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Sad news regarding laser operation

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Jimi Stein
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Sad news regarding laser operation

Post by Jimi Stein »

This is the email I got from a girl yvonne who went thru with the operation

> Jimmi,
> i have been reading your website every week. i too suffer from bad breath
> since highschool and I am in my 30's. Because of your website I went to
> see Dr. Krespi on my own and I also met his nurse Kimberly and I did the
> laser treatment. Honestly, my breath remains the same. No changes. I paid
> cash $2700.00 I just wanted you guys to be aware not to waste your money
> on this laser treatment as it DOES NOT work. He spent less than 10mins
> with the laser instrument pushed in the back of my throat and laser a
> pocket or two and that was it. Please guys save your money.
> Please continue your search for a cure.

Did he do just laser, what else did he do?
DId he check your sinuses?

Please explain more

and post on the forum


I am so happy you responded.

I flew into new York the morning and met with him and his assistance. He asked a lot of questions such as how long had I been suffering from my problem? Did anyone in my family have bad breath? etc. You know the usual questions. I told him I read on your website about that dr in Israel and I wanted to do the laser. He conducted some tests as I suffer from sinus also and put an instrument in my nose and etc. Everything was normal, except that I had a small build-up of mucus so he gave me some sinus rinse to use in the mornings that I spray in my nostrils and have it drain out through my mouth. I insisted upon him to do the laser treatment as he didn't want to. I explanined to him that if that was my only hope then to do it. He put a laser (like a suction) equipment in my throat for a couple of seconds at a time and suction/burnt different areas in my throat. He stated he only saw one or two very small pockets and basically lasered that area. That lasering lasted only for about 5-10mins. THAT WAS IT. My throat was in pain for approximately one (1) week. But as I stated to you before, nothing has changed for me since the laser. So if you want to try it out for your benefit then go ahead, but it did not work for me. I am still plagued with bad breath.

But can you post it on forum so others can see it.
WHere do you think your bad breath origins from?
Do you still feeel a lump in your throat?

Is your bad breath strong?
Please tell me more


I wasn't sure how to post on the forum. I am such a computer novice.

I am not sure why i am stricken with this badbreath problem. For years I hid this problem as I was too embarrassed to speak to anyone including doctors about my condition. I have gone to bad breath clinics, even on in Toronto Canada. They all promise "100%cure". I have spent so much money on products and nothing works. I have been using hydrogen peroxide with sinus rinse and tongue brush, with salt and that helps for a bit but then the breath comes back after a couple of hours. Strangely, i find that when I visit the dentist and get an extensive/ thorough/deep cleaning at my periodontist it helps a bit.
The only thing I can remember is that I had surgery at age 8 for hernia. Did something go bad with that surgery.
I also have a sinus problem but apart from that I am pretty healthy.
But again, this is such a socially disturbing problem and I am sure there MUST be a cure somewhere out there that we don't know about. There must be some natural cure.
I am at a loss and because I desperately need answers and cures I spent thousands of dollars every year.

You asked if I have a lump at my throat? I have never really had a lump at my throat except when there was mucus build-up. That whole laser thing didn't work as the problem is still there? When you think about it, is the problem truly at the back of our throat or is it our immune system. Have you ever thought about a defect with our saliva or tongue?

Regarding my breath and the smell. It can be strong especially after eating. I have cut out dairy products from my diet especially milk and cheese. I try to keep up with flossing, brushing, sinus rinse, and hydrogen peroxide gargle. That helps a bit. But again I have read where hydrogen peroxide is not good for you. But my GOD who care right now. I want to be able to look into people's faces and speak and not pull away fro them because of this fear of them turning away. No one in my family has this problem.\

I think you guys are on the right track of pushing every body's button in taking a look at us outcasts and knowing that we DO NOT want bad breath as people sometimes think we can just go and brush our teeth. The reality is that we do brush our teeth more than fresh breath people. Please keep up the fight.

I also want you to know that I tried the products that spamer (forgot his name) suggested and they did not work. I read your website every week and anything new that is suggested I try it out. That is how desperate I am to find a cure for this horrible problem.

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Post by yogs »

Thanks for the post Jimi. Thats really a sad news :( . I have an appointment with Krespi this coming monday and now I am not sure if I should go ahead with it. It is a lot of money for the op which may not work :?:
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Post by baguio »

This is interesting but I havnt made.up my mind on it one way or the other just yet. Nothing personal intended to the original poster but we need a little bit more feedback before we can write it off. What works for one person may not work for another.

A couple of questions for 'yvonne'.

How many weeks since your treatment with Dr. Krespi?

Did he confirm that you had a bb problem? Any halimeter test done?

Is it safe to assume that he didnt want to do the laser treatment because he just didnt see the potential for it to work in your particular case?

You have spent $2700. I think you owe it to yourself to provide him with some feedback. If he is serious about his work, he would want to hear from you.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I am not sure about her, she can not post on forum, she may be a different case and laser could not help her at all. But I still believe in the effectiveness of the laser. SO do not get discouraged.

And I am not sure how come she can not post on the forum, just read the instructions.
It is really easy.

And I am really depressed because of this email. I wanted to go on laser surgery. ANd she stated that we should not waste our money, well it helped some people like theguy I interviewed. I am 100 % positive he told only the thruth because the person without the bad breath could not experience the ame symptoms as most of us do.

I still believe that everybody should try it or at least figure it out where the bad breath is coming from.

Or go to Yehuda, he is cheaper than Krespi.
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Post by oceanside »

Goosh, I m sorry to hear this bit of news.

In some ways, it answered several questions I had. Sonotarick has not definatively asked a trusted friend, family member, or even his wife to confirmed that his bad breath is cured, before and after the surgery. He continues to have white coated tongue, and that concerns me the most as that is a manifestation of anaeorbic bacteria colonization on that tongue, thus volitale sulphur compounds existence. They're still there.

Also, he had a deviated septum performed as well. That could had helped to relief sinus caused bb. In any event, he has found peace of mind and that's one less soul suffering. That's a victory for Sonotarick.

Yyonne, you, at lease you moved forward with finding a cure for yourself and went through the laser procedure. Try to provide feedbacks to Dr. Krespi. I know most dr don't want to hear a/b failures as it discridit their reputation and thus less patients willing to perform the procedure. But if he's committed to helping his patients he should provide follow up consulations and even provide a sliding fee for secondary surgery.

I appreciate your willingness to imformed us of this news b/c we don't want to allow a "cure" to be legitamized when it doent's help.

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Post by baguio »

I am really depressed because of this email. I wanted to go on laser surgery. ANd she stated that we should not waste our money, well it helped some people like theguy I interviewed. I am 100 % positive he told only the thruth because the person without the bad breath could not experience the ame symptoms as most of us do.
It doesnt really mean much just yet Jimi. There are a lot of variables. We still need a couple more people to come back and confirm either way before we can draw conclusions we can put any value in. I agree with you as regards soniotarick sounding sincere when talking about being cured. Theres little doubt in my mind that he believes as much.
This new feedback - well, it could be relevant but I would like to see feedback coming from someone who has some form of record either on this forum or yahoo groups.
If no-one else does it, Its quite likely I will travel to Israel in '07 - and try and combine it with a holiday - that way I can justify the trip should it turn out theres no value in the procedure.
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New member/laser treatment

Post by YVONNE »

Trying to post was a bit complicated. Hopefully I am doing the right thing.

I will cut and paste the conversation I had with Jimmi via email which was quite easy and less time consuming. But I am real and this is such a painful topic that it deeply tears me apart when people make fun or try to scam us as I am always willing to try everything that anyone suggests.

Emails sent to jimmi:

> i have been reading your website every week. i too suffer from bad breath
> since highschool and I am in my 30's. Because of your website I went to
> see Dr. Krespi on my own and I also met his nurse Kimberly and I did the
> laser treatment. Honestly, my breath remains the same. No changes. I paid
> cash $2700.00 I just wanted you guys to be aware not to waste your money
> on this laser treatment as it DOES NOT work. He spent less than 10mins
> with the laser instrument pushed in the back of my throat and laser a
> pocket or two and that was it. Please guys save your money.
> Please continue your search for a cure.
am so happy you responded.

I flew into new York the morning and met with him and his assistance. He asked a lot of questions such as how long had I been suffering from my problem? Did anyone in my family have bad breath? etc. You know the usual questions. I told him I read on your website about that dr in Israel and I wanted to do the laser. He conducted some tests as I suffer from sinus also and put an instrument in my nose and etc. Everything was normal, except that I had a small build-up of mucus so he gave me some sinus rinse to use in the mornings that I spray in my nostrils and have it drain out through my mouth. I insisted upon him to do the laser treatment as he didn't want to. I explanined to him that if that was my only hope then to do it. He put a laser (like a suction) equipment in my throat for a couple of seconds at a time and suction/burnt different areas in my throat. He stated he only saw one or two very small pockets and basically lasered that area. That lasering lasted only for about 5-10mins. THAT WAS IT. My throat was in pain for approximately one (1) week. But as I stated to you before, nothing has changed for me since the laser. So if you want to try it out for your benefit then go ahead, but it did not work for me. I am still plagued with bad breath.

I wasn't sure how to post on the forum. I am such a computer novice.

I am not sure why i am stricken with this badbreath problem. For years I hid this problem as I was too embarrassed to speak to anyone including doctors about my condition. I have gone to bad breath clinics, even on in Toronto Canada. They all promise "100%cure". I have spent so much money on products and nothing works. I have been using hydrogen peroxide with sinus rinse and tongue brush, with salt and that helps for a bit but then the breath comes back after a couple of hours. Strangely, i find that when I visit the dentist and get an extensive/ thorough/deep cleaning at my periodontist it helps a bit.
The only thing I can remember is that I had surgery at age 8 for hernia. Did something go bad with that surgery.
I also have a sinus problem but apart from that I am pretty healthy.
But again, this is such a socially disturbing problem and I am sure there MUST be a cure somewhere out there that we don't know about. There must be some natural cure.
I am at a loss and because I desperately need answers and cures I spent thousands of dollars every year.

You asked if I have a lump at my throat? I have never really had a lump at my throat except when there was mucus build-up. That whole laser thing didn't work as the problem is still there? When you think about it, is the problem truly at the back of our throat or is it our immune system. Have you ever thought about a defect with our saliva or tongue?

Regarding my breath and the smell. It can be strong especially after eating. I have cut out dairy products from my diet especially milk and cheese. I try to keep up with flossing, brushing, sinus rinse, and hydrogen peroxide gargle. That helps a bit. But again I have read where hydrogen peroxide is not good for you. But my GOD who care right now. I want to be able to look into people's faces and speak and not pull away fro them because of this fear of them turning away. No one in my family has this problem.\

I think you guys are on the right track of pushing every body's button in taking a look at us outcasts and knowing that we DO NOT want bad breath as people sometimes think we can just go and brush our teeth. The reality is that we do brush our teeth more than fresh breath people. Please keep up the fight.

I also want you to know that I tried the products that spamer (forgot his name) suggested and they did not work. I read your website every week and anything new that is suggested I try it out. That is how desperate I am to find a cure for this horrible problem.

I just read your comments on your webste and I just wanted you to know my experience. It was easier for me to email you than to try and figure out how to post on your forum. I will read the instructions and then post. I am an honest person and I thought twice about sending you this email but I thought it was very important that I gave you my perspective about the laser treatment. I own my own business which does very well, so therefore I was able to afford the $2700 which is a lot of money for work for a few minutes. But there are a lot of people out there that will not be able to easily afford that amount of money. But again, i felt like I was obligated to let you guys know that the laser DID NOT work for me. Now again I suggested to you guys to try it out for yourselves because what may not work for one may work for someone else. Listen, I have spent so much money on trials and nothing works but I will NEVER give up on finding that cure. I even have thought about going to Israel to check out that Dr. to see what can be done.
Again, I don't want folks to give up.
i did the laser thing about a month or month and half ago. Dr. Krespi's office never followed up with me also. I didn't follow-up with them because it goes back to all these breath clinics and dentists who promises to cure you so if I had the laser and I am still plaged with this problem then why waste time following up with them. Dr. Krespi NEVER promised me a cure. As far as I am concerned I was the one who insisted on the laser and NOT him. Why will I follow-up with him? Don't you think if he had the cure he would have been happy to share it with us. Now the person I would spend money to travel to is that onein Israel who has done studies on halitosis and NOT Dr. Krespi. As far as i know Dr. Krespi could not care the least about us and our condition. He got paid cash so more $$$ for him.
Listen guys we are all DESPERATE in finding a cure and we will do anything inour power to be cured!
Again, if you want to try that laser thing then GO AHEAD.
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Post by guzler »

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letter to Dr in Israel

Post by YVONNE »


Good Day Doctor,

I too am plagued with halitosis for many many many years. With this said I am sure you understand my plight and how devasting this is to me. I have done so many things to resolve this problem but without success. No one in my family has this problem.

Now I am an avid reader on the badbreathhalitosis website and was quite happy when I read about you and your research.

However, I visisted a Dr. Krespi in New York who performed the laser surgery approx a month ago and unfortunately I still have bad breath.

What are your suggestions and what is it that you could do differently than Dr, Krespi in New York?

Do you think you can cure me.

I have had this problem since my teenage years and I am in my thirties. The only surgery I have had was hernia at age 8. I am very healthy except with a sinus problem.

Can you help me please. This horrible situation has alienated me from friends, potential lovers etc. Just imagine not being able to speak to people face to face. Just imagine how many times per day I brush and floss and visit my dentist and spend thousands of money on possible cures and fresh breath clinics and nothing has changed.

Why do I have to suffer so much. Fresh breath people just think that we should just brush our teeth. Unfortunately it goes beyond "jut brushing our teeth"

I am sure if you came to the USA for a week and performed your technique you will be surprised how many patients you would have. Can you work in conjunction with another specialist here in the USA ? I wll even pay your fare and accommodations.


Looking forward to hearing from you.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

It is better that he did not claim that we will e cured. He did not say that. Maybe really the laser is not the thing but it helped one guy.

We should wait for more results.
Jimi Stein
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Re: letter to Dr in Israel

Post by Jimi Stein »


Good Day Doctor,

I too am plagued with halitosis for many many many years. With this said I am sure you understand my plight and how devasting this is to me. I have done so many things to resolve this problem but without success. No one in my family has this problem.

Now I am an avid reader on the badbreathhalitosis website and was quite happy when I read about you and your research.

However, I visisted a Dr. Krespi in New York who performed the laser surgery approx a month ago and unfortunately I still have bad breath.

What are your suggestions and what is it that you could do differently than Dr, Krespi in New York?

Do you think you can cure me.

I have had this problem since my teenage years and I am in my thirties. The only surgery I have had was hernia at age 8. I am very healthy except with a sinus problem.

Can you help me please. This horrible situation has alienated me from friends, potential lovers etc. Just imagine not being able to speak to people face to face. Just imagine how many times per day I brush and floss and visit my dentist and spend thousands of money on possible cures and fresh breath clinics and nothing has changed.

Why do I have to suffer so much. Fresh breath people just think that we should just brush our teeth. Unfortunately it goes beyond "jut brushing our teeth"

I am sure if you came to the USA for a week and performed your technique you will be surprised how many patients you would have. Can you work in conjunction with another specialist here in the USA ? I wll even pay your fare and accommodations.


Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi Yvonne, Welcome to the forum. It seems that part of the email was cut of so for everybody else Yvonne was writing this email to Dr. Yehuda in Israel.
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Post by BBHalit »

I think it's sad that the surgery didn't help Yvonne, but given that the Dr. did indicate that it might not work, I think it's fair game. I understand that $2700 is a lot of money for people like us, but if you have good reason to believe that your tonsil is a problem, you should have it done. It should help a few of us in here, and even that is better than no sign of relief at all.
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Post by me »

wow this are really really sad news, i was gonna schedule an appoiment with dr krespi for next week wich was gonna cost me 250, suggest him to make the lazer treatment and if he say yes save the money and do it since, i dont have the 2700 right now, how ever right now, im back to where i was before listening of this guy who got cure. i been thinking that maybe it wasnt the lazer that got him better maybe was that sinuse cleaning he had, because i went to an ent about 3 month ago and he put the camera in my nose and i had a cat scan done and he toll me that he didnt see anything wrong but lots of mucus build up in my sinuses so he gave me some entsol wich is a nasal spray and i used it for about 1 mohtn and a half with no improvment at all, so who knows maybe what some of us need is to get are synuses clean up and see what happens. i think im still gonna make the apoiment with krespi for next week and get that chek up i mean one appoiment is not gonna kill me or get me broke.

by the way YVONNE how does your breath smells like mine smells like fart and it comes from my nose aswell!!!

please poste and im hoping to see what you guys think !!!
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Post by xoxo »

me wrote:i went to an ent about 3 month ago and he put the camera in my nose and i had a cat scan done and he toll me that he didnt see anything wrong but lots of mucus build up in my sinuses

by the way YVONNE how does your breath smells like mine smells like fart and it comes from my nose aswell!!!
Hi, we have the same symptoms post nasal drip and fecal smell coming from the nose. Have u seen an allergist? According to my ent I have vasomotor rhinitis and food allergy. How lucky! ;) I can smell my breath in an enclose area but I don't smell like fart all the time. On my good days I smell like ordinary folks with heavy duty bad breath, sometimes I smell like smelly feet (yes.. coming from my nose) and fart. I think bacterial breaking down post nasal drip on the tongue is the culprit... If only there's a special mouthwash to wipe out the bad guys...
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I think we should not give up on laser surgery at all because of one non successful case. Everybody should go at least for consultation.

I still have good effect when I clean the white area behind my tongue, I use the towel to pul out the tongue so it does not slip and then use the tongue brush dipped in vodka to clean the area, after I clean the area of all the white plague and deposit my mouth feel fresh. If I clean the tongue and the coating my mouth does not feel fresh at all.

So the feeling of being fresh comes from the back of the tongue, that we can not se, so yo had to put the tongue out and check the result with the dentist mirror after cleaning.
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