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Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 2:46 pm
by Busted
Leena, i have no idea what your situation is like. I admit i was a bit frustrated that day, but that was because i was being made fun of in class beause of my bb. From what i red, you do get respect, so maybe your bb isn't as bad as you think. Mine is really like one that can fill a whole room. And like elliott i do not get any respect from anypne too. Pretty much everyone i speak to can't stand my breath and the conversation won't last more than two or three minutes. they also make these really exaggerated reactions such as coughing back off like 2 feet. They just don't wan to talk to you because of your bb. They might think you are ok, but your bb is not.

YOu probably think, well it has something to do with your behaviour. I am not someone who backs off or puts my hand in front of my mouth when I speak, otherwise i wouldn't get so many reactions. I speak just like everyone else, but like i said, my bb spreads like a cloud. There's is nothing i can do about it. I always try to start a conversation with someone but they always turn their head away from me when i speak and as soon as they have found an oppurtunity to go away, they do so e.g. they start a conversation with someone else.

Leena, you say you have a lot of contacts, they can carry on a conversation with you as long as possible. You are pretty lucky. I think your breath is actually still bearable. Just today there were some classmates who refused to sit next to me because of my bb, which can also be smelled through my nose from very close. "I don't want to sit there because his breath is too bad" she said. I didn't really care that much because she was only speaking the truth. You try sit next to me and start a conversation, you can't take the smell either. In fact there has only been one person who did not react to my breath at all. I'm not sure why, but it seemed like he had caught a cold because the tip of his nose was red and he kept sneezing. So i guess he lost his sense of smell temporarily,

Leena i cannot believe what im seeing either, but the reactions i get over the last few years have been going from bad to worse. at first i would still doubt if the reactions had something to do with my bb, but now everytime i speak, i can always see the person in front of me cough, turh his head away, move his head backwards. Some start talking about your bb, some are nicer and try to stay polite. But the polite ones still want to get away from you because they cannot stand the smell.

Maybe i've been exxagerating a little, but what i'm just trying to say is, it's not strange that people don't want to talk to me, because my bb is really that bad. And it isn't that strange that others want to make fun of you because of this.

But maybe if you still think i am not right, you should tell me what kind of people you hang out with. Perhaps they can stand it.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 2:57 pm
by Busted
But thanks though, i really needed to talk about this. I think it's ok for someone to not have any or only a few friends in my case. it's not a crime, but sometimes i do wish i could say more without always hearing someone complain about my breath.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 8:07 pm
by Leena
Busted, all you say is very sad.
I don`t know if people really make all this comments when being around you. Maybe they do, maybe you perceive some things they say as a comment about BB when actually it`s not. I know how our mind tricks us when we have been focusing on BB so much. At some point I used to think everybody who kind of stayed away from me was doing it because of BB. And it`s not true. They do it because they just don`t like me or don`t find me interesting. The ones who like me don`t stay away.

There is one guy at work who has BB but from the type that hits you when you smell it - it`s so strong. I haven`t seen anyone with BB before (except for me :D ). However nobody makes any comments about him and nobody makes fun of him. Well, it is difficult to bear it but I don`t think he is a bad person because of it.

What I`m trying to say is that if you try acting naturally and not focus on BB that much the tension around you will be relieved and people will feel that and will start feeling more comfortable around you. And don`t be so negative. This attitude will keep people away. We have one thing that keeps them away, so everything else in us should be very positive.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 9:21 pm
by Busted
Leena wrote: I don`t know if people really make all this comments when being around you. Maybe they do, maybe you perceive some things they say as a comment about BB when actually it`s not. I know how our mind tricks us when we have been focusing on BB so much.
That's what i mean with "I can't believe what I'm seeing sometimes". It's all real, I wish this was all a dream but it's not. I should add "I can't believe what I'm hearing either". They just say you have bad breath when you are there, probably because they want you to hear it. They never say it to me directly, but still I'm there and I can hear every word they say very clearly. THen suddenly everyone is lookin at me. That is the part where someone says someone should offer me some gum.

But whatever it's all not very important, let them make fun of me. But I do not think I will really get that respect from anyone unless I was 100% bb free. Even if I tell someone now I have chronic halitosis, the other person wouldn't care, just wants to not be near me when I say somethin. That's why I'm really afraid to open my mouth, cause it's like everytime I do so, something bad is going to happen. But I do not have a choice. I must talk to others, cause there's no other way to communicate. That's why I prefer to talk over phone or chat. But damn, talking over phone or chatting is still different than having a conversation face to face.

But anyways thanx for the tips. That's what I keep tellin myself too, do no think about your bb, ignore all the reactions u get and comments u hear about your bb. Try stay natural in a conversation. Well at least I can read on this forum that I'm not the only going through this, although it does seem so in daily life. :|

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:48 am
by elliott
I know exactly how you feel, Busted. I also understand what Leena is trying to say... but reality is poeple smell shit and they will do anything to avoid it.

There is no imagination involved. Leena if you are a woman, then maybe it's a bit different?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:42 pm
by Leena
elliott wrote:I know exactly how you feel, Busted. I also understand what Leena is trying to say... but reality is poeple smell shit and they will do anything to avoid it.

There is no imagination involved. Leena if you are a woman, then maybe it's a bit different?
I still think there is a lot of imagination involved. Come on, most of the reactions are just in our minds. And yes, it smells bad but this is not so bad all the time.
I am a woman and I guess it`s worse because people don`t accept it when a woman smells. I mean - a man can smell a little - it`s not so bad, but a woman...forget it.
I know just one person that smells really bad. He is a colleague from work. Today he just said hi to me and it smelled a lot! If your situation is so bad, then I understand what you mean.
I have another colleague with BB (sometimes) and it`s bearable. He can talk to your face and it`s bad but not that much. But the guy from today - he kills you with his breath!
Hope mine is not so bad. :D

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:28 pm
by Busted
Leena wrote:
elliott wrote:I know exactly how you feel, Busted. I also understand what Leena is trying to say... but reality is poeple smell shit and they will do anything to avoid it.

There is no imagination involved. Leena if you are a woman, then maybe it's a bit different?
I still think there is a lot of imagination involved. Come on, most of the reactions are just in our minds. And yes, it smells bad but this is not so bad all the time.
I am a woman and I guess it`s worse because people don`t accept it when a woman smells. I mean - a man can smell a little - it`s not so bad, but a woman...forget it.
I know just one person that smells really bad. He is a colleague from work. Today he just said hi to me and it smelled a lot! If your situation is so bad, then I understand what you mean.
I have another colleague with BB (sometimes) and it`s bearable. He can talk to your face and it`s bad but not that much. But the guy from today - he kills you with his breath!
Hope mine is not so bad. :D
What do you think the difference is that makes the second colleague's bb less offensive than your first? It's all so complex. I wonder what exactly determines what someone's breath smells like.

I have also spoken to some people who had a little bb. But there was nothing I had to do to avoid it. But I do remember sitting next to someone who kept coughing and everytime he coughed I just had to turn my head away for a few seconds.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:00 pm
by elliott
Leena wrote:
elliott wrote:I know exactly how you feel, Busted. I also understand what Leena is trying to say... but reality is poeple smell shit and they will do anything to avoid it.

There is no imagination involved. Leena if you are a woman, then maybe it's a bit different?
I still think there is a lot of imagination involved. Come on, most of the reactions are just in our minds. And yes, it smells bad but this is not so bad all the time.
I am a woman and I guess it`s worse because people don`t accept it when a woman smells. I mean - a man can smell a little - it`s not so bad, but a woman...forget it.
I know just one person that smells really bad. He is a colleague from work. Today he just said hi to me and it smelled a lot! If your situation is so bad, then I understand what you mean.
I have another colleague with BB (sometimes) and it`s bearable. He can talk to your face and it`s bad but not that much. But the guy from today - he kills you with his breath!
Hope mine is not so bad. :D
I disagree that it's just my imagination, but i won't go into a speech. However you have a point about people not expecting a woman to smell. I just think tat people are generally nicer to women, and more sensitive to their feelings, especially men. And IDK about you, but my breath is always bad.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:38 pm
by HappyDays
One thing that really gets under my skin is when someone ON THIS SITE DOWN PLAYS REACTIONS SOMEONE ELSE DESCRIBES! :evil:

Are you people sick in the minds?? We all suffer from the worst bb and we all know what the reactions are. I dont have to have someone tell me my breath stinks or hear comments to know my breath stinks. Its NOT anyone's imagination. Trust me. It really is making me sick to hear you guys make excuses of what else it could be or saying your mind playing tricks on you.

I wish my mind would play fuckingg tricks on me cause I rather be looney and need psychiatric help than to have this bb. I believe everyone when they say about the reactions from others cause I went from not getting any reactions to getting some of the exact reactions that people describe here and I was in denial at first but the consistency of it brought me to reality and only then did I take my bb seriously.

Halitophobia does exist, but not here it doesnt. We are all the real deal. We are the worst case senario. Start supporting each other and stop making others think they are crazy.

I really feel for Busted, as when you are younger, things are alot more intense and kids can just be evil. Hang in there buddy, it is what it is but it also makes you stronger. Understand you are doing everything you can and things will get better. I wish I was there with you. ;)