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About lufenuron

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About lufenuron

Post by Cauterize »

Please people out there do not rely on lufenuron only.Hit candida with every way you can.I've noticed zero bad breath while on lufenuron from the third dose but then it came back,again.Candida is not so easy to get rid off and you if you do it might come back.Hit it with every weapon you got don't rely on lufenuron alone.Pay attention to what sadgirlbb said in her topic.She used lufenuron,tea tree oil,and some other stuff,thats why she is bb free till today,besides from lufenuron she still uses tea tree oil every time she brushes her teeth as a routine.In other words you will waste your money if you go lufenuron only,just like i did.About my breath status I'm badbreath free for a while now because i use gse and tea tree oil while i brush my teeth.

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Post by halitosisux »

Your're just kidding yourself. If candida is so hard to get rid of, why is it that people with candidiasis around various parts of their body easily get rid of it with antifungal medication?

KeepTrying09 was found to have esophegal candidiasis. He was prescribed fluconazole by his doctors and it cleared it up. Oral thrush - a few days of Nystatin easily clears it.

In most cases of candidiasis, if it's possible to remove whatever it is that gave it the opportunity to overgrow in the first place (antibiotics, certain medications, certain illness, certain practices) the body's natural defenses take care of it.

Everything else we hear about candida is pseudo-science. The internet is full of crackpots trying to sell books and nonsense to make money out of vulnerable people.

The chances are that most people on here who are taking lufenuron (and other antifungal measures) are getting improvement because while they are doing so their tongue coating is reduced. Does this mean they "have candida"? No it doesn't. Does it mean they have some unknown issue which allows the microorganisms in their mouth to overgrow? Probably
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Post by jen »

I tend to agree with HS. I had a yeast infection three years ago. Following the candida diet made my breath worse (because of no carbs) and anyway, the diet is impossible to follow longterm as the internet sources advised.

I used all kinds of antifungals and these put enormous strain on my liver. But to no avail. I still could not get rid of the infection. Then the dr prescribed anti-fungal tablets (I can't remember the name) and it wasn't long before the infection disappeared. It hasn't returned since.

What bothered me a lot, was seeing how many of those sites duplicate each other AND how people ingested anti-fungals that are poisonous and not meant to be taking internally. They may develop serious liver damage (and whatever else).
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Post by clara0 »

I tried almost all the stuff suggested by different people in this website and elsewhere...from the simplest to the hardest, diets, drops tablets etc.
Many of them worked for me for a short time and it happened to me several times that I thought I was cured ...I was even about to post a title here that I was cured...but it came back...that is why I am so FU** disappointed. The only thing that I know for sure about my bb is that I have an infection that makes my throat,ears to burn and itch and to make my sinuses smell horrible and it cannot be cured by any of the remedies. :cry:
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