpanchatcharam1965 (at) gmail (dot) com is my email address.
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Post by halitosisux »

Hello to you.

Why don't you start a new thread on this forum for any person who replies to you for help? You could then openly detail everything, and then once you manage to cure one person then others would follow.

We are all open on here, there should be no issues regarding privacy.

If you are as genuine as you claim to be, you should have no problems with this request.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

and where is the guy you "CURED"apparently now? Probably he should report too, dude you have to explain more details about your so called cure. Otherwise it just sounds fishy to me and we dont want that here
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Post by kart »

That sounds a survey....
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Post by Stinkynick »

For the hell of it I emailed him my copy of the survey... He told me NOTHING I did not already know.. Essentially he gave me the standard acid reflux routine and said this would cure me... I told him I've been doing that for months. Don't waste your time
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Post by Jimi Stein »

so he did not "cure" you?

Maybe it is just you, probably he must have a cure for all

JOKING OF COURSE, just another self proclaimed know it all
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Post by nightmare »

I also email him. He also told me the same as my Gastro said "Peristalsis" problem. He did tell me what to do "don't eat 3-4 hours before going to bed and don't eat bread or sweets for a few days, don't lie down after meals", of which my Gastro just wants to prescribe medications. I always lie down after meals. I will try his ideas because I don't think more meds are going to help. I don't think he is a know it all, just giving us one idea that helped someone else with this problem.
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Post by Phantasist »

Like I've said many times before:

If doctors could cure bad breath, no one would have it.

It's amazing that they never flunk anyone out of medical school!
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No education for Bad Breath

Post by nightmare »

Bingo! In the US their schooling is that if its not lung or liver its oral. Bad breath from liver and lung is secondary. Primary reason is oral. That's what doctor after doctor have told me. I've been told "I have lots of patients with bad breath if you have a cure let me know". I'm looking for Doctors who are not afraid to go beyond what they are schooled. They are far and few. My gastro is one of those, but we have run out of ideas(medication) that might solve the problem. I think the environment that the bacteria live in needs to change, but how?
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Re: No education for Bad Breath

Post by Archimonde »

nightmare wrote:I've been told "I have lots of patients with bad breath if you have a cure let me know".
hah, finally an honest doctor. I wonder how common chronic BB is, It's nearly impossible to know since most bb sufferers won't even confide in their doctor.
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