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What Cured My Halitosis/Bad Breath - Tonsils and Adenoids - BEWARE SIDE EFFECTS, CHOKING ON LIQUIDS, 9YEARS SCAM????

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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The great irony in all this is that we don't even know if this last lady is cured. Sure we want good news as fast as possible but look at the trends. People are oftened "cured" for a month or two and it is usualy becuase of antibiotics and not the actual surgery. I would caution against posting a full cure until at least the 6 months mark.
I only mention this because you, Jimi, were requesting daily updates and were worried people were being cured and abandoning you when they didn't post.

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Post by halitosisux »

@StillHoping and Stinkbomb, thanks for your kind comments.

@Jenny, try reading my responses again. Forgive me for trying to see things from all sides. I'm not making excuses for Jimi. Maybe you can try being the only active moderator on here for the last 6 years, with nearly twice as many posts as Jimi and still be here 6 years later, still getting the occasional praise from members and Jimi - even when you are completely cured of BB and don't really need to even be here still. I'd really like to see that. Or maybe you can make your own site and see how hard is to get the balance right between who and who not to trust. You can't have your cake and eat it. How nice it would be to just allow anyone to come on here and say whatever they like. But just imagine what the site would turn into if that were the case.
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Post by Jenny »

@NOTANYMORE - I agree. And now Mindy has been banned with the vile words "Ungrateful Cunt" under her username while most of us are just sitting back and watching this. I'm truly stunned. We all go thru enough BS in our daily lives and none of us deserve to be bullied and treated this way. And once again, Mindy did nothing wrong.

@halitosisux - I appreciate the good work you do and being the voice of reason on here which is why I was disappointed by your post. I stand by what I said. Perhaps you are a saint because I would have a very hard time moderating a board in which the owner has made a habit out of bullying the members on there. This isn't the first time but this time he crossed a line.

Anyways I'm done with this. I hope other members speak up as well. This has gone on for too long. Perhaps someone needs to start a new board so we have options and don't have to put up with being bullied and abused, or witnessing it.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

The woman said she will never come back. She banned herself.

But for ***k sake, leave it!

I can sell the site, but not for 100 usd like you would probably offer me. So stop giving stupid 100 usd offers, it is insulting.

It is a 6 number figure, otherwise just shut up. You don't have enough. I should sell it years ago to a dentist, who offered me a lot of money and I did not because I wanted to help people. Guess what this site would turn into....

So if there is some millionaire here, like 9years is, I can sell it. But I have heard that 9 years is preparing a new site with only one post, because everything else is rubbish on this board, pure rubbish text (his own words)

To 9years, I went to my doc again, he told me he already send me to one surgeon for checkup. Today he referred me again, but he said this is my last time. He will not give me any free referrals anymore covered by health insurance anyways. So I guess each time, it will be 150 usd from my pocket just to get a same diagnosis, my adenoids were scraped out when I was 2 years old, and there is nothing left to cutout anymore.

9years, you are stupid, claiming I made it up I was at the surgeon office getting a checkup 1 month ago. You are claiming I want to keep this curse rather than go to a surgery, dumbass.
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Post by halitosisux »

Again, Jenny, please read my responses. Not only did I say Mindy has done nothing wrong, but I also said she was doing everything right. If you also go back to page 13 of this thread you'll see I even protested to Jimi about the way he is talking to them both and how it's only going to drive them away - as it has/is doing. At the same time, we can't be grateful for the site and the way it's managed by Jimi (and I mean the way he defends us and fights against the forces out there that just want to exploit our suffering) and then complain because we don't like the way he is. We all choose to come here at our own free will. If we're not happy we can choose to make another site. But would it work? No, because if could, then someone would have done that by now. This site is what it is because of Jimi. Simple.

But the fact is, Mindy and 9years have done nothing wrong. 9years is trying to help as many people as he can because of what he has so successfully managed to discover for himself. He's not advising people to take dangerous drugs or chemicals or do dangerous things. It just happens that doctors generally dismiss the adenoids as a potential cause of BB, whatever their condition. His adenoids were also dismissed, yet through his perseverance, there WAS something eventually found relating to his adenoids, that was proven to be causing his BB. This is what he is trying to hammer through to everyone who hasn't yet ruled this potential cause out. These cysts are not straightforward to discover and they do cause BB if you have them. It's all about finding a doctor who is willing to accept this and try to go further to help.

But this is not the answer for everyone, which I sense is what grates Jimi the most about all of this.

And the issue of gratitude at the moment is irrelevant. There are already those who have taken 9years advice and are already showing positive outcomes. Jimi created this site to help people going through the same as himself to freely share information and try to find the answer to their own nightmare. We are all grateful to Jimi that it succeeded in becoming the place we all come to for sharing info and getting support from those we feel we trust. But right now, what is happening is just plain wrong and nothing to do with what this site was created it for.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I have heard that mighty Jenny , with 13 posts, yes 13 posts is reviving the curezone forum, which has one topic about bad breath per month.

Good luck Jenny or whoever you are........

What I dont like is that nobody is prepared to dish out some cash to at least upgrade the site and make it more seo friendly.

Nobody....SOme are just criticizing and shitting on me now, for keeping all the valuable information for years, getting even the 9years cured, and I have to pay from my own pocket for minor repairs every few months and at the same time shitting on me when I am frustrated with the whole situation.

Jenny look at the mirror, do you see a good person? If you live in trailer, I am sorry for you, but otherwise you are the first who should donate.

Spam bots have created 100000 fake accounts on this site, you can see it yourself. It is a matter of time the site will break.

And we will all loose precious info, we can go back to stone ear, where there is halitomafia with their mouthwashes and claiming we are all insane.

Again, the haters, look at the mirror. SOme of you were cured, your marriage would probably fall apart, etc and you have the guts to shit on me now?

Rather donate to save the site than blabber nonsense. And I am not going to change, I am who I am, if you dont like it, curezone is the word.....
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by Jenny »

@Jimi, yes I see a good person and living in a trailer is not really my thing.

But the good thing about this board is you never know who is behind the keyboard. BB affects everyone regardless of income or economic background.

I'm actually interested in purchasing this site from you. 6 figures? Low end? High end? Name your price. If it's within reason, I would be very interested. Feel free to post it on here or PM me.
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Post by StinkBomb »

jimi, it's very simple. Just tone it down ... and stop using profanity and vulgar language (especially towards women). It's just NOT acceptable ... period. Is that possible? Can't you get your points across in a more appropriate and professional manner? That's all everyone wants. I know that deep down you mean well! You have done some great work here. I just looked at the interview you have posted on the main page with Dr. Krespi. That kind of stuff takes great time and energy. We appreciate it, just tone it done brother!

... and how can anyone complain about halitosisux. The guy is the reason this site exist! I think he does a remarkable job at moderating. He has the difficult job of performing a high wire act while walking a wire the thickness of a thread. He has to be the voice of reason while not alienating the owner of this site. He really has no choice, otherwise this place would crash and burn.

I think it might be worthwhile to implement a "no vulgarity" policy (including jimi). And let's move on!

Just my 2 cents.
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Post by Archimonde »

This is a very important topic so drama posts should be in a separate thread. Argue all you want, just don't do it in this thread.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Yes Halitosisxux is cool, the guy has more posts than me for god sake. He is doing great job.

I was just shocked with the response of that woman to my joke. I was just watching that TV show Botched the same day and I just made a joke about plastic surgery.

And I did not expect such a harsh reply from somebody whos ass has just been saved.

Two people who hate me the most in the whole 10 years, were in fact the ones who were cured with the help of this site!!!

And that ****ing hit my heart bad. I never had haters on this site in 10 years. We were all living in peace and with same goal. But then I come across with an individual who basically got a priceless cure and is acting like the most disrespectful person in 10 years.

That just hit me hard. Because I build this site to help, there were no problems prior I never got disrespect from anybody before. But as soon as the person got cured, she just became disrespectful person. She is above the bad breath people now.

Once again, the woman said she will never come back to this site and I don't want her here.

But lets get back to the point of this topic ---- ADENOIDS. This can definitely help, but it ain't a cure for everybody........regardless what the bling bling 9 years says......
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by FedUp »

this thread got a little hostile lol.

just a small update if anyone is keeping tabs. fecal smell behind my nose is driving me mad, waiting for the scabs to come away is hell. pain is there but it's not something that needs pain killers in all honesty. it's very tolerable and not distracting. have to wait until it heals to give a final verdict. i'm not on any medication whatsoever, maybe that's the smell is evident more to me. 9years told me once the would heals that the fecal smell will disappear. i guess the next week i hope time will tell. though i am quite confident this is it....

and another symptom i've noticed (even weeks before adenoidectomy) is a metallic taste coming from a back bottom tooth- think i need a hygienist visit, think it may be a bit of blood.
Tonsillectomy - Check
Sinus CT Scan - All Clear - Check
Dentist Examination - "Gums very good" - Check
Endoscopy - Check - H Pylori Negative
Post nasal space cyst removed - Check
Wisdom Teeth Extraction - Check
Mouth Swab Clear - Check
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Post by Trunks99 »

Wow :?

I'm fed up of reading foul language. Enough is enough. Everyone is contributing to this forum, and no one should consider himself above others. If you have a problem with someone, PM the person and be respectful. You have no excuse for calling a person a b#tch or a c#nt. Shame on you.
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Post by 9YearsToFindCure »

As much as I am tempted to reply to our Nazi Dictator's continued attacks and misrepresentations, I refuse to justify them with a response.

Jiazzsy, it did get worse after eating sugars and dairy.

-.-, netipot did nothing for me except get rid of some mucus. It's not going to remove an embedded adenoid stone/cyst.

searching, unfortunately I don't think halitosis is on a priority list for my ENT or any others. My ENT makes his money doing much more expensive procedures. It would be great if some ENT would put together such a list of colleagues and start taking this condition seriously, but for now, you're on your own.

halitosisux, regarding me, and the general goal on this site, well said. I'll have to disagree with you on it not being the answer for everyone. If it's fecal breath we're talking about, I truly believe, in some form or another, it is.

FedUp, hang in there. I've got my fingers crossed.

Jimi as much as I dislike you as a human being, I still want you to be cured because that would help others. You have 3 dots of adenoid tissue, not nothing as you've repeatedly misrepresented, and neither you nor your ENT's know what's under there. There could also be tonsil regrowth with puss pockets like FullOfHope had:

I PM'd FullOfHope to join this thread. If ANYONE knows him or his personal email, please contact him to join us.

There must be stones/cysts somewhere in your nasopharynx. You just need an ENT willing to do an exploratory adenoidectomy and cysts removal. Or maybe you have a rare case with lingual tonsil stones. Either way, you have the symptoms for it, you just need a willing ENT and they need to explore to find the source, but you need to be willing to let them by going under the knife.

I won't be bullied or watch others be bullied on a site that I really don't need to spend my time on and am only here to help others. I want Mindy's account reinstated, if it has in fact been closed, her Avatar restored, and a public apology to her on this site. I can't have my success cases disappear. They are the people who will help rid others of this affliction. If she wants to thank someone once she feels 100% cured, she can do it of her own free will. I also want Corpsebreath's account reinstated. He emailed me directly because he was also recently banned for calling someone "insane". He is getting his adenoidectomy in the next couple of months. Until I hear from them again on this thread, this will be my last post.
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Post by Jenny »

Well said @9YearsToFindCure. I don't blame you. Thanks for all your posts and trying to help others after being cured. If even just one person gets cured because of your posts, then that's one life changed.
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Post by roxy64 »

Hi guys,

My first time posting, but not new here. Ive been following this site forever. I have suffered from halitosis since I was,16 and I'm now 50.
Sad but true, so as you guys can imagine how this curse has done to me in every aspect of my life.

I have done everything that all of us sufferers have done to find the cure
Tonsillectomy out when I was in my 20's. Worst pain of my life..worst than child birth.!!
ENT visits, dentists, name it.. been there done that.
I pretty much have given up and accepted It until I read 9Years posts.

It's given me my last hope for the cure. I emailed him and talked to him on the phone a few times. He's genuinely caring and supportive and took time out from his busy life to get back with me every time I had questions or concerns...thank you 9Years!!

I've been to two ENT Dr's since I talked to 9Years about my adenoids. Got the same bs answers "no infections, adenoids are barely there, they're nice and clean not the cause of the problem not valid for surery"

I live 2 hours away from La, CA so I've made an appointment with Dr. Larian...same dr. that took out 9Years adenoids this Monday.

I know it's a long shot because it's been sooooooo long living with horrible curse that it probably in my DNA by now, but I have to persue this and move on either way.

I'll keep you guys updated with this journey.
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