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more success with probiotics

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more success with probiotics

Post by Sammy »

Hey guys,
Ive never posted here before and im a brand new member, but i have checked this site religously every day for the last few months.

ive always had occasional bb, but nothing a good brushing wouldnt cure. at the begining of the year i started to get it real bad (as my partner constantly told me) but i didnt do anything about it for ages, just putting it down to coffee and foods i ate. anyway i decided to put an end to it and stopped drinkin coffee and changed my diet. but nothing changed, i brushed, flossed, mouthwashed all the time. but still constant bb, even straight after brushing. it was so bad, stopped talking to people, freaked out if anyone came near, very depressed, its all i thought about all day every day..... need i say more

i did heaps of research and that made me realise i had pnd, always something in my throat and runny nose, i never realised this cause it wasnt enough to bother me. and my tongue was really white.

anyway tryed everything, hp, oil of oregano, baking soda, nasal irrigation, no dairy, no meat, no sugar.... u guys know the rest.

last week i tried probiotics, a pill at night, then a drink in the morning. my glands got really swollen, sore throat, and oh my god the worst bb! and the worst taste in my mouth! my tongue was also super white.
the next day it was heaps better and its just kept getting better. today i dont think i had any at all! this is a miracle for me as i thought it would never go away or get any better.

im really scared to get too excited incase it comes back or its not really gone just wishful thinking. but i have no taste in my mouth anymore so im really happy about that,. it used to be constantly sour. and my tongue is a little pinker than usual too.

so what im trying to say is TRY IT if you havnt already!!!!

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Post by Archimonde »

Well, i'm sold, gonna have to try this. What brand are you using?

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Post by Sammy »

the pill i take is called 'inner health plus' and the drink is 'Yakult.'
im not sure if u will have these where u are, i just took these bc they are the most common where im from. but im sure any brand would work if this was the cure for u. i prefer the drink - i like the thought of it actually being in my mouth and going down my throat :)
hope it works for you! dont be put off if it doesnt happen right away, possibly the more persistent the bb is, the longer and higher dose ull need.
im not sure if too much probiotics could have negative effects??
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Post by Archimonde »

Are you sure Yakult is helping? It's made from milk :/
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Post by fedenon »

I dont understand the language english, ok?
But your dosis is high, more the normal probiotic`s dosis?
I dont know why but the lactobacillus in my country (Argentina) is just for short periods, and is dificult buy in a drugstore a probiotic, you just have the yogurt. like yakult. and others.

But in USA is free and dont need a doctor`s prescription. Like culturelle. Well, i will try this tratement, but is more dificult found the lactobacillus in tablets.
i dont speak english...
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Post by bb_girl »

Yakult is sooooo common in Japan, and luckily they sell it where I live (not in Japan.) It is yummy and only recently I heard it's full of probiotics!

They come in packs of 6 or something and they're about a dollar or under a dollar for the Korean made ones.

I should stock up on those!
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Yakult web site for USA

Post by faith59 »

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Post by Sammy »

Yup Yakult is definately working.
i know its dairy, thats why i was afraid to try it at first. but i wasnt getting better even tho i hadnt had dairy for months, so i thought what the hell. i dont find the yakult sticks to my mouth and breath the way milk does. plus i remember reading somewhere that they did a study on people who ate yogurt every day against those who didnt and the ones who did had fresher breath :)

An update on today (exactly a week from starting)... feeling great, absolutely no taste in my mouth and all self breath checks pass.

I really hope it works for u guys too!
but either way it will be good for you.
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Post by ithurts »

Hey Sammy.. Where did you order 'inner health plus' from? I'm from the US and it looks like none are sold here.. I just ordered some from New Zealand. I'll will pick up some 'Yakult.' tomorrow.
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Post by fedenon »

hi, sammy, how much probiotics (lactob and bidif) you take for day, in billions?
i dont speak english...
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Post by viva »

I'm a total newbee too on this forum.
I actually too have good results with probiotics.Got rid of sour taste in the mouth.
For the last 4 days I take 4 millon 3 times a day. which is 2 tablets each time.I use Acidofilus and Probiotic complex from Trader Joe's US retailer
I guess the more bacteria the better.
Whats also important I stopped eating sugers,only in fruits. and ithelps too.
When i take something sweet eg candy i feel sour taste instantly.Prbably of yeast problem,where suger acts as a fuel.

Try this and tell your opinion.
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Post by viva »

If it's hard to find probiotics in Argentina over the counter,probably there are some for prescribtion.Ask your doctor.If not natural yougurts is a good option as well as ordering on-line.
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Post by Sammy »

Hey Ithurts:
Im from Australia so i got mine locally.

Hey Fedenon:
There is 25 billion good bacteria per capsule:
12.5 billion Lactobacillus Acidphilus
12.5 billion Bifidobacterium Lactis
67mg Colostrum
I take 1 capsule a day,
You can order probiotics online if you cant get them in Argentina

Hey viva:
hows ur bb now? do you think there is a strong correlation with taste and odor? my taste is completely gone which is great bc it used to be my constant reminder about my bb. Now sometimes i just completely forget about it, but im not sure the smell has completely gone.
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Post by DRASTIC »

Hi Sammy,

Any real success withe the acidophilus so far.

Do you still get reactions as before? If so how often when talking to people?

Anyone else who had real success with probiotics.

I have started on acidophilus 3 days now. I havent noticed any change yet but my stomach looks flatter. I am very slim but always has a bloated belly that looks like I am pregnant even though I am not. Maybe the acidophilus can help with bloated belly as well.

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Post by Archimonde »

DRASTIC wrote: I am very slim but always has a bloated belly that looks like I am pregnant even though I am not.
I have that symptom too, i'm 5'9 .. 145 pounds! quite skinny, yet my belly is very bloated, it's scary. Keep taking probiotics, i believe there's a link between bb and bloated stomach, we are not the only one with that symptom.
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