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Do not look it is.

Post by Ch_Adams »

Hi guys,

Ok guys, I went to an homeophatic doctor about a month ago. He told me that my real problem was like an internal overheating of my body due to a bad diet. Before going I was having success with spinach, mushrooms, and a low protein diet as all of you have read in past posts. Do to this diet i was loosing much of my weight, feeling week, feeling seasicks. I did not eat much because I was always thinking that every single food was going to have a bad reaction to me making my problem worst. I was so confused not knowing what to eat, but always having hope that better days are coming.

This doctor sent me a special flushing to clean my body and a diet. I have been doing the diet for nearly a month and only this last week I have started to feel things really changing for me. I also have started to excercise, since it helps to eliminate toxins through sweat and it requieres of proteins, so excess of proteins becomes muscular mass. The flushing was really hard I will post all the steps for doing the body flush for the people interested in doing so.I think that I should have had lots of parasites 'cause it was kind of painful... really painful for me. I thought my ass was going to The flushing last a whole day including all nigh doing shit, driven away all those worms. I did not see any on the trunk but I guess they were there laying down.

After the flushing, the diet started. I know how the diet is but I do not remember all the steps for the flushing. So I will post the flushing first so that you can do it the same way I did. I paid lots of bucks for that information and I am going to give it free to you... no charge... so the only thing I ask of you guys who are reading this post is a positive actitude... and try to keep those "ICY" pessimistics post out there of this topic. I you can say something good do it, if you DO NOT AGREE, or is not your intention to try this method that is helping me to see life from a different point of view, PLEASE keep your low energies for yourselves and allow POSITIVE people to help themselves. And I have taken the time to write all this because I have seen on this forum such an envy. I think that the only people here allowed to write about ¨success¨ is the people who have million posts, the only ones that can be cured first must write lots of shit here before can say...hey try helps. I have posted like 15 times or less but it doesn`t mean that i have not suffered with this problem of hell my whole life... it is such a burden... so you guys masters and commanders of this site change that actitude that is not helping anyone get out this shithole.

I am not in my town at the moment so I do not have the documentation of the flushing at hand. Please wait for me i will be posting next week.

On more thing I have to say about all those poisons we have tried and keep on using for a ¨Fresh breath¨. I suggest you guys stop using that shit... If our body is full of toxins don't you think that is enough of adding more toxins every day. It only makes our problem worst and gives more work to poor liver trying to maintain our body free of toxins from food and toxins from all that crap from the market.

So guys I encourage you to have faith, definetly I am convinced that ¨we are just what we eat¨. The thing that concerns me is about if the things I am going to tell you are all available in your home countries and the cost of them. That`s an issue. Anyway I was thinking that if you guys live in a country where all this thing are not available you should start thinking to move to one of this countries you called Third World where you can get inexpensive food and all kind, at least while you get better. Another thing i was thinking possible is the need for us to work together and help each other to overcome this test and to defeat all those making money from our problem. All this is possible, between all of us can start a business together once we all get better. I have the hope to find a remedy for halitosis, and I think that I am starting to see the results of good food and keeping shape to overcome not only hatitosis but much of our illness. So i invite you to take this seriously, i am not joking about a single work i am telling you. Many of us have different professions so we can make a difference, help an support each other.

I think I am getting too excited about writting this. That is my goal, overcome halitosis and live a normal life just like others and I am not giving up or feeling hopeless anymore... until the end with or without you.

Best Regards,

PS. Wait for my post.
=; =;
Last edited by Ch_Adams on Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.