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How do test you BB

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......

Do you think you get same results when you talk to people less the 1 minute conservation.(75/12)

Poll ended at Thu Jul 19, 2007 7:46 pm

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How do test you BB

Post by mar11 »

How do you test your bb

I have spoken to 75 people last 2 weeks

And 12 of them touched their nose while I was speaking.

They did not hold they finger on nose, they just touched it briefly. Because the conservation lasted less than 1 minute.

What do you, think I know from the past that I Have BB(100%).
But I have made some changes in my lifestyle and I do not if the BB is Gone

Do you thing you get same results when you talk to people less the 1 minute conservation.

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Post by Busted »

If 12 of them touched their noses or had any other kind of reaction, then it's pretty certain that it is your breath. You can ask someone, but most people won't even take you seriously. Some will probably say no, to not hurt your feelings. Some say yes, but it isn't that bad.

- Touch their noses
- Turn their heads away from you the moment you say something to them
- Take a step backwards
- They hold their breath
- They cough
- They get blown backwards
- ...

I can't think of any other reactions I've gotten from other people, I think these are pretty much it. I have asked different people about if they smelled anything, but some of them which I'm really close to don't want to hurt my feelings it seems. While other unknown people seem to tell me about it without me asking them.
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Post by unsungzero7 »

that means 63/75 didn't touch their noses, i touch my nose sometimes during conversation even when the person doesn't have bb, so who knows
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Post by hungrygirl »

when im concentrating i actually hold my nose and not breath at all, that must confuse some people and it means nothing
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Post by austuser »

i walk up to my brother and go HHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR

he punches me in the gut.
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Post by Busted »

I didn't read your post very well. I thought you talked to 12 people and 12 of them touched their noses; but apparently u spoke to 75. I can't believe u kept that up lol.

What u need to do here is focus on when exactly your opening your mouth and saying something. If at that moment u get some sort of reaction, and like I said they do more than just touching their noses, U have to keep that up. If u hold a one minute conversation, u must at least say more than one sentence or word.

It's true what some people here are saying, it could be pure coincedence that they touch their noses for another reason than your breath. But some peole seem to get really give u exaggerated reactions such as turning their heads away from you, taking step backwards and sometimes even cough. Well maybe it's not exaggerated, maybe it's really that bad, but who knows. You need to focus on this more often. I can give u a hint though: When they smell your breath at the moment u say something, they usually have a disgusted look on their face. Also it seems to scare them at the moment they smell it, becuase they don't expect it.
A better test would be something like this for instance:

Person 1:
Touched nose 3 times, Said 3 things to him/her. That would be a 3/3

Person 2:
No reactions at all, said 5 things to him/her. That would be a 0/5

Person 3:
Reacted to breath by turning his head away for a few seconds and did this 3 times, said 5 things to him/her. That would be a 3/5

With "things" I mean the times you open your mouth and say something

Actually this is pretty pointless I mean the reason why you're here is to find a cure right, because you know you have a halitosis problem? Not to test wether you have bad breath? Cause I take it someone in the past might have told you about your bb problem? I don't think I would have known about it if someone never told me about it in the past.
Last edited by Busted on Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by elliott »

look for people to close their lips tightly when you are talking. Thats what people do when they already know your breath stinks, but they have no choice but to talk to you (work). Some people would rather smell it rather then let it enter their mouth.

He one girl just pulled her shirt over her nose!

80% of people touch their nose, or when finished talking they leave very quickly.

Some people are ready. They hold their nose before you say hi!

Poor people just can't take it.

I guess I would do the same thing if I walked thru a landfill zone.
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Post by Busted »

elliott wrote:look for people to close their lips tightly when you are talking. Thats what people do when they already know your breath stinks, but they have no choice but to talk to you (work). Some people would rather smell it rather then let it enter their mouth.

He one girl just pulled her shirt over her nose!

80% of people touch their nose, or when finished talking they leave very quickly.

Some people are ready. They hold their nose before you say hi!

Poor people just can't take it.

I guess I would do the same thing if I walked thru a landfill zone.
I also found that if u ask someone a question they would actually wait a couple of sec. until they don't smell it anymore and then answer your question.

Like "hey what is your name?". They answer "yea, ahem..(waits 2 sec)I'm adam". It's hard to describe actually, you have to really see it with your eyes.
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Post by waitingforrelief »

on my part i don't need to "test" whether i have bb or not. i know i have it and it has been confirmed by others.

but i can totally relate to all these different reactions. i have smelled other's bb and when it's "my" kind or the chronic kind, it stays in the air for a while and you can smell it even when the other person doesn't talk to you directly. even when they're next to you, it's still just as pungent.

i've been more congested lately and sometimes i have more trouble smelling my own odor. but other than that, i usually can smell myself quite well. not just catching a whiff here and there when i don't intend to, but also when i breathe out thru' my mouth. sometimes i wonder how bad it really is when i can smell it on my own.

i totally undersatnd that delayed response that people give you after you speak. and how they literally look like they're scared or something because it's such a strange and bad odor. i have had people whom i work with who'd be prepared to come with gum in their mouths after they realized that there's always this odor issue with me. (before they noticed, they didn't chew gum. and after a few awkward encounters, they'd always come with gum already in their mouth before they have to see me.)
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Post by KC »

when I talk to my clients, 99% will close their lips tightly which I will do too when I smell other people's bo or bb or staying in a very stinky public toilet. It can help me to hold the breath but at the same time looks like not hurting people lol. Some will have very deep breath after I talk. Some will go to open the window or roll up and down the window when I'm in the car. Some will suddenly look like frozen after I talk. Before I quit to work in office, there are always some people ask me use mouthrinse, shut up when I have lunch with them, or tell me my mouth stink. I always go to see doctors and dentists before I quit my office life coz they are the only people say I dun have bb.
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