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Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 5:16 pm
by oceanside
i totally understand. no apology needed. but i appreciate your honesty. i feel the same way. if i knew it works, one of us confirms it, than i can justify spending the money for peace of mind. but its just another prouct w amazing claims. at this point i m so ready for something to ease my odor. but nothing is cheap. they all want an arm and a leg.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 5:54 pm
by KL

I will give a try to nasal drop too, I have a bad PND, which I beileve is one the cause of my BB.

thanks once again

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:01 pm
by oceanside
KL wrote:John.

I will give a try to nasal drop too, I have a bad PND, which I beileve is one the cause of my BB.

thanks once again

You want to contact Dr. Yanikian to negociate the nasal drips? Ask for a 50% off trial. I think he will go for it.


Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:35 pm
by oceanside

Several members over on our sister's site, Breathhelp4u are planning to meet with Dr. Sami Yanikian to seek his help to come up with possible product exclusively for chronic halitosis. Also, Dr. Yanikian was kind enough to allow me/us a dramatic discount for both of the products, Nasal Drops and Mineral Spray for $60. He's a nice man. Just hope he can come up with something for halitosis.

Here's what the members are planning to do. If any of you from the Los Angeles area wld like to involved yourself in this group of adventurers in search of a cure, feel free to make contact. You never know what good can come about. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Here's what was posted on Breathhelp4u.

Dr. Maaji, Guzler, Michelle B.

Dr. Sami Yanikian said he's willing to work with the three of you to figure out how to best deal with your chronic halitosis. Please give him a call, email him, or the three of you (Dr. Maaji, Guzler, and Michelle B.) can exchange phone numbers, coordinate with each other in LA, the three of you arrange a time and place to meet Dr. Yanikian. You guys can have a day together, have lunch, talk, and support each other. It sounds like a really good idea for the three of you to get to know one another. I wish I were able to join you guys.

After all, we really need to advocate for a cure in such fashion as oppose to isolating ourselves and alienating from each other. You guys will be the forerunners in this endeavor in search for a cure. At lease doing something progressive/aggressive for all of us. You never know what postives will come out of this.

Dr. Maaji, I know you're very busy, but if you wld like to private email Michelle and Guzler (KELAOUFIR) please take the lead. Or, Michelle you go ahead and lead. One of you please take the lead.

Please keep us posted. Like I said, if I were living in LA I wld coordinate this myself but its almost impossible when I live in the South.

This is definately a mission NOT impossible.

This is Dr. Yanikian contact information:
Phone: 323 937 6401
E-fax: 831 307 9822
e-mail: [email protected]
or: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dr. Sami Yanikian
1117 S. BRONSON AVE.#1
LA, CA; 90019
To view this webpage check the link below

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:05 am
by KL

I have conctated Dr. Sami Yanikian. I sent the check and a note. He sent me an e-mail to call him to talk about my problem. I will let you know.

Gluten Intolerence

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:25 am
by yeagermeister
Hey Autuser, I remember you mentioning this earlier, did you ever have the test done? This condition seems interesting. I`m thinking of being tested for this.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:46 am
by Larc400
Yes he seems like a nice chap and all...
did he expand on what "electro-magnetically charged minerals" actually means though..? To me it means nothing, but I ain't no expert in the field of "electro-magnetically charged minerals" 8)

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:35 am
by yeagermeister
Sorry I posted my topic under the wrong forum, I meant to start a whole new thread.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:10 am
by KL

I talked to Sami Today, he has all my information, I sent a check for both medication for halitosis and PND. He is ready to send you your stuff. Is there any way I can have your e-mail. I can share with you my experience and some comments.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:24 am
by unsungzero7
this guys straight ripping you guys off, he knows how desperate you are and is capitalizing fiscally on it.

Before you criticize the members, offer your opionions, push your point of views around, consider the fact we are aware of people out there taking advantage of the desperates. FYI-if you are NOT aware, currently 3 members from Breathhelp4u site is meeting up face-to-face with Dr. Yanikian to seek his services and possibly making a product exclusively for halitosis sufferers. As the Dr. claims, he is a skilled physician and an inventor. Yes, I may had spent $60 for his Nasal Drops and Mineral Spray but establishing contact with an important scientist such as Dr. Yanikian will only help our cause and our search for a cure. I considered my $60 as a contribution to our search for a cure/paying for the good doctor's service. Rather than continuing criticing the members how about volunteering your time and energy to helping this cause. Write a letter to the NIH. You are full of fire and sparks. Now put that energy into helping us.
The members here are allowed to expressed their views, seek new options in finding a cure by making contacts with scientists, doctors, people of power. Otherwise its a waste of time debating who's right and who's wrong, and who knows more about this disorder.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 2:16 am
by oceanside
KL wrote:John,

I talked to Sami Today, he has all my information, I sent a check for both medication for halitosis and PND. He is ready to send you your stuff. Is there any way I can have your e-mail. I can share with you my experience and some comments.
Yes, I will private email you and send you my email. If you are living in LA, wld you like to join other members as a panel to present to Dr. Sami our interest in having him make something exclusively for the members? Dr. Maagi and Michelle and possibly another member are spareheading this project. Never know what may come out. We are stepping outside of the box in our search for a cure. There are many members who are doing several interesting projects behind the scene. A cure is at hand.

Thanks for being an active member, KL. You have always been on the cutting edge.


mineral spray

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 6:52 pm
by bwonita69
i purchased the mineral spray from Sami, i have noticed a little improvement, just wandering how everyone else getting on with it????
Sami is keeping in touch with me on my progress and has been very helpful

Re: mineral spray

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 6:59 pm
by KL
bwonita69 wrote:i purchased the mineral spray from Sami, i have noticed a little improvement, just wandering how everyone else getting on with it????
Sami is keeping in touch with me on my progress and has been very helpful
Do not believe it. This does not work at all. I have tried, it is a fraud. I am serious on this. If anyone wants to discuss it I will be willing to do it. A lot of people are taken this site to sell their products, and I am one of it willing to try many things, but we have been used for many people. this has to be stopped.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 5:30 am
by KC
Hi KL, when you tried this product and how much you pay for it? There are too many scammers here and some members are too innocent towards those so called scientists.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 2:22 pm
by KL
I spent $70 for the whole package, PND and spray. At the beginning I did not pay attention to it, then after getting more involve in the product, conversation and what I was claimed. There is no way that a product cures cancer, prostate, acne, bb, and other problems. This is life, we have to be very careful what it mentioned in this site. Some of us try to help, but some take advantage of our problem to make money. They know we are desperado to get a relieve.