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Interesting things

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Interesting things

Post by Ihatemylife »

1.Saliva is known to clean your mouth but in my case the saliva itself smell bad.

2.Chewing Gum (sugarless) even those special for bad breath such as Winterfresh Extreme Arctic....don't help even for 1 min and make my tongue whiter and I feel a hot sensation in the mouth after finishing to chew.

3.Baking Soda will mask your bb if U have bad breath from mouth but 97% of chronic halitosis people don't have that problem.

4.Parsley,green tea,cinnamon,citrus fruits etc won't help even for like 1 min.

5.Did you know taking vit C (ascorbic acid) from suplements is not good?If U want to try the high vitamin C intake (although I am 99.9% sure it wont work) then take the intake eating lots and lots of fruits containing vit C.
Kiwi for example is a Vit C bomb,also is recommendet : Orange,Cantaloupe,Papaya,Strawberries

6.Adding a ton of spray on you it's probably the only temporary mask there exist for all bb.Even if it wont cure your bb it will basically be stronger altough hes effect will be in max 1 hour conquered by your bb.

7."cures" like OraMd and others like this will work only for the 3% of the CBB(chronic bad breath) which has the bb from the mouth.

8.Most chronic halitosis people if they don't see someone sniffing they will think that they are cured by a method?Cause all theyre life they saw people sniffing and walking away from them.

9.There is currently no cure for CBB(chronic bad breath) and probably never will.And I don't talk about the people with like getting a tooth out and MIRACLE.

I think that death is not a bad sollution at all.If I'm to choose to live like this or to die I would take the second option (I even thought of a few ways to s*****e).I am currently fighting but till a point to where I can't fight anymore.
What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.
If U have something to add maybe some more temporary methods but that U are 100% sure will work or other things ...

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Post by Archimonde »

How depressing and true.
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Post by halitosisux »

On point 1...

You say that your saliva itself smells bad.
Is this before your saliva comes into contact with the rest of your mouth or after? If its after then you are a TWIT. If its before and your saliva smells bad and hasnt come into contact with the rest of your mouth, it might indicate a that a systemic/metabolic/blood-borne reason might be responsible.
It could also indicate infection of the saliva glands and/or ducts. Try asking your doctor if there's any saliva tests you can have done, liver tests, thyroid tests etc. I'm presuming you havent already done so, otherwise you would have mentioned it.

If your saliva smells bad then stop wasting your time adding to the feeling of despair on here and going on about remedies that most people know dont do anything, and find out WHY it smells bad.
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Post by Hank »

I hate my life,

Share your story. Might help to talk. This problem affects all of us. I've had very dark thoughts like you because of this problem. And am daily frustrated and angry about it. But somehow have figured out a way to be positive and to keep fighting.

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Post by sandy »

Ihatemylife- Trust me I dont like my life either with this embarasing CBB but we all have to stay positive so we all can figure the cure. My saliva smells too, tryed everything, nothing works. I'm waiting this order from ebay the led dental curing light & see if this works for me..praying it does.I know my problem is from my gums & i think your problem is from the gums too cause salive that smells,coating on tounge cause there is no oxygen in my mouth were it cant clean itself cause the infection ...that to me makes sense.Listen just hang 4 pk juicy fruit gum like i do & pop in your mouth once in awhile when the flavour goes, that is pretty much what i been doing..just hang on .If this dental led curing light doesnt work than I going right to the source having laser surgery that i know for shr it will kill those mother @$#%%#% black pigmented bacteria.I dont have much money I have to use my credit card for that,thats probly my only option until somrthing comes up. Look at the postive.
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Post by TheStruggle »

Didn't mean to bump this topic but I also have an odor in my saliva. But I think the odor only comes on with contact with my tongue. I've found this out from taking a swab of saliva from the inside of my cheek compared to saliva right off my tongue. The odor from the saliva off my tongue is way stronger than from my inside cheek. My tongue is covered with a white coating pretty much every morning and thats when the saliva odor is the strongest. I'm having stomach problems at the moment so I'm pretty sure that is the main odor creator. I went to the dentist last friday and got a few tooth sealings, so other than that I don't think my teeth are the root of the problem. The smell is almost like an old foul Cinnamon smell. Sometimes when I sneeze, I smell the same odor, so with me having nasal odor, I wonder if the odor coming from my nose is connected with the odor from my tongue. Just a quick hypothesis. :idea:
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