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I' m getting rid of these nasty tonsils today

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I' m getting rid of these nasty tonsils today

Post by tiredofcrying »

Well I'm getting rid of these nasty tonsils today. I was a little scared but then the other week I got a cold and I had so much thick mucus just hanging in the back on my throat and it tasted nasty and I could smell it. So now I'm looking forward to it. I pray and hope this is my cure. It's been 10 yrs since I started having bb and it has totally changed me in everyway. People think I'm stuck up because I don't like to talk when that is so not true. I'm just ready to get back to the old me again. I'll let you guys know if it helped once I'm all healed. Talk to ya soon!

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Post by halitosisux »

Good luck, this is always a big step to take, its apparently been enough to cure some people, but I just hope anyone also considering this has ensured they've gone through every other possibility.

Its very difficult to ignore the tonsils when so much smell seems to come from them, so I know what you are feeling.
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Post by tiredofcrying »

Thanks! Well its not too bad at the moment. But I have a high pain tolerance. The dr said I had the biggest tonsils he has ever seen on adult. And they were scared very bad. I haven't been able to breathe thru my nose for yrs and all wk I have been stopped up and I can breathe thru my nose with no problem right now. I couldn't brush my teeth this morning and my mouth was feeling so nasty right before surgury and when I woke up the nasty feeling and taste was gone. Wish me luck that the rest of my recovery goes pretty smooth.
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Post by KeepTrying09 »

Hey tiredofcrying,

Good luck with your recovery! Hehe, enjoy eating all the ice cream while you can!!! On second thought, maybe you should go for yogurt instead. :)

Let us know how it goes. :D
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Post by tiredofcrying »

Well I'm 11 days post op and I'm eating a reg diet now. Pain wasn't too bad. My tongue is pinker and I don't have that nasty taste in my mouth as I had before the surgery and I'm not totally healed yet. I'm not snoring anymore and my nose is so clear no constant congestion anymore. No bad reaction from ppl today when I went to the store and to the beauty shop.
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Post by findacure »

tiredofcrying wrote:Well I'm 11 days post op and I'm eating a reg diet now. Pain wasn't too bad. My tongue is pinker and I don't have that nasty taste in my mouth as I had before the surgery and I'm not totally healed yet. I'm not snoring anymore and my nose is so clear no constant congestion anymore. No bad reaction from ppl today when I went to the store and to the beauty shop.
I hope its your cure.

I had my tonsils out, but it made no difference.

But it get rid of those nasty tonsil stones.

Good Luck x
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Post by danger »

she has not been back on since. i wonder if she was cured
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