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Tell us your story with bad breath
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Post by coconuthead »

So, Tuesday I was sitting outside waiting for my ride, I'm a freshman in college, and this guy I like actually comes down and sits by me and starts chatting. He asked me my name, and I usually speak with my hand to my mouth to keep the smell from traveling. I told him my name, with the my hand by my mouth of course, and I was happy because he didn't react. I knew that he didn't smell anything. He asked me my major and blah, blah, blah and then said "why do you have your hand by your mouth? Move your hand. You don't have to be shy."

I shook my head, saying no, and he laughed and said "I understand". (He's still thinking I'm really shy) Then he asked me why I was sitting outside and, with my hand still by my mouth, I said "I'm waiting for my ride". As I was saying that he pulled my hand away from my mouth and uh oh!!!! He paused and look at me then looked down at my mouth. I knew right then that he had smelled my breath.

After that, he said "oh I'm late for my class, I'll talk to you later". I knew that he was lying. He had only left because he smelled the horrible stench. Thursday, I saw him while I was on my way to class. It's like he didn't give a damn whether I heard or not, because he said to his friends "That girl is cute but her breath smells like shit". Then his friends started laughing.

It was so embarassing. Damn it, I hate bad breath. If I had one wish I wouldn't wish for money, success, or fame. I'd wish be to live completely free of this forever. I hope to be cured. I hope one day we are all cured and free from the hell!

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Post by badbreath0202 »

I'm so sorry.

A similar thing happened to me, except I'm a guy. I got real close to this girl whilst in a club and she seemed to like me, then she turned to her friends and said "his breath STINKS!". I left and carried on dancing, I was so drunk so it didn't matter.

Read my thread below yours, it might help.
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Post by mike987 »


This life-taking problem needs a solution.. I feel for you guys...
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Post by compor »

Sorry coconuthead :(

There is nothing much to say really, it sucks. I am not talking to anyone at work (not even considering being anywhere close to a girl that I am attracted to), not sure why haven't they fired this weirdo yet. Online games help me relax, I can communicate freely while playing (via Skype mostly).
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Post by mike987 »

A friend of mine and his wife want to introduce me to a girl from the wife's workplace..

I manage to actually hold conversations with people by standing across the room while talking or by speaking and looking in a direction other than the person, like say, if you were walking along with someone....

Now I'm suppose to meet this person in a cafe, for coffee or lunch.
For one, I don't eat out.. I eat the same things every single day, and never from a restaurant.. It's troubling to think about how I'm going to eat in a restaurant without stopping at a grocery store first..

Next, I can't fathom sitting at a small table, sitting directly across from a girl, and making conversation with her for the first time... Scares the hell out of me. I mean, I really don't think that's an option. Breath will not only be present at that distance, but it'll be compounded by nervousness! GAH!
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Post by Phantasist »


Here is what I do to temporarily suppress my breath odor:

I am not enamored of Dr. Katz's products because I tried his whole regimen several years ago and it didn't work for me. Besides, everyone on this website thinks Katz is a scammer, which he probably is. However, two of his products seem to greatly diminish my bad breath for several hours.
After regular brushing and tongue scraping with a U-shaped copper scraper that reaches all the way back, I bend my head down and vigorously clear the mucus out of my throat. (I think the stale mucus is a breeding ground for bacteria.) Then I brush my tongue (as far back as possible) with TheraBreath Plus toothpaste with OXYD-8 and Zinc Rx and then rinse with TheraBreath Plus Oral Rinse with OXYD-8 and Zinc Rx. This is not a cure for bad breath because the odor always comes back, but it is a great help to me in most situations where I have to be fairly close to people, such as meetings.
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Post by mike987 »

Haven't tried those... I did try Smartmouth though... Ordered a huge pack out of desperation when moving to this country, though it didn't help me before...

didn't seem to do shit.. I was getting real reactions 20min after using it.

Is there a food that neutralizes the sense of smell?
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Post by Phantasist »


I'm no expert on food, but in general I find that anything that is sweet (candies, pastries, softdrinks) makes my breath odor worse. Vegetables and apples (pectin) makes it better.
Coffee makes it worse, although I can't stop drinking it. Beer also makes my breath worse ( I drink beer every day). Wine also makes my breath worse, but I only drink it once in a while. Oddly enough when I have a scotch and soda, it seems to diminish my breath odor. Many times I have been in a bar having a scotch and soda and conversing with the person sitting on the next barstool and not getting a reaction. Strange, isn't it?
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Post by CNS »

I bought Dr Katz's therabreath toothpaste as well and while I don't feel much difference when using it to brush teeth, I think it's really quite good for brushing the tongue as compared to normal toothpaste. I can actually get my tongue to be close to pink colour but of course the tongue coating eventually returns after a few hours :(

I think it's due to the acidic and alkaline properties of food & drinks that affect how coated our tongue will be. Acidic drinks like coffee and tea definitely coats my tongue but lemon juice (alkaline) doesn't. I don't know what this means though.. maybe our saliva is too acidic and we need more alkaline food & drinks to neutralise it?
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Post by exume »

i heard the breath smell like shit many times n0w i d0nt even care [-(
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Post by Debbykakz »

8-[ Girl I've been there to, keep ya head up! The last boyfriend I had (sigh there haven't been to many) also had BB issues so there wasn't any surprises when we spoke to each other. His immaturity and my unwillingness to settle for it, ending the relationship but never give up, because believe me when I say there's someone out there for everybody. And if there are any fellas reading this who are looking, feel free to respond! :-P
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Post by TXMike »

I have a feeling Debby's inbox is going to be overflowing.
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