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Acid Reflux thread number 231143534

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Acid Reflux thread number 231143534

Post by ThisSucks »

Today I was sitting in the bus and an Asian man came sitting next to me. He smelled out of his mouth, BUT......It was just stomach acid smell. So I knew this guy has Acid Reflux.

But what if his stomach smelled like sh*t instead of....stomach acid? Then he would have a fart smell like most of us.

I think most people's stomachs here smell like sh*t. And when the Cardia opens up from time to time, the odor goes up to the mouth. Maybe that is the reason why we have a on/off mouth odor.

Anyways to investigate this further, I went to my doctor and I
told him I had acid reflux and I wanted him to refer me to a gastroentrologist. He did some tests and said that I might have the H Pylori bacteria without me mentoning it (F**K YEAH!)

So in the beginning of August I am gonna get an biopsy and talk with the gastroentrologist about my halitosis.

H Pylori is for alotta people on other sites the cause of shit breath.

And don't rule out acid reflux. You might have it without you even knowing it. Acid Reflux doesn't have to hurt necessarily!

You will hear from me regarding this matter after the test

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Joined: Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:33 pm
Location: Los Angeles, US

Post by HigherThoughts »

Good to see you have found a potential cause for your bad breath. I am still trying to figure out what my problem is. Working on it 1 step at a time. Let us know how it goes for you.
Posts: 792
Joined: Sun Jan 21, 2007 2:51 pm

Post by elliott »

I suspect by acid breath you mean "vomit" breath. Very strong after meals.

To me, "shit" would be hours after initial stages of digestion, sitting around or after waking up.

You know, I'd imagine that some of us here probably have a bit of both, and some have the area filling old sock, smoke, chemical rancid cloud as well. The weird on/off "smoke" cloud type of air is what bothers me these days. Like when you just stand up and something just emits. It's one thing when you talk and there's a smell. But when your just moving around and gases just start emanating from any open orifice, you're at another level.
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