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Informal Survey: Family Members With Bad Breath?

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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Informal Survey: Family Members With Bad Breath?

Post by Phantasist »

How many forum members have family members who also have or had bad breath? (Mothers, fathers, siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins)
I know this would not be scientific evidence, but I'm very curious to know if BB runs in families.

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Post by hope10 »

No one in my family..just me!!!!
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Post by john »

here the same, just me.
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Post by caramiamine98 »

Nobody in my family has any history of BB except for me. My father occasionally has coffee breath but that doesn’t count.
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Post by halitosisux »

Even if millions of people replied to this, what's it going to prove? I can understand if BB was extremely rare - but it isnt. The prevalence of BB is too high to make any sense out of the replies.

Even if we asked whether any family members have the exact same smelling and type of BB, it still doesnt tell us much because most BB is caused by the same mechanisms.
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Post by meowkity1 »

my lil sister is getting it Iv told her to scrape her tongue and I smelled it recently I aske d her if shes ben doing what I said, and she said she forgot.
My lil one 3 also has a coating forming, I took him to doc and they said it was normal but gave me nistatin becuase I insoisted . Im almost obsessed with t his thing. My mom smokes her whle life never smelled it.
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Post by Phantasist »

I don't expect millions of people to reply to this post. I only expected maybe 20 or 30.
If I remember correctly, you mentioned that your mother had BB. My mother had it also, and several forum members have mentioned that their mothers or fathers had it. I am just trying to find out if BB runs in families. I think it's worth investigating. You have done a lot of research on this subject, especially in the area of chemical substances and reactions. I know that from your questions to Aydin Murat. I don't know why you shy away from this particular area.
Also, when you say that most bad breath is caused by the same mechanism, we have to distinguish between mechanism and underlying cause. Some of the causes are known because they can be diagnosed, they are apparent, such as your wisdom tooth. But there are many people with bad breath where the cause for the microfloral imbalance in their mouths cannot be determined. This is where sufferers are told by dentists and doctors that everything is fine, but they always have bad breath. This is what I mean by UNKNOWN CAUSES. Of course there is a reason. There is a reason for everything in this universe, but we don't always know what the reason is.
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Post by halitosisux »

Phantasist, I appreciate that there may well be as yet unknown causes of BB. But how much use is such a question when its impossible to differentiate between hereditary/non-hereditary & known/unknown causes. It would be hard enough in a scientific setting, let alone in a forum where half the people are not even certain that they even have BB.

That's the only point I tried to make.

Yes its worth investigating, in the right settings, but on here all its likely to achieve is creating more myth and more confusion - and there's no shortage of that.

Also, please explain what area I'm shying away from exactly? I get involved in just about every discussion there is on here, to the point of obvious and understandable irritation at times. So please forgive me if I appear to be shying from this one particular area you happen to be participating in.

Until last year, I'd only ever known myself as a person with this dreaded curse. I know how deep-seated this problem can feel after years of trying and becoming ever more negative and despairing - but NOBODY on here can say they've tried everything there is to try or investigate everything there is to investigate. So just because there are people who havent yet found a cause for their BB, that doesnt mean that there has to be a cause other than what is already fully understood about this problem.

Saying all that, I'm not trying to stifle yours or anyone else's efforts to try to probe and investigate the unknown areas. That may well be where the answers lie for some. I'm simply trying to be constructive in my criticisms (as always) and I wish you wouldnt reply to me as though I wasnt.
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Post by Phantasist »

I see that one of my posts has once again provoked a chastising response. This has happened several times before, and I think I know why. I could of course defend myself, but I won't. It wouldn't serve much of a purpose. So I will just accept it.
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Post by appletree »

My dad has it and I think its hereditary. Out of nine kids I'm the only poor lonely one that has it. They even gave me a nickname. "stinky" They still call me this up to this day. I have been waiting for the day to breath into their face and say what, I don't smell anymore.

see my other post about a possible cure

I have the same problem. Everything I used was only cleaning the outside and not in the area where the bad breath came from. I discovered that lime juice will stop the bacteria and you can swallow lime juice so it gets to the infected area.

Allergy shots didn't work for me. I had sinus surgery which didn't work either. I had my stomach tied because I thought it was due to reflux. I have five scars on my stomach to remind me everyday.

I had bad breath for over 30 years also. I have tried every product and procedure known to man. Just recently I spent 1K on the perioprotect system; didn’t work. I tried something new on Tuesday and the results have been very good so far. Squeeze a couple of lime and pour into a small bottle. After brushing and flossing, tip your head back and pour a small amount of lime juice onto the back of your throat and gargle without touching your teeth. I say this because the lime juice will make your teeth really sensitive. My problem has always been bad breath due to post nasal drip. My tongue was always white and yellow. I do this every two hours and on the 3rd day my tongue has been pink/red and I don’t feel uncomfortable around people.
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Post by hopelessone »

just me. it's the pits. NOBODY i know has bb. :(
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Post by halitosisux »

appletree, I dont think PND is the kind of hereditary cause being referred to here. Obviously, there might be hereditary reasons why a person might have PND, but by hereditary I think we're referring to abnormalities in saliva, for example, that might normally be preventing BB in BB-free people, but are defective or missing in those with excessive bacterial activity.

As a matter of fact, clear odourless PND does not itself cause BB, though its likely to exacerbate any other underlying cause. If its coloured and infected or itself smells, then obviously it can lead to the dorsum of the tongue smelling bad.
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Post by Phantasist »

For once I'm in agreement with Halitosisux!!! How did that happen? Now I have to rethink my whole theory (LOL).
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Post by halitosisux »

LOL, hey I was never totally disagreeing with you on this. I could have just agreed with you, but I think we learn a lot by debating the things which are beyond our means of finding out for ourselves than just agreeing and then finding ourselves stuck with just a theory.
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Post by caramiamine98 »

I forgot to mention that my situation does not appear to be genetic so I’m just hoping and praying that my child does not develop this. She sometimes has BB but only when she forgets to brush her teeth.
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