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The Liver and breath odor

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by curious13 »

Hey Grizzle I can relate with the heavy drinking on the weekends and bad memory. I've probably been weekend "binge drinking" for about 10 years. Yes I like beer but hate feeling bad at work, so I save the drink time for the weekends. Once I pop, I don't stop.

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Post by Archimonde »

whenever i drink alcool, my mouth becomes completely dry, no other food has such a severe effect, it's like my body stops producing saliva. That's the only reason i rarely touch alcool otherwise i'd probably drink every day, i'd be fat too instead of skinny. I suppose there's a few upsides to this damn disease.
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Post by ElGrizzle »

There is also another reason alcohol causes bad breath, and that is due to yeast. That is when you will notice BB get progressively worse through the night. Does anyone have this?
I find that it actually temporarily improves the taste in my mouth, only to find out I have a stronger odor exuding from my lungs for a good week afterward.
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Post by Bishop »

iva wrote:ELGrizzle,

maybe an intricate connection between the liver disfynction and halitosis exists in theory.
I do not think all of us should waste time and energy in researching such compicated theories.
Our problem has a much more simple cause - the activity of bacteria.
Each of us has to find out for himself ( we have all seen doctors cannot do ti since halitosis is an interdisciplinary disease) what causes this bacterial activity.
For some it may be PND. For me it has been LPR (I hope I have fixed it).For others it may be the tonsils. Others may have periodontal disease.
No Iva it's not as simple as that. Most of the problems you have listed can be a aftermath of a deeper problem. To believe what Elgrizzle is saying, try to find out of the functions of the liver. A bad liver can lead to an early periodontal disease because the liver is not getting rid of all the toxins (bacterias included) in your body. [/b]
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Post by iva »

I can`t disagree with u. Everything in our bodies is connected and functions as a whole.
But if u have been following the forum for a long time u must have noticed that most of the people are 'healthy" and no obviuos reason for their bb can be found. U must be really sick to have a non functioning liver and if u do, u will know it for sure because there will be other indications for that problem.
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